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Created May 7, 2010 16:16
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# Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Quentin Sculo <>
# This file is part of Gmusicbrowser.
# Gmusicbrowser is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation
=gmbplugin DEBUG
name Debug
title Debug plugin
package GMB::Plugin::DEBUG;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Gtk2;
use constant
{ OPT => 'PLUGIN_Debug_',
my ($textbuffer,$SourceView,$debug_exposes,$outputbuffer,$stderr);
{ eval { require Gtk2::SourceView; };
$SourceView= $@ ? 0 : 1;
sub Start
{ capture_ouput();
return if $textbuffer;
if ($SourceView)
{ my $lang = Gtk2::SourceView::LanguagesManager->new->get_language_from_mime_type('application/x-perl');
$textbuffer->set('highlight', ::TRUE);
else { $textbuffer=Gtk2::TextBuffer->new; }
if (-r '') #Look in the current dir
{ open my($fh),'<','' or return;
my $code= do { local $/; <$fh> };
close $fh;
sub Stop { capture_ouput('stop') }
sub prefbox
{ my $vbox=Gtk2::VBox->new;
my $check=Gtk2::CheckButton->new(_"debug flag");
$check->set_active(1) if $::debug;
$check->signal_connect( toggled => sub {$::debug=$_[0]->get_active} );
my $checkgraph=Gtk2::CheckButton->new(_"Show graphic updates");
$checkgraph->set_active(1) if $debug_exposes;
$checkgraph->signal_connect( toggled => sub { Gtk2::Gdk::Window->set_debug_updates($debug_exposes=$_[0]->get_active); });
my $capture=::NewPrefCheckButton( OPT.captureSTDERR => "Capture STDERR", cb=>sub { capture_ouput() });
my $notebook=Gtk2::Notebook->new;
$notebook->append_page(new_eval_box(), 'code');
$notebook->append_page(new_widget_tree(), 'widgets');
$notebook->append_page(new_output(), 'output');
return $vbox;
sub new_output
{ my $textview= Gtk2::TextView->new_with_buffer($outputbuffer);
$textview->modify_font( Gtk2::Pango::FontDescription->from_string('monospace') );
my $sw=Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new(undef,undef);
return $sw;
sub capture_ouput
{ if (!$_[0] && $::Options{OPT.'captureSTDERR'})
{ return if $stderr;
use IO::Handle;
pipe my($rfh),my($wfh);
open $stderr,">&", \*STDERR;
open \*STDERR,">&", fileno $wfh;
Glib::IO->add_watch(fileno($rfh),['hup','in'],sub { return 0 if $_[1]>='hup';while (<$rfh>) { $outputbuffer->insert_at_cursor($_); print $stderr $_;} return 1; }) ;
elsif ($stderr)
{ open \*STDERR,">&", $stderr;
sub new_eval_box
{ my $vbox=Gtk2::VBox->new;
my $textview= $SourceView ? Gtk2::SourceView::View->new_with_buffer($textbuffer) :
$textview->modify_font( Gtk2::Pango::FontDescription->from_string('monospace') );
my $sw=Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new(undef,undef);
my $button=::NewIconButton( 'gtk-execute','eval',
sub { my $code=$textbuffer->get_text( $textbuffer->get_bounds, 1);
return if $code eq '';
my $time=times;
eval $code;
if ($@) {warn "Error in debug command :\n$@";return;}
warn "debug command took ".(times-$time)." s\n";
return $vbox;
sub new_widget_tree
{ my $vbox=Gtk2::VBox->new;
my $store=Gtk2::TreeStore->new('Glib::String','Glib::String','Glib::String');
my $treeview=Gtk2::TreeView->new($store);
my $column=Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes('widget', Gtk2::CellRendererText->new,'markup',0);
