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Created August 19, 2016 19:41
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+ module.shared.aws_elasticache_parameter_group.default
description: "" => "Cache cluster default param group; allows append only file"
family: "" => "redis2.8"
name: "" => "rig-dataprod-default"
parameter.#: "" => "2" "" => "maxmemory-policy"
parameter.1256273689.value: "" => "volatile-lru" "" => "appendonly"
parameter.283487565.value: "" => "yes"
+ module.shared.aws_elasticache_parameter_group.memcache-default
description: "" => "memcache cluster default param group;"
family: "" => "memcached1.4"
name: "" => "rig-dataprod-memcache-default"
+ module.shared.aws_elasticache_subnet_group.default
description: "" => "Default subnet group for elasticache instances to be placed into"
name: "" => "rig-dataprod-default"
subnet_ids.#: "" => "<computed>"
+ module.rig.ecs_cluster.aws_ecs_cluster.cluster
name: "" => "dataprod"
+ module.rig.ecs_cluster.aws_eip.bastion
allocation_id: "" => "<computed>"
association_id: "" => "<computed>"
domain: "" => "<computed>"
instance: "" => "${}"
network_interface: "" => "<computed>"
private_ip: "" => "<computed>"
public_ip: "" => "<computed>"
vpc: "" => "1"
+ module.rig.ecs_cluster.aws_instance.bastion
ami: "" => "ami-9d5cde8a"
associate_public_ip_address: "" => "1"
availability_zone: "" => "us-east-1a"
ebs_block_device.#: "" => "<computed>"
ephemeral_block_device.#: "" => "<computed>"
instance_state: "" => "<computed>"
instance_type: "" => "m3.medium"
key_name: "" => "root-servers-20160119"
placement_group: "" => "<computed>"
private_dns: "" => "<computed>"
private_ip: "" => "<computed>"
public_dns: "" => "<computed>"
public_ip: "" => "<computed>"
root_block_device.#: "" => "1"
root_block_device.0.delete_on_termination: "" => "1"
root_block_device.0.iops: "" => "<computed>"
root_block_device.0.volume_size: "" => "55"
root_block_device.0.volume_type: "" => "gp2"
security_groups.#: "" => "<computed>"
source_dest_check: "" => "1"
subnet_id: "" => "${element(split(\",\",var.public_ids), count.index % length(split(\",\",var.availability_zones)) )}"
tags.#: "" => "2"
tags.Name: "" => "bastion-a01-dataprod-us-east-1a"
tags.rig:cluster: "" => "dataprod"
tenancy: "" => "<computed>"
vpc_security_group_ids.#: "" => "<computed>"
+ module.rig.ecs_cluster.aws_route53_record.bastion
fqdn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => ""
records.#: "" => "<computed>"
ttl: "" => "300"
type: "" => "A"
weight: "" => "-1"
zone_id: "" => "${var.zone_id}"
+ module.rig.ecs_autoscaling.aws_autoscaling_policy.reservation_cpu_scale_down
adjustment_type: "" => "PercentChangeInCapacity"
arn: "" => "<computed>"
autoscaling_group_name: "" => "${aws_cloudformation_stack.rig_cluster.outputs.AsgName}"
estimated_instance_warmup: "" => "60"
metric_aggregation_type: "" => "Average"
name: "" => "rig_dataprod_ecs_reservation_cpu_scale_down"
policy_type: "" => "StepScaling"
step_adjustment.#: "" => "2"
step_adjustment.2557519220.metric_interval_lower_bound: "" => "-10"
step_adjustment.2557519220.metric_interval_upper_bound: "" => "0"
step_adjustment.2557519220.scaling_adjustment: "" => "0"
step_adjustment.471085572.metric_interval_lower_bound: "" => ""
step_adjustment.471085572.metric_interval_upper_bound: "" => "-10"
step_adjustment.471085572.scaling_adjustment: "" => "-10"
