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Created December 11, 2020 20:03
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PowerShell script for extracting a Jekyll ready files from SQL Doc markdown files.
Author: Josh Smith
Created: 2020-09-03
This script will parse through SQL Doc Generated markdown files to create Jekyll friendly
db documentation.
Should be run from the root directory of the documentation repository.
function createHeader { param ($subject, $link, $page)
$title = "$subject - $page - Documentation"
$summary = "Documentation for " + $page.ToLower() + " in $subject."
$header = "---
title: ""$title""
tags: ["
if ($page.IndexOf("index.html") -gt -1){
$header = $header + "data_dictionary, "
$header = $header + "$subject]
sidebar: db_sidebar
permalink: $link
last_updated: Oct 21, 2020
summary: $summary
return $header
function removeImageFolder { param ($imagelineIn)
$imgPos = $imagelineIn.IndexOf('Images') + 6
$imageLine = $imagelineIn.Substring(0, $imagelineIn.IndexOf('(..') + 1) + '/images/dbmodel'
if ($imageLineIn.IndexOf('Images', $imgPos) -gt -1){
$imageLine = $imageLine + (removeImageFolder $imageLineIn.Substring($imgPos))
else {
$imageLine = $imageLine + $imageLineIn.Substring($imgPos, $imageLineIn.IndexOf(".", $imgPos) - $imgPos).ToLower()
if ($imageLineIn.IndexOf('Images', $imgPos + 1) -lt 1){
$imageLine = $imageLine + $imageLineIn.Substring($imageLineIn.IndexOf(".", $imgPos))
if ($imageLine.IndexOf("Index.png") -gt 0){ $imageLine = $imageLine -replace "Index.png", "index.png" }
return $imageLine
function removeAnchor {param ($anchorlineIn)
$anchorLine = $anchorlineIn.Substring(0, $anchorlineIn.IndexOf("<a name="))
$anchorLine = $anchorLine + $anchorlineIn.Substring($anchorlineIn.IndexOf("a>") + 2, $anchorlineIn.Length - ($anchorlineIn.IndexOf("a>") + 2))
return $anchorLine
function insertLink {param ($linklineIn, $linkfolders)
$newLink = ''
foreach($f in $linkfolders){ $newLink = $newLink + $f + '/' }
$newLink = $newLink + $linkLineIn.Substring($linklineIn.LastIndexOf('(') + 1, $linklineIn.LastIndexOf('.md') - ($linklineIn.LastIndexOf('(') + 1))
$newLink = $newLink -replace '/', '_'
$linkLine = $linklineIn.Substring(0, $linklineIn.LastIndexOf('(') + 1) + $newLink + '.html)'
return $linkLine.toLower()
function processMDFile {param ($content, $database, $processFolderList, $fileName, $filler, $workingFolder)
$mdOutput = ''
$newLine = ''
$firstLine = $true
$prevBlank = $true
foreach($l in $content){
if ($l.IndexOf('####') -lt 0 -or $l.IndexOf('[Database]') -lt 0 -or $l.IndexOf('---') -ne 0){
if ($l.Trim().Length -eq 0 -and $prevBlank -eq $true){
# do nothing
elseif ($l.Trim().Length -eq 0){
$newLine = $l.Trim()
else {
$prevBlank = $false
$FirstLine = $false
$newLine = $l -replace $filler, ''
$newLine = processText $newLine
if ($newLine.IndexOf(".md") -ge 0) {
if ($newLine.Substring(0,9) -eq '[Project]'){
$newLine = projectNavigation $newLine $database $processFolderList
else {
if ($newLine.IndexOf("|") -eq 0){
$cells = $newLine.Split("|")
$newLine = ""
foreach($c in $cells){
$tempText = $c
if ($tempText.IndexOf(".md") -gt 0) {$tempText = insertLink $tempText $processFolderList}
if ($c.length -gt 0) {$newLine = $newLine + "| $temptext "}
$newLine = "$newLine |"
else {
$newLine = insertLink $newLine $processFolderList
if ($Firstline -eq $false -and $prevBlank -eq $false){
if ($newLine.Length -eq 0){$prevBlank = $true}
$mdOutput = $mdOutput + $newLine + "`r`n"
return $mdOutput
function projectNavigation{param ($projectLine, $projectDB, $sourceFolders)
$newPL = "> "
$p1 = $projectLine.IndexOf($projectDB)
do {
if ($p1 -gt -1){
$p2 = $projectLine.IndexOf("]", $p1)
# no link exists
if ($p1 -lt 0 ){
$p2 = $projectLine.LastIndexOf(')')
$newPL = $newPL + $projectLine.Substring($p2 + 3)
$p2 = -1
if ($p2 -gt -1){ $text = ($projectLine.Substring($p1 - 1, $p2 - ($p1 -2))).Trim() }
else { $text = ($projectLine.Substring($p1)).Trim() }
if ($text.Substring($text.Length - 1, 1) -eq ']'){
# potential link: parse and replace
$text = $text.substring(1) -replace ']', ''
$folderPosition = $sourceFolders.IndexOf(($text -replace " ", "_"))
$i = 0
$fPath = ''
do {
if ($i -gt 0){ $fPath = $fPath + '\' + $sourceFolders[$i] }
} while ($i -le $folderPosition)
$fileName = $projectLine.Substring($p2 + 2, $projectLine.IndexOf(")", $p2) - ($p2 + 2)) -replace '../', ''
$tPath = $startFolder.ToLower() + $fPath + '\' + $fileName.tolower()
