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Last active December 24, 2022 22:52
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CanSaveQuietly Laravel model trait - save or update models without firing any model events

To use, add the trait to your project and then add the CanSaveQuietly trait to your model:

Make sure to change the namespace of the trait to match your project's structure!

class Product extends Model
    use CanSaveQuietly;

    // ...

Then you can save or update your model instance without firing any model events:

 * @param OrderDeskItem $item
 * @param Product $product
protected function associateItemToProduct(OrderDeskItem $item, Product $product): void
        'order_desk_inventory_item_id'          => $item->id,
        'order_desk_inventory_item_assigned_at' => now(),
        'order_desk_inventory_item_updated_at'  => now(),

This is particularly useful in situations where you have a model event listener that results in the model being saved/updated. If you allow model events to fire then you'll end up in an endless loop.

For example, in EventServiceProvider:

protected $listen = [
    ProductUpdated::class => [

And in the UpdateItemOnOrderDesk listener:

    'order_desk_inventory_item_id' => $item->id,

Doing this would cause the ProductUpdated event to fire, which fires the UpdateItemOnOrderDesk listener, which calls $product->update() again, which fires the ProductUpdated event again, and so on.

By instead doing it this way:

    'order_desk_inventory_item_id' => $item->id,

You avoid causing the ProductUpdated event to fire again.

namespace App\Models\Traits;
* @mixin \Eloquent
trait CanSaveQuietly
* Save the model without firing any model events
* @param array $options
* @return mixed
public function saveQuietly(array $options = [])
return static::withoutEvents(function () use ($options) {
return $this->save($options);
* Update the model without firing any model events
* @param array $attributes
* @param array $options
* @return mixed
public function updateQuietly(array $attributes = [], array $options = [])
return static::withoutEvents(function () use ($attributes, $options) {
return $this->update($attributes, $options);
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