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Last active April 26, 2023 10:46
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#include <BleMouse.h> // Include the bleMouse library
#include "Adafruit_TinyUSB.h" // Include the Adafruit TinyUSB library
BleMouse bleMouse;
uint8_t const desc_hid_report[] = {TUD_HID_REPORT_DESC_MOUSE()};
Adafruit_USBD_HID usbMouse(desc_hid_report, sizeof(desc_hid_report), HID_ITF_PROTOCOL_MOUSE, 2, false);
const int joystickXPin = 26; // Pin for the X-axis of the joystick
const int joystickYPin = 36; // Pin for the Y-axis of the joystick
const int joystickButtonPin = 2; // Pin for the joystick button
const int sensitivity = 5; // Sensitivity for mouse movements
int xValue = 0; // Value for the X-axis of the joystick
int yValue = 0; // Value for the Y-axis of the joystick
bool joystickButtonPressed = false; // State of the joystick button
void setup() {
bleMouse.begin(); // Initialize the bleMouse library
usbMouse.begin(); // Initialize the usbMouse library
Serial.begin(115200); // Initialize the serial communication
while (! Serial) delay(1); // Wait for the serial communication to be established
pinMode(joystickXPin, INPUT); // Set the X-axis pin of the joystick as an input
pinMode(joystickYPin, INPUT); // Set the Y-axis pin of the joystick as an input
pinMode(joystickButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set the joystick button pin as an input with a pull-up resistor
void loop() {
xValue = analogRead(joystickXPin); // Read the analog value from the X-axis pin of the joystick
yValue = analogRead(joystickYPin); // Read the analog value from the Y-axis pin of the joystick
joystickButtonPressed = !digitalRead(joystickButtonPin); // Read the digital value from the joystick button pin
const int deadzone = 6; // Deadzone range, centered around the middle value
int xMouse = map(xValue, 0, 4095, -sensitivity, sensitivity); // Map the X-axis value to the range of mouse movement from -sensitivity to +sensitivity
int yMouse = map(yValue, 0, 4095, -sensitivity, sensitivity); // Map the Y-axis value to the range of mouse movement from -sensitivity to +sensitivity
xMouse = constrain(xMouse, -sensitivity, sensitivity);
yMouse = constrain(yMouse, -sensitivity, sensitivity);
// Ignore joystick input within the deadzone range
if (abs(xMouse) < deadzone / 2) xMouse = 0;
if (abs(yMouse) < deadzone / 2) yMouse = 0;
if (abs(xMouse) > 0 || abs(yMouse) > 0) {
bleMouse.move(xMouse, yMouse); // If the mapped values are outside the deadzone, move the BLE mouse by xMouse and yMouse
if (usbMouse.ready()) {
usbMouse.mouseMove(0, xMouse, yMouse); // If the mapped values are outside the deadzone and usbMouse is ready, move the USB mouse by xMouse and yMouse
if (joystickButtonPressed) {; // If the joystick button is pressed, press the left button of the BLE mouse
usbMouse.buttonPress(0, 1); // If the joystick button is pressed, press the left button of the USB mouse (report ID 0, left button 1)
} else {
bleMouse.release(MOUSE_LEFT); // If the joystick button is not pressed, release the left button of the BLE mouse
usbMouse.buttonRelease(0, 1); // If the joystick button is not pressed, release the left button of the USB mouse (report ID 0, left button 1)
delay(10); // Add a small delay to avoid overwhelming the loop
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