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Created July 10, 2014 01:07
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package main
import "fmt"
type Doer interface {
Do(i int)
type Base struct{}
func (b Base) Do(i int) {
fmt.Printf("Doer number: %d Base did something.\n", i + 1)
type SubSimple struct {
type SubComplex struct {
func (s SubComplex) Do(i int) {
fmt.Println("Preparing for Base doing.")
fmt.Println("Tear down after Base did.")
func main() {
var doers []Doer = []Doer{*new(Base), *new(SubSimple), *new(SubComplex)}
for offset, doer := range doers {
Doer number: 1 Base did something.
Doer number: 2 Base did something.
Preparing for Base doing.
Doer number: 3 Base did something.
Tear down after Base did.
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