if ((Test-Path $tPath) -eq $true){
$URL = $projectDB.toLower() + ($fPath.toLower() -replace '\\', '_') + '_' + ($fileName.ToLower() -replace ".md", ".html")
$newPL = $newPL + "[$text]($URL) > "
$tPath = $startFolder + $fPath + "\" + $sourceFolders[$i-1] + ".md"
if ((Test-Path $tPath) -eq $true){
$URL = $projectDB.toLower() + "_" + ($fPath.toLower() -replace '\\', '_') + '_' + ($sourceFolders[$i -1].toLower() -replace ".md", "") + ".html"
else { $newPL = $newPL + $text + " > " }
else{ $newPL = "$newPL $text" }
if ($p2 -gt -1){ $p1 = $projectLine.IndexOf("[", $p2) }
} while ($p2 -gt -1)
return $newPL
function processText {param($textInput)
if ($textInput.IndexOf("Images") -ge 0){ $textInput = removeImageFolder $textInput }
if ($textInput.IndexOf("<a name=""#") -ge 0){ $textInput = removeAnchor $textInput }
$textInput = $textInput -replace "#foreignkeys", "#foreign-keys" # fix foreign-key links
$textInput = $textInput -replace "_Dev", "" # remove _dev appended to db names
return $textInput
$databaseName = '' # the known name of the database
$sourceFolder = 'C:\' # path to the root of the SQL Doc export folder
$imageSource = $sourceFolder + 'Images'
$imageDestination = 'images\dbmodel'
$destination = 'pages\dbs\models\' + $databaseName
$fillString = 'JS_' # our development dbs are have our initals appended the front of the db name: we want to strip this out
# move image files
Get-ChildItem -Path $imageSource | Copy-Item -Destination $imageDestination -Recurse -Force
$files = Get-ChildItem $imageDestination
# jekyll is running in linux so case matters: lowercase all image file names
foreach($f in $files){
if ($f.Name -cne $f.Name.toLower()){
Rename-Item $f.FullName $f.Name.toLower()
#find root directory for just the database:
$startFolder = (Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceFolder -filter 'user_databases' -Recurse).FullName
$startFolder = (Get-ChildItem $startFolder | Where-Object {$_.Mode -eq 'd----'}).FullName
# get the files we will reformat
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $startFolder -Recurse -Filter *.md
# clear out old files in case we are deleting pages from doc:
Get-ChildItem -Path $destination -Filter *.md | Remove-Item
# pull apart and rebuild files!
foreach ($f in $files){
$workingFile = $f.FullName
$file= $f.Name
$type = ($f.Directory).Name
$folderList = $workingFile.Substring($workingFile.ToUpper().LastIndexOf($databaseName.toUpper()), $workingFile.Length - $workingFile.toUpper().LastIndexOf($databaseName.toUpper()))
$folderList = $folderList -replace '.md', ''
$fileName = $folderList.Substring($folderlist.LastIndexOf('\') + 1).ToLower()
$folderList = $folderList.Substring(0, $folderList.LastIndexOf('\'))
$folderList = $folderList -replace '\\', ','
$folderList = $folderList -replace '_Dev', '' #account for possible _dev appended to db along with initials
$folderCollection = $folderList.Split(",")
$content = $null
$result = $null
# pull the content out of the working file:
$content = Get-Content -Path $workingFile
# process the content
$result = processMDFile $content $databaseName $folderCollection $fileName $fillString $startFolder
# ensure correct formatting of file names for linux
$link = ($folderList.ToLower() -replace ",", "_") + "_$fileName.html"
# set file 'topic'
if ($fileName -eq "index"){ $topic = $folderCollection[$folderCollection.Length - 1] }
else { $topic = $fileName }
# format the header for the new doc
$curHeader = createHeader $databaseName $link $topic
$result = $curHeader + $result
if ((Test-Path $destination) -eq $false){ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $destination }
$outPath = $destination + "\" + ($link -replace ".html", ".md")
Set-Content -Path $outPath -Value $result -Force
#todo: update db_sidebar with link to documentation home
$sidebarOut = Get-Content _data/sidebars/db_sidebar.yml -Raw
$dbmodelList = Get-ChildItem pages/dbs/models/
$sidebarOut = $sidebarOut.Substring(0, $sidebarOut.LastIndexOf('folderitems:') + 12) + "`r`n`r`n"
foreach($i in $dbmodelList){
$dbName = $i.Name
$fileName = $i.Name.ToLower()
$newEntry = " - title: $dbName
url: /$fileName" + "_index.html
output: web, pdf`r`n"
$sidebarOut = $sidebarOut + $newEntry
$sidebarOut = $sidebarOut.Substring(0, $sidebarOut.Length - 1)
Set-Content -Path _data/sidebars/db_sidebar.yml -Value $sidebarOut -Force
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