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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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##obj playground ###functions and methods

  • use strict forces this to be undefined
  • call apply bind allow you to force this to be certain value ###prototypal inheritance
  • js will go as far up the prototypal chain that it needs to in order to find the property, all while keeping the original this intact
  • polymorphism - same name, diff behaviors
  var answer = {
    get: function() {
      return this.val;
    val: 42
  var firmAnswer = Object.create(answer);
  firmAnswer.get = function() {
    // return answer.get(); --> wrong! this would get rescoped to answer
  firmAnswer.val = 3.14
  firmanswer.get(); // 3.14

###classes and instantiation

  • constructor - common method to initialize objects
var AnswerPrototype = {
  constructor: function fn0(value) {
    this._val = value; // underscore means 'this is private, dont change'
    get: function fn1() {
      return this._val;
  var lifeAnswer = Object.create(AnswerPrototype);
  var FirmAnswerPrototype = Object.create(AnswerPrototype);
  FirmAnswerPrototype.get = function fn2() {
    return + '!!';
  var magicAnswer = Object.create(FirmAnswerPrototype);
  magicAnswer.get(); // 3!!

###the classical model

  • every time you define a function...
    • it creates a prototype with a constructor function that points back to the function you just created
    • you actually create two objects: the funciton object and then the prototype object that's just hanging out
    • you are actually defining a constructor that is associated with a little do-nothing class
  • if meant to be a constructor, Capitalize it. if meant to be function, lowercase.
  • define constructor first (function Answer). js will create obj to go along with that, with a constructor prop that points back to answer func. that prototype is our class.
function Answer(value) {
  this._val = value;
Answer.prototype.get = function fn1() {
  return this._val;
var lifeAnswer = new Answer(42);
lifeAnswer.get(); // 42
  • subclasses
  • need FirmAnswer prototype to extend Answer.prototype and at first it doesnt -- FirmAnswer gets its own prototype from js
function FirmAnswer(value) {, value);
FirmAnswer.prototype = Object.create(Answer.prototype);
FirmAnswer.prototype.constructor = FirmAnswer;
FirmAnswer.prototype.get = function fn2() {
  return + '!!';
var luckyAnswer = new FirmAnswer(7);
luckyAnswer.get(); // 7!!


  • js looks at prototype of constructor and compares it to the object
  • looks at Answer.prototype property. then at lifeAnswers actual prototype. if same obj, then yes
lifeAnswer instanceof Answer; //true
  • js will look up prototype chain until it finds (or doesn't find) the prototype it's looking for (so a subclass is still an instanceof)


  • new syntax taht will make it easier to do classical model of inheritance
  • e.g. class Answer...
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