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Last active September 14, 2018 20:41
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// an example of using SlowLoggingIterator, with the silly SlowIterator example, from a scala shell.
// you could paste this in after invoking the shell with
// > scala -i SlowLoggingIterator.scala -i SlowLoggingIteratorExample.scala
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val originalSlowItr = new SlowIterator(100, 500, 20, 10)
var x = 0
val loggingItr = new SlowLoggingIterator(originalSlowItr, 100, 1000, t => s"state info: x = $x")
loggingItr.asScala.foreach { i =>
x += 500
// This is an example iterator that runs slowly, to demonstrate how SlowLoggingIterator works
// it just iterates over a range of ints, but puts in occassional delays, to simulate an iterator that is
// actually doing something more complex, eg. fetching records from a DB which is occassionaly slow.
class SlowIterator(start: Int, end: Int, delay: Long, every: Int) extends java.util.Iterator[Integer] {
val underlying = (start until end).toIterator
def hasNext(): Boolean = underlying.hasNext
def next(): Integer = {
val n =
if (n % every == 0) {
import java.util.Timer
import java.util.TimerTask
import java.util.concurrent.atomic._
object SlowLoggingIterator {
val timer = new Timer("slow-logging-timer", true)
class SlowLoggingIterator[T <: AnyRef](wrapped: java.util.Iterator[T], slowLogMillis: Long, stateLogMillis: Long, stateInfo: Long => String) extends java.util.Iterator[T] {
val lastRecord = new AtomicReference[T]()
val recordCount = new AtomicInteger(0)
val totalTime = new AtomicLong(0)
val stateLogTask = new TimerTask() {
def run(): Unit = logCurrentState()
SlowLoggingIterator.timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(stateLogTask, stateLogMillis, stateLogMillis)
private def runWithTimer[R](f: () => R): R = {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val timer = new SlowLoggingTimerTask(lastRecord.get(), start)
SlowLoggingIterator.timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(timer, slowLogMillis, slowLogMillis)
val r = f()
val end = System.currentTimeMillis()
totalTime.getAndAdd(end - start)
def hasNext(): Boolean = {
val r = runWithTimer { () => wrapped.hasNext() }
if (!r) {
def next(): T = {
val r = runWithTimer { () => }
def logCurrentState(): Unit = {
val t = totalTime.get()
log(s"${recordCount.get()} records read; $t ms in iterator in total; ${stateInfo(t)}")
def logNoProgress(last: T, startTime: Long, now: Long): Unit = {
val time = now - startTime
log(s"No progress in last $time. Last record fetched is $last")
// override this if you want something other than println, eg. to use log4j
def log(msg: => String): Unit = {
private class SlowLoggingTimerTask(lastVal: T, startTime: Long) extends TimerTask {
def run(): Unit = {
if (lastVal eq lastRecord.get()) {
logNoProgress(lastVal, startTime, System.currentTimeMillis())
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