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Created December 9, 2016 06:06
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Save srh/812dc80301d18496e10a518f62826c46 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
png decode in progress (maybe?)
extern crate flate2;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
pub struct Chunk {
typ: u32,
data: Vec<u8>,
pub fn eat_u32(i: &mut usize, data: &[u8]) -> u32 {
let mut b: u32 = 0;
b |= data[3 + *i] as u32;
b |= (data[2 + *i] as u32) << 8;
b |= (data[1 + *i] as u32) << 16;
b |= (data[0 + *i] as u32) << 24;
*i += 4;
return b;
pub fn read_chunks(contents: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<Chunk> {
let mut build: Vec<Chunk> = Vec::new();
let mut i: usize = 8;
while i < contents.len() {
let chunklen: u32 = eat_u32(&mut i, &contents);
let typ: u32 = eat_u32(&mut i, &contents);
println!("chunklen is {}, type={:x}", chunklen, typ);
let bytes: Vec<u8> = Vec::from(&contents[i .. i + (chunklen as usize)]);
// + 4 to skip past CRC.
i = i + (chunklen as usize) + 4;
build.push(Chunk{typ: typ, data: bytes});
println!("Done read {} bytes", i);
return build;
pub fn read_png(filename: &str) -> Vec<Chunk> {
let mut file = File::open(filename).unwrap();
let mut contents: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let result = file.read_to_end(&mut contents).unwrap();
println!("Read {} bytes", result);
let chunks: Vec<Chunk> = read_chunks(contents);
return chunks;
pub struct IHDRInfo {
width: u32,
height: u32,
bit_depth: u8,
color_type: u8,
compression_method: u8,
filter_method: u8,
interlace_method: u8,
pub fn process_ihdr(ch: &Chunk) -> IHDRInfo {
assert!( == 13);
let mut info: IHDRInfo = IHDRInfo::default();
let mut i: usize = 0;
info.width = eat_u32(&mut i, &;
info.height = eat_u32(&mut i, &;
info.bit_depth =[i];
info.color_type =[i + 1];
info.compression_method =[i + 2];
info.filter_method =[i + 3];
info.interlace_method =[i + 4];
return info;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct RGBA { dat: [u8; 4] }
pub struct Row { pixels: Vec<RGBA>, }
const ZERO_RGBA: RGBA = RGBA{dat:[0; 4]};
pub fn convert_to_rows(ihdr: &IHDRInfo, data: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<Row> {
assert!(ihdr.bit_depth == 8);
assert!(ihdr.color_type == 2);
println!("data length: {}, height: {}, width: {}", data.len(), ihdr.height, ihdr.width);
let pixelsize: usize = 3;
let row_width: usize = (ihdr.width as usize) * pixelsize + 1;
let prev_scan_line: Vec<RGBA> = vec![ZERO_RGBA; ihdr.width as usize];
for rownum in 0 .. ihdr.height as usize {
let mut i: usize = rownum * row_width;
let filtertype: u8 = data[i];
i += 1;
let mut build: Vec<RGBA> = vec![ZERO_RGBA; ihdr.width as usize];
let mut prev: RGBA = ZERO_RGBA;
let mut prev_scan_line_prev: RGBA = ZERO_RGBA;
for colnum in 0 .. ihdr.width as usize {
let r: u8 = data[i + colnum*3];
let g: u8 = data[i + colnum*3 + 1];
let b: u8 = data[i + colnum*3 + 2];
let pix: RGBA = RGBA{dat:[r, g, b, 0]};
let up: RGBA = prev_scan_line[colnum];
let newpix: RGBA = filter_pixel(filtertype, pix,
build[colnum] = newpix;
prev = pix;
prev_scan_line_prev = up;
return Vec::new();
pub fn filter_pixel(filtertype: u8, pix: RGBA, left: RGBA, up: RGBA, upleft: RGBA) -> RGBA {
let mut build: RGBA = ZERO_RGBA;
for i in 0..3 {
build.dat[i] = match filtertype {
0 => pix.dat[i],
1 => pix.dat[i].wrapping_add(left.dat[i]),
2 => pix.dat[i].wrapping_add(up.dat[i]),
3 => pix.dat[i].wrapping_add((((left.dat[i] as u32) + (up.dat[i] as u32)) >> 1) as u8),
4 => pix.dat[i].wrapping_add(paeth_predictor(left.dat[i] as i32, up.dat[i] as i32, upleft.dat[i] as i32)),
_ => panic!("bad filtertype")
return build;
use std::num;
pub fn paeth_predictor(a: i32, b: i32, c: i32) -> u8 {
let p: i32 = a + b - c;
let pa: i32 = (p - a).abs();
let pb: i32 = (p - b).abs();
let pc: i32 = (p - c).abs();
if pa <= pb && pa <= pc {
return a as u8;
} else if pb <= pc {
return b as u8;
} else {
return c as u8;
pub fn process_png(png: Vec<Chunk>) {
let ihdr: IHDRInfo = process_ihdr(&png[0]);
assert!(ihdr.compression_method == 0); // assert deflate
assert!(ihdr.filter_method == 0); // assert adaptive
// TODON'T: this.
assert!(ihdr.interlace_method == 0); // assert non-interlaced
let mut compressed_data: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
for i in 1..png.len()-1 {
if png[i].typ == 0x49444154 {
assert!(png[png.len()-1].typ == 0x49454e44);
assert!(png[png.len()-1].data.len() == 0);
let inflated_data: Vec<u8> = inflate_bytes(&compressed_data);
let rows: Vec<Row> = convert_to_rows(&ihdr, inflated_data);
let mut num_zeros: usize = 0;
for row in rows.iter() {
for pix in row.pixels.iter() {
if pix.dat[0] == 0 && pix.dat[1] == 0 && pix.dat[2] == 0 {
num_zeros += 1;
println!("There were {} zeros.", num_zeros);
use flate2::read::*;
pub fn inflate_bytes(b: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut d = ZlibDecoder::new(b);
let mut res: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
d.read_to_end(&mut res);
println!("res length = {}", res.len());
return res;
pub fn printbytes(bytes: &[u8]) {
for i in 0..40 {
print!("{:02x}", bytes[i]);
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn it_works() {
let v: Vec<Chunk> = read_png("PNG_demo.png");
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