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Created December 16, 2016 05:35
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contains The Training Algorithm
package neuralNetwork;
* Copyright (c) 2016 K Sreram, All rights reserved.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import neuralNetwork.neuralInterface.TrainingDataSet;
* @author sreram
public class ConstructiveTrainer extends NeuralTrainer {
private Double computeError(Neuron curNeuron) {
Double result = new Double(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < curNeuron.childNeurons.size(); i++) {
result = result.doubleValue() + curNeuron.childNeurons.get(i).error.doubleValue()
* curNeuron.getWeight(curNeuron.childNeurons.get(i).getNeuronIndex())*
// taking absolute value should be avoided here. Because the right to
// determine the direction
// of weight-value-change lies with the output neurons.
return result;
public static Double computeOutputOfNeuron(Neuron neuron) {
return neuron.outputResult;
private ArrayList<Double> lastVisitedWeightSet;
public ArrayList<Double> retriveWeightValues() {
return lastVisitedWeightSet;
private ArrayList<Double> newWeightValues;
private int iterativeIndexForNewWeightValues = 0;
public void setWeightValues(ArrayList<Double> newWeights) {
newWeightValues = newWeights;
public void setWeightValues() {
Neuron tempNeuron;
iterativeIndexForNewWeightValues = 0;
for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < NNetwork.networkData.outputNeurons.size(); nIndex++) {
tempNeuron = NNetwork.networkData.outputNeurons.get(nIndex);
for (int layerIndex = NNetwork.networkData.hiddenLayers.size() - 1; layerIndex >= 0; layerIndex--) {
for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < NNetwork.networkData.hiddenLayers.get(layerIndex).size(); nIndex++) {
tempNeuron = NNetwork.networkData.hiddenLayers.get(layerIndex).get(nIndex);
public void setWeight(Neuron neuron) {
Neuron preNeuron;
for (int i = 0; i < neuron.parentNeurons.size(); i++) {
preNeuron = neuron.parentNeurons.get(i);
preNeuron.weightValues.put(neuron.getNeuronIndex(), newWeightValues.get(iterativeIndexForNewWeightValues));
private void trainNeuron(Neuron neuron) {
Neuron preNeuron;
Double change;
Double deltaW;
Double curWeight;
for (int i = 0; i < neuron.parentNeurons.size(); i++) {
preNeuron = neuron.parentNeurons.get(i);
curWeight = preNeuron.getWeight(neuron.getNeuronIndex());
neuron.differentialValue = neuron.activation.activationDifferential(neuron.input, neuron.outputResult);
deltaW = neuron.error*
preNeuron.outputResult * NNetwork.networkData.learningRate;
change = deltaW +
NNetwork.networkData.momentum *
((preNeuron.preChangeInWeight.get(neuron.getNeuronIndex()) != null)?
preNeuron.preChangeInWeight.get(neuron.getNeuronIndex()) : 0.0);
preNeuron.weightValues.get(neuron.getNeuronIndex()) + change.doubleValue());
preNeuron.preChangeInWeight.put(neuron.getNeuronIndex(), deltaW);
public void trainNetwork(TrainingDataSet.trainingDataUnit trainingDataUnit) {
Neuron tempNeuron;
lastVisitedWeightSet = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < NNetwork.networkData.outputNeurons.size(); nIndex++) {
tempNeuron = NNetwork.networkData.outputNeurons.get(nIndex);
tempNeuron.error = trainingDataUnit.errors.get(nIndex);
for (int layerIndex = NNetwork.networkData.hiddenLayers.size() - 1; layerIndex >= 0; layerIndex--) {
for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < NNetwork.networkData.hiddenLayers.get(layerIndex).size(); nIndex++) {
tempNeuron = NNetwork.networkData.hiddenLayers.get(layerIndex).get(nIndex);
tempNeuron.error = computeError(tempNeuron); // grabs the error from the succeeding neurons
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