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Created September 9, 2010 20:56
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Save squeedee/572556 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Rasheed@Rasheed-PC /cygdrive/c/Users/Rasheed/Documents/vWork/client/vWork
$ thor -T
/usr/bin/thor rl:command com.vf.SomeClass # Creates a robotlegs command.
/usr/bin/thor rl:module_command com.vf.SomeClass # Creates a robotlegs command.
/usr/bin/thor vf:context com.vf.SomeClass com.vf.BoootstrapCommand # Creates a Visfleet context.
/usr/bin/thor vf:event com.vf.SomeClass [param1:String otherParam:Boolean] # Creates a Visfleet event.
/usr/bin/thor vf:folder_stub com.vf.SomeClass "Put cool things in this folder" # Creates a visfleet folder stub class.
/usr/bin/thor vf:module Map # Creates a module heirarchy.
/usr/bin/thor vf:sequencer com.vf.SomeClass # Creates a visfleet sequencer.
/usr/bin/thor spec:clobber # clobber
/usr/bin/thor spec:clobber_tasks # Remove rcov products for tasks
/usr/bin/thor spec:tasks # Run specs using RCov

If i'm developing away, i often want to add 'Commands' in a conventional way so:

$ thor rl:command com.vf.SomeClass 

and i'll do this all day. Interesting note, rl:command also invokes vf:event to create an event for each command (unless told not to)

Someone says, hey we need a new module.. A module is a sub-app, so think it terms of a rails application generator.

$ thor rl:module moduleName

This should create a folder structure, some stubs, and a few basic, always used commands. So it tries to invoke rl:command several times to add 'commands'. It also wants to invoke my vf:folder_stub helper..

Invoke wont let me do this.

Thor::Actions#thor will however

it doesn't work with console prompts (i'll raise an issue)

it's considerably slower

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