+ module.rig.ecs_autoscaling.aws_autoscaling_policy.reservation_cpu_scale_up
adjustment_type: "" => "PercentChangeInCapacity"
arn: "" => "<computed>"
autoscaling_group_name: "" => "${aws_cloudformation_stack.rig_cluster.outputs.AsgName}"
estimated_instance_warmup: "" => "60"
metric_aggregation_type: "" => "Average"
min_adjustment_magnitude: "" => "1"
name: "" => "rig_dataprod_ecs_reservation_cpu_scale_up"
policy_type: "" => "StepScaling"
step_adjustment.#: "" => "3"
step_adjustment.1883114319.metric_interval_lower_bound: "" => "0"
step_adjustment.1883114319.metric_interval_upper_bound: "" => "10"
step_adjustment.1883114319.scaling_adjustment: "" => "10"
step_adjustment.2234859296.metric_interval_lower_bound: "" => "10"
step_adjustment.2234859296.metric_interval_upper_bound: "" => "20"
step_adjustment.2234859296.scaling_adjustment: "" => "20"
step_adjustment.374669947.metric_interval_lower_bound: "" => "20"
step_adjustment.374669947.metric_interval_upper_bound: "" => ""
step_adjustment.374669947.scaling_adjustment: "" => "30"
+ module.rig.ecs_autoscaling.aws_autoscaling_policy.reservation_mem_scale_down
adjustment_type: "" => "PercentChangeInCapacity"
arn: "" => "<computed>"
autoscaling_group_name: "" => "${aws_cloudformation_stack.rig_cluster.outputs.AsgName}"
estimated_instance_warmup: "" => "60"
metric_aggregation_type: "" => "Average"
name: "" => "rig_dataprod_ecs_reservation_mem_scale_down"
policy_type: "" => "StepScaling"
step_adjustment.#: "" => "2"
step_adjustment.2557519220.metric_interval_lower_bound: "" => "-10"
step_adjustment.2557519220.metric_interval_upper_bound: "" => "0"
step_adjustment.2557519220.scaling_adjustment: "" => "0"
step_adjustment.471085572.metric_interval_lower_bound: "" => ""
step_adjustment.471085572.metric_interval_upper_bound: "" => "-10"
step_adjustment.471085572.scaling_adjustment: "" => "-10"
+ module.rig.ecs_autoscaling.aws_autoscaling_policy.reservation_mem_scale_up
adjustment_type: "" => "PercentChangeInCapacity"
arn: "" => "<computed>"
autoscaling_group_name: "" => "${aws_cloudformation_stack.rig_cluster.outputs.AsgName}"
estimated_instance_warmup: "" => "60"
metric_aggregation_type: "" => "Average"
min_adjustment_magnitude: "" => "1"
name: "" => "rig_dataprod_ecs_reservation_mem_scale_up"
policy_type: "" => "StepScaling"
step_adjustment.#: "" => "3"
step_adjustment.1883114319.metric_interval_lower_bound: "" => "0"
step_adjustment.1883114319.metric_interval_upper_bound: "" => "10"
step_adjustment.1883114319.scaling_adjustment: "" => "10"
step_adjustment.2234859296.metric_interval_lower_bound: "" => "10"
step_adjustment.2234859296.metric_interval_upper_bound: "" => "20"
step_adjustment.2234859296.scaling_adjustment: "" => "20"
step_adjustment.374669947.metric_interval_lower_bound: "" => "20"
step_adjustment.374669947.metric_interval_upper_bound: "" => ""
step_adjustment.374669947.scaling_adjustment: "" => "30"
+ module.rig.ecs_autoscaling.aws_cloudformation_stack.rig_cluster
name: "" => "rig-dataprod-ecs-asg"
outputs.#: "" => "<computed>"
parameters.#: "" => "<computed>"
policy_body: "" => "<computed>"
tags.#: "" => "1"
tags.rig:cluster: "" => "dataprod"
template_body: "" => "Error parsing JSON: invalid character 'r' after object key:value pair"
timeout_in_minutes: "" => "30"
+ module.rig.ecs_autoscaling.aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.cpu_reservation
actions_enabled: "" => "1"
