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Created December 7, 2022 20:42
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Quick implementation of Qstash `verifySignature` for my own needs on vercel edge functions
import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server';
import * as base64Url from './encoding/base64Url';
* Necessary to verify the signature of a request.
type ReceiverConfig = {
* The current signing key. Get it from `
currentSigningKey: string;
* The next signing key. Get it from `
nextSigningKey: string;
type VerifyRequest = {
* The signature from the `upstash-signature` header.
signature: string;
* The raw request body.
body: string | Uint8Array;
* URL of the endpoint where the request was sent to.
url?: string;
class SignatureError extends Error {
constructor(message: string) {
super(message); = 'SignatureError';
* Receiver offers a simlpe way to verify the signature of a request.
class Receiver {
private readonly currentSigningKey: string;
private readonly nextSigningKey: string;
constructor(config: ReceiverConfig) {
this.currentSigningKey = config.currentSigningKey;
this.nextSigningKey = config.nextSigningKey;
* Verify the signature of a request.
* Tries to verify the signature with the current signing key.
* If that fails, maybe because you have rotated the keys recently, it will
* try to verify the signature with the next signing key.
* If that fails, the signature is invalid and a `SignatureError` is thrown.
public async verify(req: VerifyRequest): Promise<boolean> {
const isValid = await this.verifyWithKey(this.currentSigningKey, req);
if (isValid) {
return true;
return this.verifyWithKey(this.nextSigningKey, req);
* Verify signature with a specific signing key
private async verifyWithKey(
key: string,
req: VerifyRequest
): Promise<boolean> {
const parts = req.signature.split('.');
if (parts.length !== 3) {
throw new SignatureError(
'`Upstash-Signature` header is not a valid signature'
const [header, payload, signature] = parts;
const k = await crypto.subtle.importKey(
new TextEncoder().encode(key),
{ name: 'HMAC', hash: 'SHA-256' },
['sign', 'verify']
const isValid = await crypto.subtle.verify(
{ name: 'HMAC' },
new TextEncoder().encode(`${header}.${payload}`)
if (!isValid) {
throw new SignatureError('signature does not match');
const p: {
iss: string;
sub: string;
exp: number;
nbf: number;
iat: number;
jti: string;
body: string;
} = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(base64Url.decode(payload)));
if (p.iss !== 'Upstash') {
throw new SignatureError(`invalid issuer: ${p.iss}`);
if (typeof req.url !== 'undefined' && p.sub !== req.url) {
throw new SignatureError(`invalid subject: ${p.sub}, want: ${req.url}`);
const now = Math.floor( / 1000);
if (now > p.exp) {
console.log({ now, exp: p.exp });
throw new SignatureError('token has expired');
if (now < p.nbf) {
throw new SignatureError('token is not yet valid');
const bodyHash = await crypto.subtle.digest(
typeof req.body === 'string'
? new TextEncoder().encode(req.body)
: req.body
const padding = new RegExp(/=+$/);
if (
p.body.replace(padding, '') !==
base64Url.encode(bodyHash).replace(padding, '')
) {
throw new SignatureError(
`body hash does not match, want: ${p.body}, got: ${base64Url.encode(
return true;
export type VerifySignaturConfig = {
currentSigningKey?: string;
nextSigningKey?: string;
export type NextEdgeMessageHandler<T> = (
message: T,
request: NextRequest
) => Promise<NextResponse>;
function verifyEdgeSignature<T>(
handler: NextEdgeMessageHandler<T>
): (request: NextRequest) => Promise<NextResponse> {
const currentSigningKey = process.env['QSTASH_CURRENT_SIGNING_KEY'];
if (!currentSigningKey) {
throw new Error(
'currentSigningKey is required, either in the config or as env variable QSTASH_CURRENT_SIGNING_KEY'
const nextSigningKey = process.env['QSTASH_NEXT_SIGNING_KEY'];
if (!nextSigningKey) {
throw new Error(
'nextSigningKey is required, either in the config or as env variable QSTASH_NEXT_SIGNING_KEY'
const receiver = new Receiver({
return async (req: NextRequest) => {
const signature = req.headers.get('upstash-signature');
if (!signature) {
throw new Error('`Upstash-Signature` header is missing');
if (typeof signature !== 'string') {
throw new Error('`Upstash-Signature` header is not a string');
if (req.headers.get('content-type') != 'application/json') {
throw new Error('`Content-Type` must be a JSON');
const body = await req.text();
const isValid = await receiver.verify({
process.env.VERCEL_ENV === 'development'
? undefined
: new URL(req.url).href,
if (!isValid) {
return new NextResponse('Invalid signature', {
status: 400,
headers: {
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
const message: T = JSON.parse(body);
return handler(message, req);
export default verifyEdgeSignature;
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