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Created March 6, 2020 09:01
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Code to reproduce.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
int main()
HANDLE hStdin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);;
INPUT_RECORD irInBuf[128];
DWORD i,cNumRead;
bool exit = false;
printf("Try to press some key\n");
while (!exit) {
ReadConsoleInput(hStdin, irInBuf, 128, &cNumRead);
for (i = 0; i < cNumRead; i++) {
switch (irInBuf[i].EventType)
case KEY_EVENT: // keyboard input
KEY_EVENT_RECORD keyEvent = irInBuf[i].Event.KeyEvent;
if (keyEvent.bKeyDown) {
printf("KEY_EVENT_RECORD: \n");
printf("\twRepeatCount: 0x%x\n", keyEvent.wRepeatCount);
printf("\twVirtualKeyCode: 0x%x\n",keyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode);
printf("\twVirtualScanCode: 0x%x\n",keyEvent.wVirtualScanCode);
printf("\tuChar.UnicodeChar: 0x%x\n",keyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar);
printf("\tuChar.AsciiChar: 0x%x\n",keyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar);
printf("\tdwControlKeyState: 0x%x\n",keyEvent.dwControlKeyState);
if (keyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 0x51) { // press Q to exit
exit = true;
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