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Created January 17, 2015 11:44
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Require Import ssreflect.
Axiom SET : Type.
Definition Var := nat.
Definition Term := nat.
Definition equalS : nat := 0.
Definition memS : nat := 1.
Definition notS : nat := 2.
Definition orS : nat := 3.
Definition andS : nat := 4.
Definition implS : nat := 5.
Definition forallS : Term -> nat :=
fun t => 6.
Definition existsS : Term -> nat :=
fun t => 7.
Inductive Fml : Type :=
| equality : Var -> Var -> Fml
| membership : Var -> Var -> Fml
| notS : Fml -> Fml
| orS : Fml -> Fml -> Fml
| andS : Fml -> Fml -> Fml
| implS : Fml -> Fml -> Fml
| forallS : Var -> Fml -> Fml
| existsS : Var -> Fml -> Fml.
Notation "x _=_ y" := (equality x y) (at level 50).
Notation "x _∈_ y" := (membership x y) (at level 50).
Notation "¬ x" := (notS x) (at level 51).
Notation "x ∨ y" := (orS x y) (at level 51).
Notation "x ∧ y" := (andS x y) (at level 51).
Notation "x → y" := (implS x y) (at level 51).
Notation "∀ x , y" := (forallS x y) (at level 51).
Notation "∃ x , y" := (existsS x y) (at level 51).
Definition X : Fml := 0 _=_ 0 ∧ 1 _=_ 1.
Definition is_atomic (f : Fml) : Prop :=
match f with
| equality x y => True
| membership x y => True
| notS f0 => False
| orS f0 f1 => False
| andS f0 f1 => False
| implS f0 f1 => False
| forallS x f0 => False
| existsS x f0 => False
Eval compute in (is_atomic (0 _=_ 0)).
Definition is_bounded_qf (f : Fml) : Prop :=
match f with
| equality x y => False
| membership x y => False
| notS f0 => False
| orS f0 f1 => False
| andS f0 f1 => False
| implS f0 f1 => False
| forallS x f0 =>
match f0 with
| equality z w => False
| membership z w => False
| notS f0 => False
| orS f0 f1 => False
| andS f0 f1 => False
| implS f0 f1 =>
match f0 with
| equality z w => False
| membership z w => (z = x)
| notS f0 => False
| orS f0 f1 => False
| andS f0 f1 => False
| implS f0 f1 => False
| forallS x f0 => False
| existsS x f0 => False
| forallS x f0 => False
| existsS x f0 => False
| existsS x f0 =>
match f0 with
| equality z w => False
| membership z w => False
| notS f0 => False
| orS f0 f1 => False
| andS f0 f1 => False
| implS f0 f1 =>
match f0 with
| equality z w => False
| membership z w => (z = x)
| notS f0 => False
| orS f0 f1 => False
| andS f0 f1 => False
| implS f0 f1 => False
| forallS x f0 => False
| existsS x f0 => False
| forallS x f0 => False
| existsS x f0 => False
Eval compute in is_bounded_qf (∀1 , (1 _=_ 0)).
(* ====> false *)
Eval compute in is_bounded_qf (∀1 , (1 _∈_ 2)).
(* ====> false *)
Example testcase0: is_bounded_qf (∀1 , ((1 _∈_ 2) → (1 _=_ 3))).
(* ====> true *)
Definition is_not_qf (f : Fml) : Prop :=
match f with
| equality x y => True
| membership x y => True
| notS f0 => True
| orS f0 f1 => True
| andS f0 f1 => True
| implS f0 f1 => True
| forallS x f0 => False
| existsS x f0 => False
Fixpoint is_quantifier_free (f : Fml) : Prop :=
match f with
| equality x y => True
| membership x y => True
| notS f0 => (is_quantifier_free f0)
| orS f0 f1 => (is_quantifier_free f0)/\(is_quantifier_free f1)
| andS f0 f1 => (is_quantifier_free f0)/\(is_quantifier_free f1)
| implS f0 f1 => (is_quantifier_free f0)/\(is_quantifier_free f1)
| forallS x f0 => False
| existsS x f0 => False
Require Import Datatypes.
Check (sum unit unit).
Definition hoge (a : bool) : (unit + unit) :=
match a with
| true => inl tt
| false => inr tt
Definition bound_var (f : Fml) : (Var+unit) :=
match f with
| equality z w => tt
| membership z w => tt
| notS f0 => tt
| orS f0 f1 => tt
| andS f0 f1 => tt
| implS f0 f1 =>
match f0 with
| equality z w => tt
| membership z w => z
| notS f0 => tt
| orS f0 f1 => tt
| andS f0 f1 => tt
| implS f0 f1 => tt
| forallS x f0 => tt
| existsS x f0 => tt
| forallS x f0 => tt
| existsS x f0 => tt
Fixpoint is_Σ_0 (f : Fml) : Prop :=
match f with
| equality x y => True
| membership x y => True
| notS f0 => (is_Σ_0 f0)
| orS f0 f1 => (is_Σ_0 f0)/\(is_Σ_0 f1)
| andS f0 f1 => (is_Σ_0 f0)/\(is_Σ_0 f1)
| implS f0 f1 => (is_Σ_0 f0)/\(is_Σ_0 f1)
| forallS x f0 =>
match f0 with
| existsS x f0 => False
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