alarm_actions.#: "" => "<computed>"
alarm_name: "" => "rig_dataprod_ecs_reservation_cpu"
comparison_operator: "" => "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold"
dimensions.#: "" => "1"
dimensions.ClusterName: "" => "dataprod"
evaluation_periods: "" => "5"
metric_name: "" => "CPUReservation"
namespace: "" => "AWS/ECS"
ok_actions.#: "" => "<computed>"
period: "" => "60"
statistic: "" => "Average"
threshold: "" => "60"
+ module.rig.ecs_autoscaling.aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.mem_reservation
actions_enabled: "" => "1"
alarm_actions.#: "" => "<computed>"
alarm_name: "" => "rig_dataprod_ecs_reservation_mem"
comparison_operator: "" => "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold"
dimensions.#: "" => "1"
dimensions.ClusterName: "" => "dataprod"
evaluation_periods: "" => "5"
metric_name: "" => "MemoryReservation"
namespace: "" => "AWS/ECS"
ok_actions.#: "" => "<computed>"
period: "" => "60"
statistic: "" => "Average"
threshold: "" => "60"
+ module.rig.ecs_autoscaling.aws_ecs_cluster.cluster
name: "" => "dataprod"
+ module.rig.ecs_autoscaling.aws_eip.rig_bastion
allocation_id: "" => "<computed>"
association_id: "" => "<computed>"
domain: "" => "<computed>"
instance: "" => "${}"
network_interface: "" => "<computed>"
private_ip: "" => "<computed>"
public_ip: "" => "<computed>"
vpc: "" => "1"
+ module.rig.ecs_autoscaling.aws_instance.rig_bastion
ami: "" => "ami-3a178d2d"
associate_public_ip_address: "" => "1"
availability_zone: "" => "<computed>"
ebs_block_device.#: "" => "<computed>"
ephemeral_block_device.#: "" => "<computed>"
instance_state: "" => "<computed>"
instance_type: "" => "m3.medium"
key_name: "" => "root-servers-20160119"
placement_group: "" => "<computed>"
private_dns: "" => "<computed>"
private_ip: "" => "<computed>"
public_dns: "" => "<computed>"
public_ip: "" => "<computed>"
root_block_device.#: "" => "1"
root_block_device.0.delete_on_termination: "" => "1"
root_block_device.0.iops: "" => "<computed>"
root_block_device.0.volume_size: "" => "55"
root_block_device.0.volume_type: "" => "gp2"
security_groups.#: "" => "<computed>"
source_dest_check: "" => "1"
subnet_id: "" => "${element(split(\",\",var.public_ids), count.index)}"
tags.#: "" => "2"
tags.Name: "" => "rig-dataprod-bastion"
tags.rig:cluster: "" => "dataprod"
tenancy: "" => "<computed>"
vpc_security_group_ids.#: "" => "<computed>"
+ module.rig.ecs_autoscaling.aws_launch_configuration.rig_cluster
associate_public_ip_address: "" => "1"
ebs_block_device.#: "" => "<computed>"
ebs_optimized: "" => "1"
enable_monitoring: "" => "1"
iam_instance_profile: "" => "dataprod_ecsInstanceRole"
image_id: "" => "ami-3a178d2d"
instance_type: "" => "c4.xlarge"
key_name: "" => "root-servers-20160119"
name: "" => "<computed>"
name_prefix: "" => "rig-dataprod-ecs-asg_"
root_block_device.#: "" => "1"
root_block_device.0.delete_on_termination: "" => "1"
root_block_device.0.iops: "" => "<computed>"
root_block_device.0.volume_size: "" => "500"
root_block_device.0.volume_type: "" => "gp2"
security_groups.#: "" => "<computed>"
user_data: "" => "5cb8dd6473540c567de9cd398f3f449b6f6ccd2c"
+ module.rig.ecs_autoscaling.aws_route53_record.rig_bastion
fqdn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => ""
records.#: "" => "<computed>"
ttl: "" => "300"
type: "" => "A"
weight: "" => "-1"
zone_id: "" => "${var.zone_id}"
