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Forked from ZJONSSON/index.html
Created July 20, 2012 17:26
Using D3 to create and animate X3D - with x3dom
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<h1>a modification of using D3 with X3D via X3DOM</h1>
<p>This version uses spheres instead of boxes, there are less spheres and they are colored with random colors. Of interest is the correct creation of the <shape><appearance><material> tag hierarchy which allows the color modifications of the spheres to work. Totally based on from ZJONSSON (whoever that is ;-)</p>
<!-- Based entirely on ZJONSSON amazing code -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function plotAxis(scale,location,size,numTicks) {
// the axis line
// ticks along the axis
.attr("translation", function(d) { return location.replace("D",scale(d))})
.attr("size",size*3+" "+size*3+" "+size*3);
.append("x3d:fontstyle").attr("size",25).attr("justify","MIDDLE" )
function plotData() { { return {x:Math.random()*100,y:Math.random()*100,z:Math.random()*100}}))
datapoints.exit().remove() // Remove any excess datapoints, if needed
mydata=datapoints.enter() // Draw a sphere for each new datapoint and create shape -> appearance hierarchy
mydata.append("x3d:appearance").append("x3d:material").attr("diffuseColor", function() { return Math.random() + ' ' + Math.random() + ' ' + Math.random()});
datapoints.transition() // Move each box to the right point location
.attr("translation",function(d) { return x(d.x)+" "+y(d.y)+" "+z(d.z)})
// Create the x3d scene
x3d ="body")
scene = x3d.append("x3d:scene")
// set up the axes
var x = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 100]).range([0, 10]),
y = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 100]).range([0, 10]),
z = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 100]).range([0, 10]);
plotAxis(x,"D 0 0",0.01,10)
plotAxis(y,"0 D 0",0.01,10)
plotAxis(z,"0 0 D",0.01,10)
// and plot random data every 2500 ms
var datapoints=scene.selectAll(".datapoints");
// zoom out the viewport
setTimeout(function() {x3d[0][0].runtime.showAll()},50);
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This modification of your file uses spheres and modifies the color of the spheres adding in the correct hierarchy (hope this didn't screw up your GIST i'm a github newbie ;-)

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I am trying to make stack bar chart with 3D look using d3.js but its not working yet... so can u help mi out

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