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Last active January 29, 2024 04:35
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use std::collections::HashMap;
use strum_macros::Display;
/// EvalErr is returned by eval() if evaluation fails.
pub enum EvalErr {
WrongExpr { wanted: Expr, got: Expr },
WrongArity { wanted: usize, got: usize },
UnknownSymbol { symbol: String },
NotInvokable { got: Expr },
/// Env is used to resolve symbols while evaluating rules.
pub trait Env {
/// resolve will be invoked to resolve value for a symbol. Env
/// implementations are free to resolve using any approach (e.g.,
/// lookup table, external api call, etc.).
fn resolve(&self, symbol: &String) -> Option<Expr>;
/// An expression that can evaluated using eval().
#[derive(Debug, Display, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub enum Expr {
// Atoms - These evaluate to themselves.
Func(fn(env: &mut dyn Env, args: &[Expr]) -> Result<Expr, EvalErr>),
// Eval types - These require logic for evaluation.
/// Evaluates the given Expr and returns the result or error if any.
/// env will be used for resolving any symbols.
pub fn eval(env: &mut dyn Env, expr: &Expr) -> Result<Expr, EvalErr> {
impl Expr {
fn eval(&self, env: &mut dyn Env) -> Result<Expr, EvalErr> {
match self {
Self::List(list) => {
if list.len() == 0 {
return Ok(Self::Null);
let (first, rest) = list.split_first().unwrap();
let op = first.eval(env)?;
match op {
Expr::Func(func) => func(env, rest),
_ => Err(EvalErr::NotInvokable { got: op }),
Self::Symbol(sym) => match env.resolve(sym) {
Some(val) => Ok(val.clone()),
None => Err(EvalErr::UnknownSymbol {
symbol: sym.clone(),
_ => Ok(self.clone()),
/// Implements the Env trait using a immutable hash-map - So, only
/// supports resolving variables but not creating/updating.
pub struct StaticEnv<'a>(&'a HashMap<String, Expr>);
impl<'a> StaticEnv<'a> {
pub fn new(data: &'a HashMap<String, Expr>) -> Self {
impl<'a> Env for StaticEnv<'a> {
fn resolve(&self, symbol: &String) -> Option<Expr> {
match self.0.get(symbol) {
Some(val) => Some(val.clone()),
None => None,
use slurp_rs::eval::*;
use std::{collections::HashMap, f64::consts::PI};
use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};
fn criterion_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) {
let mut data = HashMap::new();
let sym_pi = "pi".to_string();
let sym_mul = "*".to_string();
data.insert(sym_pi.clone(), Expr::Float64(PI));
Expr::Func(|env, args| {
if args.len() == 0 {
return Err(EvalErr::WrongArity { wanted: 1, got: 0 });
let mut vals: Vec<f64> = vec![];
for arg in args {
match eval(env, arg) {
Ok(res) => match res {
Expr::Float64(f) => vals.push(f),
_ => {
return Err(EvalErr::WrongExpr {
wanted: Expr::Float64(0.0),
got: res,
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok(Expr::Float64(vals.iter().fold(1.0, |acc, &x| acc * x)))
let mut env = StaticEnv::new(&data);
c.bench_function("eval null", |b| {
b.iter(|| eval(&mut env, black_box(&Expr::Null)))
c.bench_function("eval symbol", |b| {
b.iter(|| eval(&mut env, black_box(&Expr::Symbol(sym_pi.clone()))))
c.bench_function("eval function call", |b| {
// Emulate 2*pi*r --> (* 2.0 pi 10.0)
let expr = &Expr::List(vec![
b.iter(|| eval(&mut env, black_box(expr)))
criterion_group!(benches, criterion_benchmark);
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