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Created September 25, 2015 20:58
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'actualizator' AS comment_type,
wo.ID AS workorder_id,
comments.ID AS id,
comments.Comments AS comment,
comments.Date AS DATE,
author.ID AS author_id,
author.FullName AS author_fullname
FROM WorkOrderActualizatorComments AS comments
INNER JOIN WorkOrderActualizator AS actualizator ON comments.WorkOrderActualizatorId = actualizator.Id
INNER JOIN WorkOrder AS wo ON wo.ID = actualizator.WorkOrderID
INNER JOIN "User" AS author ON actualizator.ActualizatorID = author.ID
'coordinator' AS comment_type,
wo.ID AS workorder_id,
comments.ID AS id,
comments.Comments AS comment,
comments.Date AS DATE,
author.ID AS author_id,
author.FullName AS author_fullname
FROM WorkOrderCoordinatorComments AS comments
INNER JOIN WorkOrderCoordinator AS coordinator ON comments.WorkOrderCoordinatorId = coordinator.Id
INNER JOIN WorkOrder AS wo ON wo.ID = coordinator.WorkOrderID
INNER JOIN "User" AS author ON coordinator.CoordinatorID = author.ID
'executor' AS comment_type,
wo.ID AS workorder_id,
comments.ID AS id,
comments.Comments AS comment,
comments.Date AS DATE,
author.ID AS author_id,
author.FullName AS author_fullname
FROM WorkOrderExecutorComments AS comments
INNER JOIN WorkOrderExecutor AS executor ON comments.WorkOrderExecutorId = executor.Id
INNER JOIN WorkOrder AS wo ON wo.ID = executor.WorkOrderID
INNER JOIN "User" AS author ON executor.ExecutorID = author.ID
'visator' AS comment_type,
wo.ID AS workorder_id,
comments.ID AS id,
comments.Comments AS comment,
comments.Date AS date,
author.ID AS author_id,
author.FullName AS author_fullname
FROM WorkOrderVisatorComments AS comments
INNER JOIN WorkOrderVisator AS visator ON comments.WorkOrderVisatorId = visator.Id
INNER JOIN WorkOrder AS wo ON wo.ID = visator.WorkOrderID
INNER JOIN "User" AS author ON comments.VisatorID = author.ID
'validator' AS comment_type,
wo.ID AS workorder_id,
comments.ID AS id,
comments.Comments AS comment,
comments.Date AS date,
author.ID AS author_id,
author.FullName AS author_fullname
FROM WorkOrderValidatorComments AS comments
INNER JOIN WorkOrderValidator AS validator ON comments.WorkOrderValidatorId = validator.Id
INNER JOIN WorkOrder AS wo ON wo.ID = validator.WorkOrderID
INNER JOIN "User" AS author ON validator.ValidatorID = author.ID
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