$column=Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes('name', Gtk2::CellRendererText->new,'text',1);
my $sw=Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new(undef,undef);
my $label=Gtk2::Label->new;
my $sw2=Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new(undef,undef);
$treeview->get_selection->signal_connect(changed=> sub
{ my ($store,$iter)=$_[0]->get_selected;
my $markup= $iter ? $store->get($iter,2) : '';
my $button1=::NewIconButton( 'gtk-refresh','refresh',
sub { fill_treestore($treeview);
my $button2=::NewIconButton( 'gtk-index','pick widget',
sub { pick_widget($_[0],$treeview);
my $check=::NewPrefCheckButton(OPT.'show_nonlayout', 'Show non-layout windows', cb=>sub {fill_treestore($treeview)});
my $bbox=Gtk2::HBox->new;
my $paned=Gtk2::VPaned->new;
$bbox->pack_start($_,0,0,2) for $button1,$button2,$check;
$treeview->signal_connect( realize => sub { Glib::Idle->add( sub { fill_treestore($treeview);0 }); } );
return $vbox;
sub pick_widget
{ my ($widget,$treeview)=@_;
my $win=$widget->get_toplevel;
Gtk2::Gdk->pointer_grab($win->window, 0, ['button-press-mask','button_release-mask'], undef, undef,0);
my $handle; $handle=$win->signal_connect(button_press_event=> sub
{ $widget->window->set_cursor(undef) if $widget->window;
my @widgets=find_widget_under_pointer();
select_widget($treeview, widget_string($widgets[0]) );
warn "found more than 1 widget : @widgets\n" if @widgets>1;
sub select_widget
{ my ($treeview,$widgetstring)=@_;
return unless defined $widgetstring;
my $store=$treeview->get_model;
{ my ($store,$path,$iter)=@_;
my $name=$store->get($iter,0);
return 0 unless $name eq $widgetstring;
$treeview->scroll_to_cell($path, undef, ::TRUE, .5, 0);
return 1;
sub fill_treestore
{ my $treeview=shift;
my $store=$treeview->get_model;
my $iter=$treeview->get_selection->get_selected;
my $selected= $iter ? $store->get($iter,0) : undef;
my @toplevels=Gtk2::Window->list_toplevels;
@toplevels=grep $_->isa('Layout::Window'),@toplevels unless $::Options{OPT.'show_nonlayout'};
my @todo;
push @todo, undef,$_ for @toplevels;
while (@todo)
{ my $piter=shift @todo;
my $widget=shift @todo;
my $iter= $store->append($piter);
my $ws=widget_string($widget);
my $name=$widget->get_name;
$name='' unless defined $name;
my $info=get_widget_info($widget);
if ($widget->isa('Gtk2::Container')) { push @todo,$iter,$_ for $widget->get_children; }
$store->set($iter, 0,$ws, 1,$name, 2,$info);
if (my $iter=$store->get_iter_first) # expand tree to first fork
{ $iter=$store->iter_children($iter) while $store->iter_n_children($iter)==1;
$treeview->expand_to_path( $store->get_path($iter) );
sub widget_string
{ my $w=shift;
return undef unless $w;
my $string="$w";
$string=~s#=HASH\((.*)\)# <small>$1</small>#;
return $string;
sub get_widget_info
{ my $w=shift;
my $name=widget_string($w);
my %prop=( map { $_, $w->get($_)} map $_->{name}, grep $_->{flags} >= 'readable', $w->list_properties );
my $prop=join "\n", map "$_ = $prop{$_}", grep defined $prop{$_}, sort keys %prop;
my $hash=join "\n", map "$_ = $w->{$_}", grep defined $w->{$_}, sort keys %$w;
my $alloc= sprintf "x=%d, y=%d, width=%d, height=%d\n",$w->allocation->values;
