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Last active October 2, 2021 11:51
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#It is written on the basis of Instructions given here( and I have tested it on ubuntu server 16.04.
#Before running this script get full information about inputs required to run this script
#SQL server ROOT password:
# is password which will be used as root password for MySQL server
#password for Zotero databases:
# This password will be used for all databases which are required for zotero dataserver
#Web access address:
# Address where you will access your server if you are installing it on a server you can use servers ip address to access it or a domain name which is pointing to it.
# Port on which you will access your dataserver as it uses https protocol so default port is 443 if you want to access it on an other port which is available enter it.
#salt for user passwords:
# This salt will be embedded with user passwords before encrypting it to enhance security. You will have to use it during user creation on server.
#API super user name:
# Super username to access APIs
#API super user password:
# Superuser password to access APIs
#AWS secret key:
# This key is used to sync attachments with storage server. Storage server address and key is provided to client by server then client uploads attachment on storage server using this key.
#checking if script is ran as root or not
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
then echo 'Please run as root!'
# Ask the user for required inputs
echo 'Note: Do not use "zotero" as credential it cause some unknown problems.'
read -p 'Enter MySQL server ROOT password: ' sqlRootPassword
read -p 'Enter password for Zotero databases: ' zoteroDbPassword
printf 'Enter web/IP address where you will access it.\n'
printf 'Examples:\n\t127.0.0.1\n\\n\\n'
read -p 'Enter web/IP address: ' webAdress
printf 'Enter port where you want to access it.\n'
read -p 'Default HTTPS port is 443 : ' port
read -p 'Enter salt for user passwords: ' salt
read -p 'Enter API super user name: ' suName
read -p 'Enter API super user password: ' suPassword
read -p 'Enter AWS secret key: ' awsKey
#install packages
echo 'Installing required packages'
apt-get update
debconf-set-selections <<< "mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password $sqlRootPassword"
debconf-set-selections <<< "mysql-server mysql-server/root_password_again password $sqlRootPassword"
apt-get -y install mysql-server
apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php memcached zend-framework php-cli php-memcached php-mysql php-curl uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-psgi libplack-perl libdigest-hmac-perl libjson-xs-perl libfile-util-perl libapache2-mod-uwsgi git gnutls-bin runit libswitch-perl php-mbstring php-simplexml
echo 'Creating required directories'
mkdir -p /srv/zotero/{dataserver,zss,storage}/ /srv/zotero/log/{download,upload,error,api-errors,sync-errors} /etc/sv/zotero-download/log /etc/sv/zotero-upload/log /etc/sv/zotero-error/log
#Download dataserver Source Code
echo 'Cloning dataserver repository'
git clone git:// /srv/zotero/dataserver
#Commenting three lines which doesn't have correct syntax according to php7 and it doesn't have any impact on working
echo 'Commenting lines with incorect syntax'
sed -i '508,510 s/^/\/\//' /srv/zotero/dataserver/controllers/ApiController.php
#Prepare directory rights
echo 'Preparing directory rights'
chown www-data: /srv/zotero/log/{sync-errors,api-errors}/
