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Created November 11, 2023 02:14
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Observer, Design Pattern, C++, Implementation, Virtual Method, Inheritance
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// Problem: Stock Price Alert System
// Description:
// You are tasked with designing a stock price alert system using the Observer
// design pattern in C++. The system will have the following components:
// - Stock: This class represents a stock in the market. It should have
// attributes like stock name and price.
// - StockMarket: This class manages a collection of Stock objects. It
// should allow adding and updating stock prices.
// - Observer Interface: This interface should define the method that all
// observers must implement to receive updates.
// - DisplayBoard and AlertSystem: Two concrete classes that implement the
// Observer interface. DisplayBoard displays the latest stock prices, and
// AlertSystem sends alerts when a stock price reaches a certain threshold.
// Requirements:
// - Implement an Observer interface with an update() method.
// - Stock should be a class with properties for the name and price of the
// stock. It should notify all observers whenever its price changes.
// - StockMarket should be able to add new stocks and update the prices of
// existing stocks.
// - DisplayBoard and AlertSystem should both implement the Observer
// interface. DisplayBoard should display the latest prices of stocks, and
// AlertSystem should check for price thresholds and send alerts.
// - The system should support multiple DisplayBoard and AlertSystem
// instances observing the same stocks.
// - When the price of a stock changes, all registered observers should be
// notified.
// Example:
// Suppose the StockMarket has two stocks: Apple (AAPL) and Google (GOOGL). Two
// DisplayBoard instances and one AlertSystem are observing these stocks. When
// the price of Apple stock changes, both DisplayBoard instances should update
// the display, and the AlertSystem should check if the new price crosses a
// predefined threshold and, if so, trigger an alert.
class Stock;
class IObserver {
virtual void OnUpdate(const Stock &stock) = 0;
virtual ~IObserver() = default;
class ISubject {
virtual void AddObserver(const std::shared_ptr<IObserver> &observer) = 0;
virtual void NotifyObservers() = 0;
virtual ~ISubject() = default;
class Stock : public ISubject {
static int IDCounter;
int id_;
int price_;
std::string name_;
std::vector<std::weak_ptr<IObserver>> observers_;
Stock() : id_{IDCounter++} {}
Stock(std::string name, int price)
: id_{IDCounter++}, name_{std::move(name)}, price_{price} {}
auto ID() const -> int { return id_; }
void Name(std::string name) { name_ = std::move(name); }
auto Name() const -> std::string { return name_; }
void Price(int price) {
price_ = price;
auto Price() const -> int { return price_; }
void AddObserver(const std::shared_ptr<IObserver> &observer) override {
void NotifyObservers() override {
for (std::weak_ptr<IObserver> &observer : observers_) {
if (std::shared_ptr<IObserver> ptr_observer = observer.lock()) {
// Thanks to the observable pattern we can observe constructing, copying,
// moving, assigning, destroying, etc... of the Stock class.
class DisplayBoard : public IObserver {
std::reference_wrapper<std::ostream> display_;
DisplayBoard(std::ostream &display) : display_{display} {}
void OnUpdate(const Stock &stock) override {
display_.get() << stock.ID() << ": " << stock.Name() << " - "
<< stock.Price() << "\n";
class AlertSystem : public IObserver {
int threshold_;
std::reference_wrapper<std::ostream> out_;
AlertSystem(int threshold, std::ostream &out)
: threshold_{threshold}, out_{out} {}
void OnUpdate(const Stock &stock) override {
if (stock.Price() > threshold_) {
out_.get() << stock.ID() << ": "
<< "(Alert!) " << stock.Name() << " - " << stock.Price()
<< "\n";
constexpr int InitialIDCounter = 1;
int Stock::IDCounter = InitialIDCounter;
class StockMarket {
std::vector<Stock> stocks_;
void AddStock(const Stock &stock) { stocks_.push_back(stock); }
void RemoveStock(const std::function<bool(const Stock &)> &predicate) {
stocks_.erase(std::remove_if(stocks_.begin(), stocks_.end(), predicate),
void UpdateStock(const std::function<void(Stock &)> &callback) {
for (auto &stock : stocks_) {
void RunStockMarket() {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Stock>> stocks;
constexpr int appleStockPrice{100};
constexpr int googleStockPrice{200};
stocks.push_back(std::make_unique<Stock>("Apple", appleStockPrice));
stocks.push_back(std::make_unique<Stock>("Google", googleStockPrice));
std::shared_ptr<IObserver> displayToCout{
std::shared_ptr<IObserver> displayToCerr{
constexpr int threshold{150};
std::shared_ptr<IObserver> alertSystem{
std::make_shared<AlertSystem>(threshold, std::cout)};
StockMarket stockMarket;
for (std::unique_ptr<Stock> &stock : stocks) {
stockMarket.UpdateStock([&stocks](Stock &stock) {
if (stock.ID() == stocks[0]->ID()) {
constexpr int newPrice{150};
stockMarket.UpdateStock([&stocks](Stock &stock) {
if (stock.ID() == stocks[0]->ID()) {
constexpr int newPrice{200};
[&stocks](const Stock &stock) { return stock.ID() == 1; });
stockMarket.UpdateStock([&stocks](Stock &stock) {
if (stock.ID() == stocks[1]->ID()) {
constexpr int newPrice{250};
auto main() -> int {
return 0;
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