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Last active February 17, 2020 08:17
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  • Save sqeezy/53f15489bfa71c10e07f172cec8f8d43 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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choco feature enable -n=allowGlobalConfirmation
cinst `
7zip.install `
cctray `
cpu-z `
docker-desktop `
dotnet3.5 `
dotnetcore-sdk `
dotpeek `
doxygen.portable `
firefox `
git `
git-fork `
gnuwin32-sed.install `
googlechrome `
gpu-z `
imagemagick `
jetbrainstoolbox `
lastpass-chrome `
lockhunter `
microsoft-build-tools `
microsoft-edge `
netfx-4.7-devpack `
notepadplusplus.install `
nuget.commandline `
openjdk ` `
postman `
resharper-platform `
rider `
robo3t.install `
ruby `
sumatrapdf.install `
svn `
sysinternals `
tortoisesvn `
visualstudio2017-workload-manageddesktop `
visualstudio2017enterprise --package-parameters "--add Microsoft.Component.Blend.SDK.WPF Microsoft.Net.Component.3.5.DeveloperTools --passive --locale en-US" `
vscode --params "/NoDesktopIcon" `
Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')
scoop bucket add github-gh
scoop install gh
Update-ExecutionPolicy Bypass
cinst Microsoft-Hyper-V-All -source windowsFeatures
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar
Set-StartScreenOptions -EnableSearchEverywhereInAppsView -EnableListDesktopAppsFirst
Install-WindowsUpdate -SuppressReboots -acceptEula
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