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Created November 27, 2013 15:14
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app.directive \component, [\$injector \$compile \$q (injector, compile, q) ->
deferred = q.defer!
promise = deferred.promise
scope: {}
restrict: 'A'
compile: (element, attrs) ->
require [attrs.component] (component) ->
deferred.resolve component
(scope, element) ->
promise.then (component) ->
element.html component.template
element.html \Loading...
controller: [\$scope (scope) ->
promise.then (component) ->
injector.invoke component.controller, null, '$scope': scope
<h1>Log</h1><div x-component=log/component></div>
define [\text!./template.html], (template) ->
template: template
controller: [\$scope \$rootScope (scope, root) ->
scope.logs = []
root.$on \pull.log, (e, log) ->
scope.logs.push log
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