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Last active June 19, 2017 19:16
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Simple tool to capture performance statistics around a Docker daemon log match.
## capture-host-performance
## Maintainer: Kyle Squizzato -
## Simple tool to capture performance statistics around a daemon log match.
## Only supports distros using journalctl at this time.
## Fill in each of the variables in the SETUP section then invoke the script
## and wait for the issue to occur, the script will stop on it's own when
## the $match is seen in the $log file.
## -------- SETUP ---------
# Message to match from daemon log
match="sync duration of"
# Amount of time in seconds to capture performance statistics for following
# match
# Interval to capture performance statistics for, default 5s
# Case number
## -------- END SETUP ---------
# Ensure sysstat is installed prior to running so we actually capture
# data when we get to the needed point in time
check_for_stats() {
if [[ ! -e /usr/bin/iostat && -e /usr/bin/top && -e /usr/bin/vmstat ]]; then
echo "ERROR: The sysstat package does not appear installed, please install it then re-run this script!"
echo "Waiting for '$match' to show up in Docker daemon logs"
mkdir perfstats 2&> /dev/null
# Watch for $match in $log then capture some performance statistics
journalctl -fu docker -n 1 |
while read line
ret=`echo $line | grep "$match"`
if [[ -n $ret ]]
echo -e '\E[1;32m'"Match found, capturing performance statistics for "$wait_" seconds"; tput sgr0
# Start capturing
iostat -x $interval > perfstats/iostat.out &
vmstat $interval > perfstats/vmstat.out &
top -d $interval -b > perfstats/top.out &
# Sleep
sleep $wait_
# Kill the stat captures
echo "Terminating performance capture..."
kill $iostat_pid
kill $vmstat_pid
kill $top_pid
# tar everything together, we don't clean the resulting directories in
# case the tarball creation doesn't go right we won't lose the data
if [ -e /bin/tar ]; then
echo "Creating a tarball of daemon logs and captured performance statistics"
journalctl -u docker --since=today > journalctl_logs.out
tar czvf $casenumber-$(hostname)-perfstats.tar.gz journalctl_logs.out perfstats/
echo -e "\n "
echo -e '\E[1;31m'"COMPLETE: Please upload perfstats tarball to Docker for analysis."; tput sgr0
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