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Sravan Reddy sravfeyn

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import io, csv
from dimagi.utils.chunked import chunked
from custom.icds_reports.tasks import _get_docs_in_ucr
from custom.icds_reports.const import DASHBOARD_DOMAIN
from corehq.util.log import send_HTML_email
from import FormES
"XFormInstance": {
"static-usage_forms": [
from corehq.pillows.mappings.xform_mapping import XFORM_INDEX
from corehq.pillows.mappings.reportxform_mapping import REPORT_XFORM_INDEX_INFO
from corehq.pillows.mappings.user_mapping import USER_INDEX
from pillowtop.models import KafkaCheckpoint
def copy_checkpoints(pillow_name):
for p in KafkaCheckpoint.objects.filter(checkpoint_id__startswith=pillow_name).all():
checkpoint_id = "{}-{}-{}-{}".format(
In [31]: def iter_sql(form_ids):
...: with TimingContext() as timer:
...: for f in FormAccessors('icds-cas').iter_forms(form_ids):
...: f.to_json()
...: return timer
In [32]: def iter_es(form_ids):
...: with TimingContext() as timer:
...: list(FormES().form_ids(form_ids).run().hits)
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time
def split_dates(from_date, num_dates):
dates = [from_date]
to =
total_size = get_data_size(from_date, to)
group_size = total_size / num_dates
sravfeyn / .py
Created May 15, 2019 11:44
Get mobile workers in all domains under a BillingAccount
from corehq.apps.accounting.models import BillingAccount, Subscription, DomainUserHistory
def get_subscribed_domains(account_id):
act = BillingAccount.objects.get(id=account_id)
domains = []
for sub in Subscription.visible_objects.filter(account=act).all():
domains = domains + [s.subscriber.domain for s in sub.account.subscription_set.filter(plan_version=sub.plan_version)]
return set(domains)
sravfeyn / gist:fb7a04e85e458c37649c295c8323d3f8
Created February 8, 2019 10:52
import subprocess
import socket
def send_pg_connection_count():
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP
out = subprocess.Popen("PGPASSWORD={{postgres_users.commcare.password}} psql -h localhost -p 6432 -U {{postgres_users.commcare.username}} pgbouncer -c 'show clients' | cut -d'|' -f 5 | tail -n +4 | sort | uniq -c", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output =
lines = output.split('\n')
lines = lines[1:-3]
for line in lines:
Sort (cost=429351.94..429504.45 rows=61004 width=3448) (actual time=157.890..157.908 rows=2 loops=1)
Sort Key: cte._cte_ordering
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 26kB
CTE cte
-> Recursive Union (cost=0.55..332787.08 rows=61004 width=281) (actual time=0.050..157.786 rows=2 loops=1)
-> Index Scan using locations_sqllocation_parent_id on locations_sqllocation (cost=0.55..836.32 rows=174 width=281) (actual time=0.031..0.050 rows=2 loops=1)
Index Cond: (parent_id = 903423)
-> Merge Join (cost=32947.09..33073.07 rows=6083 width=281) (actual time=157.673..157.673 rows=0 loops=1)
Merge Cond: ( = locations_sqllocation_1.parent_id)
Sort (cost=32261397.90..32271171.84 rows=3909574 width=3448) (actual time=123230.226..123230.244 rows=2 loops=1)
Sort Key: cte._cte_ordering
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 26kB
CTE cte
-> Recursive Union (cost=0.55..14356761.83 rows=3909574 width=281) (actual time=0.391..123229.962 rows=2 loops
-> Index Scan using locations_sqllocation_parent_id on locations_sqllocation (cost=0.55..836.32 rows=174 width=281) (actual time=0.356..0.376 rows=2 loops=1)
Index Cond: (parent_id = 903423)
-> Hash Join (cost=1385266.53..1427773.40 rows=390940 width=281) (actual time=123229.508..123229.508 rows=0 loops=1)
Hash Cond: ( = locations_sqllocation_1.parent_id)
def ucr_summary(domain):
from corehq.apps.userreports.models import DataSourceConfiguration, StaticDataSourceConfiguration
deid_fields = ["hh_gps_location","phone_number","contact_phone_number","date_primary_admit","aadhar_number","mcts_id","dob","raw_aadhar_string","mcp_id","rch_id","date_death","date_last_private_admit","bank_account_number","referral_reached_date","time_birth","phone_number","contact_phone_number","date_primary_admit","aadhar_number","mcts_id","dob","raw_aadhar_string","mcp_id","rch_id","date_death","date_last_private_admit","bank_account_number","referral_reached_date","time_birth","phone_number","helpdesk_phone_number","dob_aww","contact_phone_number","ls_name","ls_phone_number","dimagi_username","email"]
data_sources = list(DataSourceConfiguration.by_domain(domain)) + list(StaticDataSourceConfiguration.by_domain(domain))
def get_deid_field(indicator):
if 'name' in indicator.get('column_id'):
return 'name'
expression = str(indicator.get('expres
sravfeyn / audioInVellum.js
Last active July 5, 2016 12:09
Audio playback in Formbuilder
This script will let you listen to audio recording of formbuilder questions by simply clicking on the question text (without you having to open the audio link in a new tab for each question). This is helpful while reviewing audio recordings for correctness.
# How to use
- Open your form in formbuilder
- Right Click anywhere and chose 'Inspect'. On chrome a developer tools tab will open
- In developers tools, click on console
- Edit the script below as following and copy it onto console