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Created February 6, 2021 16:01
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My shortcuts in Neovim
" => Leader nos permite hacer comandos con el espacio
let mapleader=" "
"Abrir ventaba horizontalmente
nmap <Leader>oj :split<CR>
"Abrir ventana verticalmente
nmap <Leader>ol :vsplit<CR>
nmap <Leader>w :w<CR>
nmap <Leader>q :q<CR>
"Recargar configuracion
nmap <Leader>rr :source %:p<CR>
"Nueva pestaña
nmap <Leader>ot :tabe
"Cerrar pestaña
nmap <Leader>ct :tabc<CR>
" =========> PLUGINS
" => FZF
"Busca archivos mediante FZF
map ; :Files<CR>
" Search lines
nmap <Leader>l :Lines<CR>
" List of buffers opened
nmap <Leader>ob :Buffers<CR>
" => easymotion
"Ejecuta el plugin easymotion
nmap <Leader>s <Plug>(easymotion-s2)
" => NERDTree
nmap <Leader>nt :NERDTree<CR>
map <c-n> :NERDTreeToggle<cr>
" => FloatTerm
nmap <Leader>t :FloatermNew --height=0.5 --width=0.6 --wintype=float --name=floaterm1 --autoclose=2<CR>
" => multiterm
" modo normal
nmap <F12> <Plug>(Multiterm)
" modo terminal
tmap <F12> <Plug>(Multiterm)
" modo insertar
imap <F12> <Plug>(Multiterm)
" modo visual
xmap <F12> <Plug>(Multiterm)
" => open sesion with tmux
nmap <Leader>os :Multiterm! tmux attach -t 0<CR>
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