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Created April 16, 2019 09:22
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A Hakyll site file that provides for blog posts to link to "suggested" posts.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Binary (Binary (..))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import System.Random.Shuffle (shuffle')
import System.Random.TF (newTFGen)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable (..))
import Hakyll
main :: IO ()
main = hakyll $ do
match "images/*" $ do
route idRoute
compile copyFileCompiler
match "css/*" $ do
route idRoute
compile compressCssCompiler
match (fromList ["about.rst", "contact.markdown"]) $ do
route $ setExtension "html"
compile $ pandocCompiler
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" defaultContext
>>= relativizeUrls
match "posts/*" $ do
route $ setExtension "html"
compile $ pandocCompiler
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/post.html" postCtx
>>= saveSnapshot "content"
>>= (\itm -> withSuggestedPosts 5 postCtx $ \ctx ->
return itm
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" ctx
>>= relativizeUrls)
create ["archive.html"] $ do
route idRoute
compile $ do
posts <- recentFirst =<< loadAll "posts/*"
let archiveCtx =
listField "posts" postCtx (return posts) `mappend`
constField "title" "Archives" `mappend`
makeItem ""
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/archive.html" archiveCtx
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" archiveCtx
>>= relativizeUrls
match "index.html" $ do
route idRoute
compile $ do
posts <- recentFirst =<< loadAll "posts/*"
let indexCtx =
listField "posts" postCtx (return posts) `mappend`
constField "title" "Home" `mappend`
>>= applyAsTemplate indexCtx
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" indexCtx
>>= relativizeUrls
match "templates/*" $ compile templateCompiler
postCtx :: Context String
postCtx =
dateField "date" "%B %e, %Y" `mappend`
withSuggestedPosts :: (Binary a, Typeable a, Writable a)
=> Int
-> Context String
-> (Context String -> Compiler (Item a))
-> Compiler (Item a)
withSuggestedPosts count ctx next = do
ui <- getUnderlying
rng <- unsafeCompiler newTFGen
posts <- chronological =<< loadAllSnapshots ("posts/*" .&&. (complement . fromGlob . show $ ui)) "content"
let postsSuggested = take (min count (length posts)) $ shuffle' posts (length posts) rng
withSuggestedCtx =
listField "suggestedPosts" postCtx (return postsSuggested)
<> ctx
next withSuggestedCtx
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