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Last active February 2, 2024 08:41
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Summarise information from a set of excel files into a summary sheet
import os
import xlwings as xw
# Setup the application
app = xw.App(visible=False)
app.display_alerts = False
# Create a new workbook
new_wb = app.books.add()
# Worksheet is Sheet 0 of New Workbook
new_ws = new_wb.sheets[0]
# Headers for the new workbook
headers = ["Header1", "Header2", "Header3"] # <-- List of header in the summary sheet
new_ws.range('A1').value = headers
# Directory path
folder_path = r"Source folder of excel sheets to summarize"
new_row = 2
# Loop through each file in the folder
for file in os.listdir(folder_path):
if file.lower().endswith(''.xlsm', '.xls','.xlsx'):
file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file)
src_wb = xw.Book(file_path) # Open the source workbook
# Copying values
for i in range(2):
new_ws.range(f'A{new_row}').value = src_wb.sheets['Sheet1'].range('B2').value <-- Header1 Value source
new_ws.range(f'B{new_row}').value = src_wb.sheets['Sheet1'].range('B4').value <-- Header2 Value source
new_ws.range(f'C{new_row}').value = src_wb.sheets['Sheet1'].range('B5').value <-- Header3 Value source
src_wb.close() # Close the source workbook
# Save the new workbook'Target Folder/summary.xls') <-- Save summary sheet
# Quit the application
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