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Created September 8, 2023 06:49
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Ensure that Touch ID for sudo auth is enabled whenever the shell is loaded
# Ensure that Touch ID for sudo auth is enabled whenever the shell is loaded.
# IMPORTANT: This script will only work on macOS.
# [Description]
# macOS versions prior to Sonoma (released late 2023) overwrite
# the PAM configuration file for sudo (/etc/pam.d/sudo) every time the OS is updated.
# This means that any changes that you manually make to the file are lost,
# and you are reverted back to Touch ID for sudo auth being disabled.
# This script will automatically enable Touch ID for sudo auth whenever the shell is loaded.
# (assuming that you have sourced this script from your ~/.zshrc file)
# When macOS Sonoma is released in late 2023, this script will no longer be necessary
# because there is an official way to enable Touch ID for sudo auth that persists across OS updates.
# See here for more info:
# [Installation]
# 1. Save this script to ~/.enable_sudo_touchid.zsh
# 2. Source this script from your ~/.zshrc file.
# Add the following as the very first thing in your ~/.zshrc file.
# If you are using Fig (, then add it immediately after Fig's pre-block.
# ```
# # Enable Touch ID for sudo auth
# # IMPORTANT: This script MUST BE sourced BEFORE Powerlevel10k or oh-my-zsh are sourced!
# [[ -f "$HOME/.enable_sudo_touchid.zsh" ]] && builtin source "$HOME/.enable_sudo_touchid.zsh"
# ```
enable-sudo-touchid() {
if [[ "$(uname)" != 'Darwin' ]]; then
# this script only works on macOS
if grep '' /etc/pam.d/sudo --silent; then
# Touch ID for sudo auth is already enabled
# Touch ID for sudo auth is not enabled, so prompt the user to enable it
echo "❗️ NOTICE ❗️"
echo "Touch ID for sudo auth is not currently enabled! 🙀"
echo "Enter your sudo password to enable it or press CTRL+C to return to your prompt."
sudo sed -i -e '1s;^;auth sufficient\n;' /etc/pam.d/sudo
if grep '' /etc/pam.d/sudo --silent; then
echo "🔐 Touch ID for sudo auth has been enabled!"
echo "❌ Touch ID for sudo auth was not enabled"
# immediately call the function to ensure that
# Touch ID for sudo auth is enabled whenever the shell is loaded
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