chown www-data:www-data /srv/zotero/dataserver/tmp /srv/zotero/storage
#Zend Linking
echo 'Linking Zend framework work with zotero dataserver'
cd /srv/zotero/dataserver/include
rm -r Zend
ln -s /usr/share/php/libzend-framework-php/Zend
#Apache2 Configuration
echo 'Enabling rewrite and ssl mode for apache2'
a2enmod ssl
a2enmod rewrite
# SSL Certificate Creation
echo 'Creating self-signed ssl certificates'
certtool -p --sec-param high --outfile /etc/apache2/zotero.key
certtool -s --load-privkey /etc/apache2/zotero.key --outfile /etc/apache2/zotero.cert
# Creating Virtual Host File
echo 'Creating VirtualHost file for zotero dataserver'
cat << EOF > /etc/apache2/sites-available/zotero.conf
<VirtualHost *:$port>
DocumentRoot /srv/zotero/dataserver/htdocs
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/zotero.cert
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/zotero.key
<Location /zotero/>
SetHandler uwsgi-handler
uWSGISocket /var/run/uwsgi/app/zss/socket
uWSGImodifier1 5
<Directory "/srv/zotero/dataserver/htdocs/">
Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
Require all granted
php_value short_open_tag 1
ErrorLog /srv/zotero/log/error.log
CustomLog /srv/zotero/log/access.log common
# Registering Virtual Host File
echo 'Loading VirtualHost file of zotero dataserver'
a2ensite zotero.conf
# Editing .htaccess File
echo 'Editing /srv/zotero/dataserver/htdocs/.htaccess file'
sed -i -e 's/RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d/RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^\/zotero/g' /srv/zotero/dataserver/htdocs/.htaccess
#MySQL Configuration
echo 'Configuring MySQL'
cat << EOF > /etc/mysql/conf.d/zotero.cnf
character-set-server = utf8
collation-server = utf8_general_ci
event-scheduler = ON
default-time-zone = '+0:00'
# Setting up Database
cd /srv/zotero/dataserver/misc/
# Script to setup databases
echo 'Setting up databases'
sed -i -e "s/-pPW/-p$sqlRootPassword/g" /srv/zotero/dataserver/misc/setup_db
sed -i -e "s/foobar/$zoteroDbPassword/g" /srv/zotero/dataserver/misc/setup_db
#Dataserver Configuration
echo 'Configuring zotero dataserver settings'
cat << EOF > /srv/zotero/dataserver/include/config/
function Zotero_dbConnectAuth(\$db) {
\$charset = '';
if (\$db == 'master') {
\$host = 'localhost';
\$port = 3306;
\$db = 'zotero_master';
\$user = 'zotero';
\$pass = '$zoteroDbPassword';
else if (\$db == 'shard') {
\$host = false;
\$port = false;
\$db = false;
\$user = 'zotero';
\$pass = '$zoteroDbPassword';
else if (\$db == 'id1') {
\$host = 'localhost';
\$port = 3306;
\$db = 'zotero_ids';
\$user = 'zotero';
\$pass = '$zoteroDbPassword';
else if (\$db == 'id2') {
\$host = 'localhost';
\$port = 3306;
\$db = 'zotero_ids';
\$user = 'zotero';
\$pass = '$zoteroDbPassword';
else {
throw new Exception("Invalid db '\$db'");
return array(
cat << EOF > /srv/zotero/dataserver/include/config/
class Z_CONFIG {
public static \$API_ENABLED = true;
public static \$SYNC_ENABLED = true;
public static \$PROCESSORS_ENABLED = true;
public static \$MAINTENANCE_MESSAGE = 'Server updates in progress. Please try again in a few minutes.';
public static \$TESTING_SITE = false;
public static \$DEV_SITE = false;
public static \$DEBUG_LOG = false;
public static \$BASE_URI = '';
public static \$API_BASE_URI = 'https://$webAdress:$port/';//address where you will access it
public static \$WWW_BASE_URI = '';
public static \$SYNC_DOMAIN = 'sync';
public static \$AUTH_SALT = '$salt';//add some salt that will be embeded with password before encrypting it and it will be used during user password setting.
