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Created September 23, 2022 17:47
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Find all paths in graph, given by task ids.
import os
import time
struct Seeker {
graph map[int][]int
already_found map[int][][]int
all_solutions [][]int
fn main() {
mut seeker := Seeker{}
lines := os.read_lines(os.resource_abs_path('example.txt'))?
for i := 1; i < lines.len; i++ {
line := lines[i]
aline := line.split('\t')
edge_from, edge_to := aline[0].int(), aline[1].int()
// println('> i: $i | from: $edge_from to: $edge_to')
mut existing := seeker.graph[edge_from] or { [] }
if edge_to !in existing {
existing << edge_to
seeker.graph[edge_from] = existing
mut n := 0
for from_task_id, next_task_ids in seeker.graph {
seeker.find_solutions_for_task(from_task_id, next_task_ids, n)
for idx, x in seeker.all_solutions#[0..10] {
eprintln('first 10, idx: $idx: $x')
for idx, x in seeker.all_solutions#[-10..] {
eprintln(' last 10, idx: $idx: $x')
fn (mut seeker Seeker) find_solutions_for_task(from_task_id int, next_task_ids []int, n int) {
mut solutions := [][]int{}
for next_task_id in next_task_ids {
seeker.chase_paths(n, mut solutions, [from_task_id], next_task_id)
seeker.already_found[from_task_id] = solutions
seeker.all_solutions << solutions
eprintln('>> n: ${n:6} | all_solutions.len: ${seeker.all_solutions.len:12} | found ${solutions.len:7} new solutions for task: ${from_task_id:10}')
fn (mut seeker Seeker) chase_paths(n int, mut solutions [][]int, path []int, current_task_id int) {
if found := seeker.already_found[current_task_id] {
// eprintln('> already found: $found.len continuations for $current_task_id')
for x in found {
mut tmp := path.clone()
tmp << x
solutions << tmp
mut tmp := path.clone()
tmp << current_task_id
if next := seeker.graph[current_task_id] {
for x in next {
if x in tmp {
seeker.chase_paths(n, mut solutions, tmp, x)
} else {
solutions << tmp
if solutions.len % 1000000 == 0 {
eprintln('>>>>>> n: $n | solutions: | ${solutions.len:14} at $')
eprintln(' tmp: $tmp')
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