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Subhradeep Rang srang992

  • India
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import itertools
def count_df(data,data_col):
choco_count = data[data_col].value_counts().rename_axis(data_col).reset_index(name='count')
choco_data_with_counts = pd.merge(left=data, right=choco_count, left_on=data_col, right_on=data_col)
return choco_data_with_counts
def number_indicator(val, title_text, row_num, col_num):
# converting the column's datatype to 'object'
choco_data['reference_no'] = choco_data['reference_no'].astype('object')
choco_data['review_date'] = choco_data['review_date'].astype('object')
# selecting the object(or you can say string) type columns
choco_data_cat = choco_data.select_dtypes(include=['object'])
# showing the summary statistics
# removing the '%' sign from the cocoa_percent column
choco_data['cocoa_percent'] = choco_data['cocoa_percent'].str.strip('%')
# converting the datatype
choco_data['cocoa_percent'] = choco_data['cocoa_percent'].astype('float')
# showing the first 5 rows
# defining a dictionary for renaming the columns
column_names = {"ref": "reference_no",
"Company (Manufacturer)": "manufacturer",
"Company Location": "company_loc",
"Review Date": "review_date",
"Country of Bean Origin": "bean_origin",
"Specific Bean Origin or Bar Name": "bar_name",
"Cocoa Percent": "cocoa_percent",
"Ingredients": "ingredients",
"Most Memorable Characteristics": "taste",
import pandas as pd
query = "SELECT * FROM chocolate_database"
choco_data = pd.read_sql(query, conn)
import pickle
import psycopg2
# loading the file containing credentials
with open("heroku_database_credentials.pickle", "rb") as cred:
credential = pickle.load(cred)
# connecting to the postgresql database with those credentials
conn = psycopg2.connect(database=credential['Database'],
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
Column Description
Name of the Judge Containing the name of the Judge
Gender Gender of the Judge
Date of Birth The date in which the Judges were born
Date of Appointment The date on which the person was elevated as a Judge of any High Court (appointment as an Additional Judge is also considered here)
Date of Retirement The date on which the person demits office as a Judge of High Court or of the Supreme Court (if elevated to it)
If appointed Chief Justice in any High Court Categorical column specifying if a judge is appointed as Chief Justice or not.
If appointed to the Supreme Court Categorical column specifying if a judge is appointed to the Supreme Court or not.
Foreign Degree in Law If the judge has a Foreign Degree in Law or not.
Post-Graduate in Law If the judge has a PG Degree in Law or not.
function minus_one!(x)
x .= x .+ 1
K = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4 ,5]
list2 = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"]
new_dict = Dict(zip(list1, list2))
it will return
Dict(5 => "five", 4 => "four", 2 => "two", 3 => "three", 1 => "one")