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Created June 12, 2021 13:09
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AWS Amplify push error
simonreggiani@Simons-MacBook-Pro local-tennis-app % amplify push
✔ Successfully pulled backend environment dev from the cloud.
Current Environment: dev
| Category | Resource name | Operation | Provider plugin |
| --------- | ----------------------- | --------- | ----------------- |
| Function | sendPushOnCreateMessage | Update | awscloudformation |
| Auth | localtennisapp879bce4a | No Change | awscloudformation |
| Api | localtennisapp | No Change | awscloudformation |
| Storage | s31d3667c5 | No Change | awscloudformation |
| Analytics | localtennisapp | No Change | awscloudformation |
? Are you sure you want to continue? Yes
⠧ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS functionsendPushOnCreateMessage AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:10 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS storages31d3667c5 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:10 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
⠧ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS authlocaltennisapp879bce4a AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:10 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS DeploymentBucket AWS::S3::Bucket Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:10 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS analyticslocaltennisapp AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:10 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
UPDATE_COMPLETE storages31d3667c5 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:10 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
UPDATE_COMPLETE analyticslocaltennisapp AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:11 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
⠋ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS amplify-localtennisapp-dev-173117-authlocaltennisapp879bce4a-90PRT9U8LTG2 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:11 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) User Initiated
⠸ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS amplify-localtennisapp-dev-173117-functionsendPushOnCreateMessage-OTC4MBOVOT0R AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:10 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) User Initiated
⠸ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS LambdaFunction AWS::Lambda::Function Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:16 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
UPDATE_COMPLETE LambdaFunction AWS::Lambda::Function Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:19 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
⠼ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS HostedUIProvidersCustomResourceInputs Custom::LambdaCallout Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:19 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
⠹ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS HostedUIProvidersCustomResourceInputs Custom::LambdaCallout Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:22 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Requested update required the provider to create a new physical resource
UPDATE_FAILED HostedUIProvidersCustomResourceInputs Custom::LambdaCallout Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:22 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Received response status [FAILED] from custom resource. Message returned: See the details in CloudWatch Log Stream: 2021/06/12/[$LATEST]b1049593073448e4941cd4fdc2ce3745 (RequestId: 60ecf7d7-1768-459e-bfaf-1b1b9fb027e1)
UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS amplify-localtennisapp-dev-173117-authlocaltennisapp879bce4a-90PRT9U8LTG2 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:23 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) The following resource(s) failed to update: [HostedUIProvidersCustomResourceInputs].
⠴ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS amplify-localtennisapp-dev-173117-functionsendPushOnCreateMessage-OTC4MBOVOT0R AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:25 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
⠋ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_COMPLETE DeploymentBucket AWS::S3::Bucket Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:30 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
UPDATE_COMPLETE functionsendPushOnCreateMessage AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:32 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
UPDATE_FAILED authlocaltennisapp879bce4a AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:32 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Embedded stack arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:209760867749:stack/amplify-localtennisapp-dev-173117-authlocaltennisapp879bce4a-90PRT9U8LTG2/efd8e0b0-d82c-11ea-8735-0a1f955da693 was not successfully updated. Currently in UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS with reason: The following resource(s) failed to update: [HostedUIProvidersCustomResourceInputs].
UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS amplify-localtennisapp-dev-173117 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:33 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) The following resource(s) failed to update: [authlocaltennisapp879bce4a].
⠋ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS DeploymentBucket AWS::S3::Bucket Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:51 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS storages31d3667c5 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:51 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS analyticslocaltennisapp AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:51 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS authlocaltennisapp879bce4a AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:51 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
UPDATE_COMPLETE storages31d3667c5 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:51 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
UPDATE_COMPLETE analyticslocaltennisapp AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:51 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS DeploymentBucket AWS::S3::Bucket Sat Jun 12 2021 08:50:51 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Did not have IAM permissions to process tags on AWS::S3::Bucket resource.
⠙ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_COMPLETE DeploymentBucket AWS::S3::Bucket Sat Jun 12 2021 08:51:11 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
⠋ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_COMPLETE HostedUIProvidersCustomResourceInputs Custom::LambdaCallout Sat Jun 12 2021 08:51:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
⠴ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS amplify-localtennisapp-dev-173117-authlocaltennisapp879bce4a-90PRT9U8LTG2 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:51:24 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
⠇ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_COMPLETE authlocaltennisapp879bce4a AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:51:25 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
⠹ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS functionsendPushOnCreateMessage AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:51:26 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
⠦ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS amplify-localtennisapp-dev-173117-functionsendPushOnCreateMessage-OTC4MBOVOT0R AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:51:27 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) User Initiated
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS LambdaFunction AWS::Lambda::Function Sat Jun 12 2021 08:51:30 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
⠴ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_COMPLETE LambdaFunction AWS::Lambda::Function Sat Jun 12 2021 08:51:33 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS amplify-localtennisapp-dev-173117-functionsendPushOnCreateMessage-OTC4MBOVOT0R AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:51:34 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
⠸ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_COMPLETE functionsendPushOnCreateMessage AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:51:37 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS amplify-localtennisapp-dev-173117 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:51:38 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
UPDATE_COMPLETE analyticslocaltennisapp AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:51:39 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
UPDATE_COMPLETE storages31d3667c5 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:51:39 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
⠼ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_COMPLETE authlocaltennisapp879bce4a AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:51:50 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
⠧ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
UPDATE_COMPLETE functionsendPushOnCreateMessage AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:51:50 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE amplify-localtennisapp-dev-173117 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Sat Jun 12 2021 08:51:50 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
⠋ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...Error updating cloudformation stack
⠙ Updating resources in the cloud. This may take a few minutes...
Following resources failed
Resource Name: 2021/06/12/[$LATEST]b1049593073448e4941cd4fdc2ce3745 (Custom::LambdaCallout)
Event Type: update
Reason: Received response status [FAILED] from custom resource. Message returned: See the details in CloudWatch Log Stream: 2021/06/12/[$LATEST]b1049593073448e4941cd4fdc2ce3745 (RequestId: 60ecf7d7-1768-459e-bfaf-1b1b9fb027e1)
✖ An error occurred when pushing the resources to the cloud
Resource is not in the state stackUpdateComplete
An error occurred during the push operation: Resource is not in the state stackUpdateComplete
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