my $flags=join ' ',$w->get_flags;
my $packing='';
if (my $p=$w->parent)
{ # list_child_properties is not bound, so I have to do special cases
if ($p->isa('Gtk2::Box')) { $packing='pack_type expand fill padding position' }
elsif ($p->isa('Gtk2::Paned')) { $packing='resize shrink' }
elsif ($p->isa('Gtk2::Fixed')) { $packing='x y' }
elsif ($p->isa('Gtk2::Notebook')) { $packing='detachable menu-label position reorderable tab-expand tab-fill tab-label tab-pack' }
elsif ($p->isa('Gtk2::Table')) { $packing='bottom-attach left-attach right-attach top-attach x-options x-padding y-options y-padding' }
my @vals;
for my $key (split / /,$packing)
{ my $val=$p->child_get_property($w,$key);
next unless defined $val;
push @vals, "$key=$val";
$packing=join "\n",@vals;
#my $rcstyle=$w->get_modifier_style;
#my $style='';
#for my $state (qw/normal active prelight selected insensitive/)
#{ my $s;
# my $rcflags=$rcstyle->color_flags($state);
# if ($rcflags >= 'fg') { $s.=' fg='. $rcstyle->fg($state)->to_string }
# if ($rcflags >= 'bg') { $s.=' bg='. $rcstyle->bg($state)->to_string }
# if ($rcflags >= 'text') { $s.=' text='.$rcstyle->text($state)->to_string }
# if ($rcflags >= 'base') { $s.=' base='.$rcstyle->base($state)->to_string }
# $style.=" state=$state ( $s )\n" if $s;
#$style.="\nfont_desc=". $rcstyle->font_desc if defined $rcstyle->font_desc;
#$style.="\nname=". $rcstyle->name if defined $rcstyle->name;
my $suffix;
if ($w->isa('Gtk2::Label')) { $suffix=$w->get_label; }
elsif ($w->isa('Gtk2::Image') && $w->get_storage_type eq 'stock') { $suffix=($w->get_stock)[0]; }
$name.=' "'.::PangoEsc($suffix).'"' if defined $suffix;
my $markup=join "\n", "<b><big>$name</big></b>",
'<b>path=</b>', ::PangoEsc(($w->path)[0]),
'<b>classpath=</b>', ::PangoEsc(($w->class_path)[0]),
($hash ? ('<b>hash</b> :<small>', ::PangoEsc($hash).'</small>', ): ()),
($packing ? ('<b>packing</b> :<small>', ::PangoEsc($packing).'</small>',): ()),
#'<b>rcstyle</b> :<small>', ::PangoEsc($style).'</small>',
'<b>flags</b> :<small>', ::PangoEsc($flags).'</small>',
'<b>allocation</b> :<small>', ::PangoEsc($alloc).'</small>',
'<b>properties</b> :<small>', ::PangoEsc($prop).'</small>';
return $markup;
sub find_widget_under_pointer
{ #my @todo= grep $_->isa('Layout::Window'), Gtk2::Window->list_toplevels;
my ($gdkwin)=Gtk2::Gdk::Window->at_pointer;
return unless $gdkwin;
my @todo=grep $_->window && $_->window==$gdkwin, Gtk2::Window->list_toplevels;
my @found;
while (my $wdgt=shift @todo)
{ my ($x,$y)=$wdgt->get_pointer;
my (undef,undef,$w,$h)=$wdgt->allocation->values;
#warn "$wdgt $x $y\n";
if ($x>=0 && $x<$w && $y>=0 && $y<$h)
{ @found=grep !$wdgt->is_ancestor($_), @found;
push @found,$wdgt;
#push @todo,$wdgt->get_children if $wdgt->isa('Gtk2::Container');
next unless $wdgt->isa('Gtk2::Container');
my @children=$wdgt->get_children;
@children=( $wdgt->get_nth_page($wdgt->get_current_page) ) if $wdgt->isa('Gtk2::Notebook');
push @todo,@children;
@found=grep $_->window && $_->window->is_visible && $_->window->is_viewable, @found;
for my $w (@found)
{ warn "$w\n path=".($w->path)[0]."\n classpath=".($w->class_path)[0]."\n";
#@found=grep $_->window==$gdkwin, @found;
return @found;
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