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Last active September 8, 2020 20:47
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LastPass CLI Alfred Workflow - change /usr/bin/osascript step to work with Alfred 4
--display notification "Please wait... preparing login process..." with title "LastPass Login"
--Kill any previous login process as sometimes they hang or a user may interrupt them, if there are none (which there often are...) we will get an error response which we ignore.
do shell script "killall -9 lpass > /dev/null 2>&1"
end try
set login_email to do shell script "`perl -e 'use strict; use warnings; my $emailAddress =`security find-generic-password -w -s \"alfred-lastpass-email-address\"`; chomp $emailAddress; print $emailAddress;'`"
on error
display alert "Email address not set" message "It appears that no email address has been set. Please run 'lpsetemail' and try again." as critical
end try
--Try to get a login timeout if a custom one has been set, if not we set to default
set login_timeout to do shell script "`perl -e 'use strict; use warnings; my $loginTimeout =`security find-generic-password -w -s \"alfred-lastpass-login-timeout\"`; chomp $loginTimeout; print $loginTimeout;'`"
on error
set login_timeout to 28800
end try
tell application "Finder"
set current_path to container of (path to me) as alias
end tell
set current_unix_path to POSIX path of current_path
--set osascript to current_unix_path & "passwordInput.osascript"
set osascript to (system attribute "alfred_preferences") & "/workflows/" & (system attribute "alfred_workflow_uid") & "/passwordInput.osascript"
do shell script "mkdir \"" & (system attribute "alfred_workflow_data") & "\""
end try
do shell script "echo \"" & osascript & "\" > \"" & (system attribute "alfred_workflow_data") & "/running_location.txt\""
do shell script "export LPASS_ASKPASS=\"" & osascript & "\""
do shell script "launchctl setenv LPASS_ASKPASS \"" & osascript & "\""
do shell script "launchctl setenv LPASS_AGENT_TIMEOUT " & login_timeout
tell application "Finder"
if exists POSIX file "/usr/bin/lpass" then
set lpass_binary to "/usr/bin/lpass"
else if exists POSIX file "/usr/local/bin/lpass" then
set lpass_binary to "/usr/local/bin/lpass"
else if exists POSIX file "/opt/local/bin/lpass" then
set lpass_binary to "/opt/local/bin/lpass"
end if
end tell
--improvement required here, test if we actually HAVE an lpass_binary and if not error out
if ("{query}" = "scriptlocationnotset") then
display notification "Please wait... the alfred search will be presented once login is complete." with title "LastPass Login"
end if
do shell script "/bin/bash -c '" & "export TERM=\"xterm-256color\" && export LPASS_ASKPASS=\"" & osascript & "\" && export LPASS_AGENT_TIMEOUT=" & login_timeout & " && " & lpass_binary & " login --trust \"" & login_email & "\" && clear && " & lpass_binary & " ls --sync=now > /dev/null 2>&1 && exit 0'"
if ("{query}" = "scriptlocationnotset") then
--@squatto: line changed from original: tell application "Alfred 3" to search "lp "
tell application id "com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred" to search "lp "
end if
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After adding the fix mentioned, I was able to enter my master password, but still cannot search LastPass from Alfred - still says I am not logged in.

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