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Last active February 16, 2017 07:41
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using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ProGaudi.Tarantool.Client;
using ProGaudi.Tarantool.Client.Model;
using ProGaudi.Tarantool.Client.Model.Enums;
using ProGaudi.Tarantool.Client.Model.Responses;
namespace ConsoleApp.NonProduction
public static class TarantoolExtensions
public static BoxWrapper Wrap(this Box box)
return new BoxWrapper(box);
public class BoxWrapper
private Box _box;
private ISchema _schema;
private Dictionary<string, SpaceWrapper> _spaces;
public BoxWrapper(Box box)
_box = box;
_spaces = new Dictionary<string, SpaceWrapper>();
internal ISchema GetSchema()
if (_schema != null) return _schema;
_schema = _box.GetSchema();
return _schema;
public SpaceWrapper Space(string name)
SpaceWrapper spaceWrapper = null;
if (!_spaces.TryGetValue(name, out spaceWrapper))
spaceWrapper = new SpaceWrapper(this, name);
_spaces.Add(name, spaceWrapper);
return spaceWrapper;
public class SpaceWrapper
private ISpace _space;
private BoxWrapper _boxWrapper;
private Dictionary<string, IndexWrapper> _indexes;
public string Name { get; private set; }
public SpaceWrapper(BoxWrapper boxWrapper, string name)
_boxWrapper = boxWrapper;
_indexes = new Dictionary<string, IndexWrapper>();
Name = name;
internal async Task<ISpace> GetSpace()
if (_space != null) return _space;
_space = await _boxWrapper.GetSchema().GetSpace(Name);
return _space;
public IndexWrapper Index(string name)
IndexWrapper indexWrapper = null;
if (!_indexes.TryGetValue(name, out indexWrapper))
indexWrapper = new IndexWrapper(this, name);
_indexes.Add(name, indexWrapper);
return indexWrapper;
public class IndexWrapper
private IIndex _index;
private SpaceWrapper _spaceWrapper;
public string Name { get; private set; }
public IndexWrapper(SpaceWrapper spaceWrapper, string name)
_spaceWrapper = spaceWrapper;
Name = name;
internal async Task<IIndex> GetIndex()
if (_index != null) return _index;
var space = await _spaceWrapper.GetSpace();
_index = await space.GetIndex(Name);
return _index;
public async Task<T[]> Select<T>(object key = null, Iterator iterator = Iterator.Eq, uint limit = uint.MaxValue, uint offset = 0)
where T : class
var selectOptions = new SelectOptions
Iterator = iterator,
Limit = limit,
Offset = offset
return await Select<T>(key, selectOptions);
public async Task<T[]> Select<T>(object key, SelectOptions selectOptions)
where T : class
selectOptions = selectOptions ?? new SelectOptions();
if (key == null)
var props = TarantoolHelper.GetProperties(typeof(T));
var indexType = props[0].PropertyType;
if (TarantoolHelper.IsNumericType(indexType))
key = -1L;
key = String.Empty;
selectOptions.Iterator = Iterator.All;
var keyTuple = key as ITarantoolTuple;
if (keyTuple == null)
var keyType = key.GetType();
var tupleType = typeof(TarantoolTuple<>).MakeGenericType(new[] { keyType });
keyTuple = (ITarantoolTuple)Activator.CreateInstance(tupleType, new object[] { key });
var index = await GetIndex();
var retValue = await TarantoolHelper.Select<T>(index, keyTuple, selectOptions);
return retValue;
public static class TarantoolHelper
public static async Task<T[]> Select<T>(IIndex index,
object key, SelectOptions selectOptions = null)
where T : class
if (selectOptions == null)
selectOptions = new SelectOptions { Iterator = Iterator.All };
var props = GetProperties(typeof(T));
var tupleType = GetTarantoolTupleType(props);
var method = index.GetType().GetMethod("Select");
var genericMethod = method.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] {
key.GetType(), tupleType });
var task = genericMethod.Invoke(index, new object[] { key, selectOptions }) as Task;
var retValue = await ConvertResult<T>(task, tupleType, props);
return retValue.ToArray();
public static PropertyInfo[] GetProperties(Type type)
var typeInfo = type.GetTypeInfo();
var props = typeInfo.GetProperties();
return props;
public static Type GetTarantoolTupleType(PropertyInfo[] props)
Type type = null;
switch (props.Length)
case 1: type = typeof(TarantoolTuple<>); break;
case 2: type = typeof(TarantoolTuple<,>); break;
case 3: type = typeof(TarantoolTuple<,,>); break;
case 4: type = typeof(TarantoolTuple<,,,>); break;
case 5: type = typeof(TarantoolTuple<,,,,>); break;
case 6: type = typeof(TarantoolTuple<,,,,,>); break;
case 7: type = typeof(TarantoolTuple<,,,,,,>); break;
case 8: type = typeof(TarantoolTuple<,,,,,,,>); break;
var typeArgs = props.Select(c => c.PropertyType).ToArray();
var makeType = type.MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
return makeType;
public static async Task<List<T>> ConvertResult<T>(Task task, Type tupleType, PropertyInfo[] props)
await task;
var type = typeof(T);
var arrType = Array.CreateInstance(tupleType, 0).GetType();
var respType = typeof(DataResponse<>).MakeGenericType(new[] { arrType });
var taskType = typeof(Task<>).MakeGenericType(new[] { respType });
var result = taskType.GetProperty("Result").GetValue(task);
var data = respType.GetProperty("Data").GetValue(result);
List<T> retValue = new List<T>();
var arr = data as Array;
foreach (var elem in arr)
T obj = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
for (var i = 0; i < props.Length; i++)
var prop = props[i];
var val = tupleType.GetProperty("Item" + (i + 1)).GetValue(elem);
prop.SetValue(obj, Convert.ChangeType(val, prop.PropertyType), null);
return retValue;
public static bool IsNumericType(Type type)
switch (Type.GetTypeCode(type))
case TypeCode.Byte:
case TypeCode.SByte:
case TypeCode.UInt16:
case TypeCode.UInt32:
case TypeCode.UInt64:
case TypeCode.Int16:
case TypeCode.Int32:
case TypeCode.Int64:
case TypeCode.Decimal:
case TypeCode.Double:
case TypeCode.Single:
return true;
return false;
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