public static \$API_SUPER_USERNAME = '$suName';
public static \$API_SUPER_PASSWORD = '$suPassword';
public static \$AWS_ACCESS_KEY = '';
public static \$AWS_SECRET_KEY = '$awsKey'; //this key should be similar to key in file
public static \$S3_BUCKET = 'zotero';
public static \$S3_ENDPOINT = '$webAdress:$port';
public static \$S3_USE_SSL = true;
public static \$S3_VALIDATE_SSL = false;
public static \$URI_PREFIX_DOMAIN_MAP = array(
'/sync/' => 'sync'
public static \$MEMCACHED_ENABLED = true;
public static \$MEMCACHED_SERVERS = array(
public static \$TRANSLATION_SERVERS = array(
public static \$CITATION_SERVERS = array(
"citeserver1.localdomain:8080", "citeserver2.localdomain:8080"
public static \$ATTACHMENT_SERVER_HOSTS = array("files1.localdomain", "files2.localdomain");
public static \$ATTACHMENT_SERVER_URL = "";
public static \$ATTACHMENT_SERVER_DOCROOT = "/var/www/attachments/";
public static \$STATSD_ENABLED = false;
public static \$STATSD_PREFIX = "";
public static \$STATSD_HOST = "monitor.localdomain";
public static \$STATSD_PORT = 8125;
public static \$LOG_TO_SCRIBE = false;
public static \$LOG_ADDRESS = '';
public static \$LOG_PORT = 1463;
public static \$LOG_TIMEZONE = 'US/Eastern';
public static \$LOG_TARGET_DEFAULT = 'errors';
public static \$PROCESSOR_PORT_DOWNLOAD = 3455;
public static \$PROCESSOR_PORT_UPLOAD = 3456;
public static \$PROCESSOR_PORT_ERROR = 3457;
public static \$PROCESSOR_LOG_TARGET_DOWNLOAD = 'sync-processor-download';
public static \$PROCESSOR_LOG_TARGET_UPLOAD = 'sync-processor-upload';
public static \$PROCESSOR_LOG_TARGET_ERROR = 'sync-processor-error';
public static \$SYNC_DOWNLOAD_SMALLEST_FIRST = false;
public static \$SYNC_UPLOAD_SMALLEST_FIRST = false;
// Set some things manually for running via command line
public static \$CLI_PHP_PATH = '/usr/bin/php';
public static \$CLI_DOCUMENT_ROOT = "/srv/zotero/dataserver/";
public static \$SYNC_ERROR_PATH = '/srv/zotero/log/sync-errors/';
public static \$API_ERROR_PATH = '/srv/zotero/log/api-errors/';
public static \$CACHE_VERSION_ATOM_ENTRY = 1;
public static \$CACHE_VERSION_BIB = 1;
public static \$CACHE_VERSION_ITEM_DATA = 1;
#php Configuration
# Replace "short_open_tag = Off" with "short_open_tag = On"
echo 'Enabling php short_open_tag for cli use'
sed -i -e 's/short_open_tag = Off/short_open_tag = On/g' /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini
#Creating Processor daemons Using runit
echo 'Creating Processor daemons Using runit'
cat << EOF > /etc/sv/zotero-download/run
cd /srv/zotero/dataserver/processor/download
exec 2>&1
exec chpst -u www-data:www-data php daemon.php
cat << EOF > /etc/sv/zotero-upload/run
cd /srv/zotero/dataserver/processor/upload
exec 2>&1
exec chpst -u www-data:www-data php daemon.php
cat << EOF > /etc/sv/zotero-error/run
cd /srv/zotero/dataserver/processor/error
exec 2>&1
exec chpst -u www-data:www-data php daemon.php
cat << EOF > /etc/sv/zotero-download/log/run
exec svlogd /srv/zotero/log/download
cat << EOF > /etc/sv/zotero-upload/log/run
exec svlogd /srv/zotero/log/upload
cat << EOF > /etc/sv/zotero-error/log/run
exec svlogd /srv/zotero/log/error
#Fixing file permissions
echo 'Fixing file permissions'
chmod 744 /etc/sv/zotero-download/run /etc/sv/zotero-upload/run /etc/sv/zotero-error/run /etc/sv/zotero-download/log/run /etc/sv/zotero-upload/log/run /etc/sv/zotero-error/log/run
#Creating File links to run daemons
echo 'Creating File links to run daemons'
ln -s /etc/sv/zotero-download /etc/service/
ln -s /etc/sv/zotero-upload /etc/service/
ln -s /etc/sv/zotero-error /etc/service/
#Configuring ZSS
echo 'Cloning zss repository to /srv/zotero/zss'
git clone git:// /srv/zotero/zss
echo 'Configuring ZSS'
sed -i -e 's/path\/to\/\/zotero\/zss\//g' /srv/zotero/zss/zss.psgi
sed -i -e "s/yoursecretkey/$awsKey/g" /srv/zotero/zss/
sed -i -e 's/path\/to/srv\/zotero/g' /srv/zotero/zss/
#Configure uwsgi
echo 'Configure uwsgi to launch zss'
cat << EOF > /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/zss.yaml
plugin: psgi
psgi: /srv/zotero/zss/zss.psgi
ln -s /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/zss.yaml /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/
echo 'Zotero dataserver installation Completed'
read -n1 -t10 -rsp 'System is going to reboot in 10 seconds or press any key to reboot now...';
printf '\nRebooting...'
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