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Quickly visualize a matrix or raster in R.
img <- function(x, pal = 'j', cut = F, brks = 10, units = '', rev.pal = F, vals = F, axes = T,
na.col = 'black', fg = 'black', bg = 'white', draw.cells = F, legend = T, ...) {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Purpose:
# Quickly plot an image (using matrix or raster objects).
# Arguments:
# x Either a matrix or raster object.
# pal Color palette code (either letter or number selection).
# cut A logical flag to use a discrete color ramp instead of a continuous one.
# brks Either a single integer specifying the number of breaks or a vector
# specifying the exact breaks to create.
# units A string or expression specifying the units of the cell values.
# rev.pal A logical flag to reverse the color palette.
# vals Print cell values at the center of each grid cell.
# axes A logical flag to draw the axes including the tick marks and labels.
# na.col The color used for NoData cells.
# fg Foreground (text and lines) color.
# bg Background color.
# draw.cells A logical flag to draw borders around grid cells.
# legend A logical flag to draw or hide the legend.
# ... Additional arguments for rasterVis::levelplot and/or lattice:levelplot.
# Author:
# Seth Gorelik - October 2018
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
for (pkg in c('rasterVis','grid','colorRamps','viridis','matlab')) require(pkg, character.only = T, quietly = T, warn.conflicts = F)
col.pal <- switch(pal,
j = jet.colors(256),
v = viridis(256),
m = magma(256),
i = inferno(256),
p = plasma(256),
t = terrain.colors(256),
r = rainbow(256),
g = gray.colors(256),
s = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11, 'Spectral'))(256),
b = blue2red(256),
l =,
if ((length(col.pal) == 1) | (is.null(col.pal))) stop('incorrect color palette choice.', call. = F)
if (rev.pal) col.pal <- rev(col.pal)
min <- floor(min(as.matrix(x), na.rm = T))
max <- ceiling(max(as.matrix(x), na.rm = T))
if (!is.logical(cut)) {
stop('cut must be TRUE or FALSE.', call. = F)
} else if (!cut) { # continuous
brks <- seq(min, max, by = ((max-min)/256))
ck <- list()
} else { # discrete
is.scalar <- function(x) is.atomic(x) && length(x) == 1L
if (is.scalar(brks)) brks <- seq(min, max, by = ((max-min)/brks))
ck <- list(at = brks, labels = list(at = brks))
if (!legend) ck <- F
if (is.matrix(x)) {
x <- t(apply(x, 2, rev))
p <- levelplot(x, margin = F, ylab.right = units, col.regions = col.pal, at = brks, colorkey = ck, ...)
p$par.settings$panel.background$col <- na.col
p$par.settings$axis.line$col <- fg
p$par.settings$axis.text$col <- fg
p$par.settings$add.text$col <- fg
p$par.settings$background$col <- bg
p$par.settings$layout.heights$main <- 1.5
p$par.settings$layout.heights$top.padding <- 2
p$par.settings$layout.widths$axis.key.padding <- 1
p$par.settings$layout.widths$ylab.right <- 2
p$par.settings$par.ylab.text$col <- fg
if (is.matrix(x)) {
p$xlab <- 'column'
p$ylab <- 'row'
if (!axes) p$xlab <- p$ylab <- ''
p$main <- list(p$main, col = fg, font = 1)
p$xlab <- list(p$xlab, col = fg)
p$ylab <- list(p$ylab, col = fg)
p$x.scales$draw <- axes
p$y.scales$draw <- axes
if (vals) {
p$panel <- function(x, y, z, ..., subscripts = subscripts) {
panel.levelplot(x, y, z, ..., subscripts = subscripts)
panel.text(x = x[subscripts],
y = y[subscripts],
labels = round(z[subscripts], 1))
if (draw.cells) {
p <- p + layer(panel.grid(h = 1, v = 1, col.line = fg), data = list(fg = fg))
update(p, aspect = 1)
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srgorelik commented Oct 18, 2018

Examples using a dummy matrix:

m <- matrix(runif(100, min = 0, max = 100), 10, 10)

img(m, rev.pal = T)

img(m, pal = 5)

img(m, pal = 'p', bg = 'black', fg = 'lightgray')

To print values of cells at the center of grid cells:

m <- matrix(as.integer(runif(9, -100, 100)), ncol = 3, nrow = 3)
img(m, vals = T, pal = 9)

To hide the legend:

img(m, vals = T, pal = 9, legend = F)

Examples using a raster:

r <- raster(system.file("external/test.grd", package="raster"))
img(r, main = 'Continuous color scale example')

img(r, main = 'Discrete color scale example (default breaks)', cut = T)

img(r, main = 'Discrete color scale example (custom breaks)', cut = T, brks = 4)

img(r, main = 'Discrete color scale example (custom breaks)', cut = T, brks = c(128, 800, 1000, 1800))

img(r, pal = 'v', units = expression(Mg~ha^{-1}), bg = 'gray', axes = F)

To plot a raster stack:

s <- stack(raster(ncol = 2, nrow = 2, vals = sample(0:10, 4)),
           raster(ncol = 2, nrow = 2, vals = sample(0:10, 4)),
           raster(ncol = 2, nrow = 2, vals = sample(0:10, 4)),
           raster(ncol = 2, nrow = 2, vals = sample(0:10, 4)),
           raster(ncol = 2, nrow = 2, vals = sample(0:10, 4)),
           raster(ncol = 2, nrow = 2, vals = sample(0:10, 4)))
img(s, vals = T)

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