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Created April 12, 2023 15:37
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import itertools
def count_df(data,data_col):
choco_count = data[data_col].value_counts().rename_axis(data_col).reset_index(name='count')
choco_data_with_counts = pd.merge(left=data, right=choco_count, left_on=data_col, right_on=data_col)
return choco_data_with_counts
def number_indicator(val, title_text, row_num, col_num):
return go.Indicator(mode = 'number',
value = val,
number = {'valueformat':'0,f'},
title = {'text':title_text},
domain = {'row':row_num,'column':col_num})
def sort_sliced_dict(main_dict, is_reverse=True, item_count=None):
sorted_dict = {k:v for k, v in sorted(main_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=is_reverse)}
if item_count is not None:
sorted_dict = dict(itertools.islice(sorted_dict.items(), item_count))
return sorted_dict
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