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Created May 21, 2024 18:17
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Simple Streamlit in Snowflake Cortex-Driven toolbox.
import streamlit as st
from snowflake.snowpark.context import get_active_session
from snowflake.cortex import Complete
from enum import Enum
if 'prompt_history' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['prompt_history'] = [{"response" : "**Welcome!** \n\n Here you can ask anything you need."}]
if 'workflow' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['workflow'] = None
session = get_active_session()
MODEL = 'reka-flash'
class SystemMessages(Enum):
EXPLAIN = 'Provide a detailed explanation including Language written-in. Must have a General Explanation of the code, breakdown of steps and an output section. Use Markdown as the output with header and subheaders for each section'
FORMAT = 'Provide a formatted version of the code. Return in a markdown style with a codeblock. Do not truncate output'
def submit_prompt(prompt:str)->None:
with st.spinner("Awaiting response"):
response = Complete(MODEL, st.session_state[prompt]).strip()
st.session_state['prompt_history'].append(dict(prompt=st.session_state[prompt], response = response))
except Exception as e:
def compose_prompt(prompt:str ,workflow:SystemMessages, **kwargs)->str:
full_prompt = [{'role': 'system', 'content': workflow.value }]
if 'language' in kwargs:
lang_spec = [{'role': 'system', 'content': f'Format using{kwargs.get("language")} as the language' }]
lang_spec = []
user_prompt = [{'role': 'user', 'content': prompt}]
return str(full_prompt)
def utility_prompt(source:str, workflow:SystemMessages, **kwargs)->str:
prompt = compose_prompt(source, workflow, **kwargs)
return Complete(model=MODEL, prompt=prompt ).strip()
except Exception as e:
st.toast("Error generating respose")
return ''
def clear_chat()->None:
def set_workflow(flow:str):
st.session_state["workflow"] = flow
def reformat():
source = st.text_area("Enter code to re-format", height=300)
format_menu = st.columns(2)
with format_menu[0]:
formatting_labels = ["Auto-Detect", "Python", "SQL", "Snowflake SQL", "JSON", "YAML", "Other"]
lang = st.selectbox("Language", options=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6], format_func= lambda x: formatting_labels[x])
other = format_menu[1].text_input("Other", disabled=lang!=formatting_labels[lang]!="Other", key=f"fmt_{lang}")
if lang > 0:
lang_options = {"language":formatting_labels[lang] if formatting_labels[lang] != "Other" else other}
lang_options = {}
if st.button("Format", use_container_width = True, type = "primary", disabled = not source):
with st.spinner("Formatting Code"):
st.markdown(utility_prompt(source, SystemMessages.FORMAT, **lang_options))
def explain():
source = st.text_area("Enter code to explain", height=300, max_chars=4000)
if st.button("Explain", use_container_width = True, type = "primary", disabled = not source):
with st.spinner("Reading Code"):
st.markdown(utility_prompt(source, SystemMessages.EXPLAIN))
def ask():
toolbar_cols = st.columns(3)
show_history = toolbar_cols[0].toggle("Show chat history")
toolbar_cols[2].button("Clear", on_click=clear_chat, use_container_width = True)
display_chat = st.session_state['prompt_history']if show_history else st.session_state['prompt_history'][-1:]
for chat in display_chat:
if chat.get('prompt'):
with st.chat_message("user"):
if chat.get('response'):
with st.chat_message("ai"):
st.chat_input("Ask me anything",
on_submit= submit_prompt,
actions = {"explain":explain,
st.title(f"${'~'*8}$Cortex-Driven Toolbox")
headers = st.columns((.98,2), gap="small")
headers[1].success(f"${'~'*35}$Code Tools")
dashboard = st.columns(3)
with dashboard[0]:
st.button(f"$~~~$ \n\r🤖\n\n $~~~$ \n\n **:{'blue' if st.session_state['workflow'] == 'ask' else 'grey'}[CHATBOT]**\n\n$~~~$ \n\n",
on_click=set_workflow, args=['ask'])
with dashboard[1]:
st.button(f"$~~~$ \n\nℹ️\n\n $~~~$ \n\n **:{'blue' if st.session_state['workflow'] == 'explain' else 'grey'}[EXPLAIN]** \n\n$~~~$ \n\n",
on_click=set_workflow, args=['explain'])
with dashboard[2]:
st.button(f"$~~~$ \n\n✏️\n\n $~~~$ \n\n **:{'blue' if st.session_state['workflow'] == 'format' else 'grey'}[FORMAT]** \n\n$~~~$ \n\n",
on_click=set_workflow, args=['format'])
fn = actions.get(st.session_state['workflow'])
if fn:
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