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Last active June 25, 2019 21:08
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Spark 2.1.0 Hadoop 2.7
class ApacheSpark < Formula
desc "Engine for large-scale data processing"
homepage ""
url ""
version "2.1.0"
sha256 "0834c775f38473f67cb122e0ec21074f800ced50c1ff1b9e37e222a0069dc5c7"
head ""
bottle :unneeded
def install
# Rename beeline to distinguish it from hive's beeline
mv "bin/beeline", "bin/spark-beeline"
rm_f Dir["bin/*.cmd"]
libexec.install Dir["*"]
bin.write_exec_script Dir["#{libexec}/bin/*"]
test do
system "#{bin}/spark-shell <<<'sc.parallelize(1 to 1000).count()'"
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