tags.#: "0" => "2"
tags.Name: "" => "dataprod public gateway"
tags.rig:cluster: "" => "dataprod"
vpc_id: "" => "${}"
destination_cidr_block: "" => ""
destination_prefix_list_id: "" => "<computed>"
gateway_id: "" => "${}"
instance_id: "" => "<computed>"
instance_owner_id: "" => "<computed>"
nat_gateway_id: "" => "<computed>"
network_interface_id: "" => "<computed>"
origin: "" => "<computed>"
route_table_id: "" => "${}"
state: "" => "<computed>"
route.#: "" => "<computed>"
tags.#: "" => "2"
tags.Name: "" => "dataprod-private-route-table"
tags.rig:cluster: "" => "dataprod"
vpc_id: "" => "${}"
route.#: "" => "<computed>"
tags.#: "" => "2"
tags.Name: "" => "dataprod-public-route-table"
tags.rig:cluster: "" => "dataprod"
vpc_id: "" => "${}"
route_table_id: "" => "${element(aws_route_table.private-route.*.id, count.index)}"
subnet_id: "" => "${element(aws_subnet.private.*.id, count.index)}"
route_table_id: "" => "${element(aws_route_table.public-route.*.id, count.index)}"
subnet_id: "" => "${element(aws_subnet.public.*.id, count.index)}"
description: "" => "Managed by Terraform"
egress.#: "" => "1"
egress.482069346.cidr_blocks.#: "" => "1"
egress.482069346.cidr_blocks.0: "" => ""
egress.482069346.from_port: "" => "0"
egress.482069346.protocol: "" => "-1"
egress.482069346.security_groups.#: "" => "0"
egress.482069346.self: "" => "0"
egress.482069346.to_port: "" => "0"
ingress.#: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "rig-dataprod-bastion"
owner_id: "" => "<computed>"
tags.#: "" => "1"
tags.rig:cluster: "" => "dataprod"
vpc_id: "" => "${}"
description: "" => "Managed by Terraform"
egress.#: "" => "1"
egress.482069346.cidr_blocks.#: "" => "1"
egress.482069346.cidr_blocks.0: "" => ""
egress.482069346.from_port: "" => "0"
egress.482069346.protocol: "" => "-1"
egress.482069346.security_groups.#: "" => "0"
egress.482069346.self: "" => "0"
egress.482069346.to_port: "" => "0"
ingress.#: "" => "1"
ingress.753360330.cidr_blocks.#: "" => "0"
ingress.753360330.from_port: "" => "0"
ingress.753360330.protocol: "" => "-1"
ingress.753360330.security_groups.#: "" => "0"
ingress.753360330.self: "" => "1"
ingress.753360330.to_port: "" => "0"
name: "" => "rig-dataprod-vpc-default"
owner_id: "" => "<computed>"
tags.#: "" => "1"
tags.rig:cluster: "" => "dataprod"
vpc_id: "" => "${}"
description: "" => "Managed by Terraform"
egress.#: "" => "1"
egress.482069346.cidr_blocks.#: "" => "1"
egress.482069346.cidr_blocks.0: "" => ""
egress.482069346.from_port: "" => "0"
egress.482069346.protocol: "" => "-1"
egress.482069346.security_groups.#: "" => "0"
egress.482069346.self: "" => "0"
egress.482069346.to_port: "" => "0"
ingress.#: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "rig-dataprod-elb-instance"
owner_id: "" => "<computed>"
tags.#: "" => "1"
tags.rig:cluster: "" => "dataprod"
vpc_id: "" => "${}"
description: "" => "Managed by Terraform"
egress.#: "" => "<computed>"
ingress.#: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "rig-dataprod-internal"
owner_id: "" => "<computed>"
tags.#: "" => "2"
tags.rig:cluster: "" => "dataprod"
tags.rig:protocol: "" => "http-internal"
vpc_id: "" => "${}"
description: "" => "Managed by Terraform"
egress.#: "" => "1"
egress.~3113558012.cidr_blocks.#: "" => "0"
egress.~3113558012.from_port: "" => "0"
egress.~3113558012.protocol: "" => "tcp"
egress.~3113558012.security_groups.#: "" => "<computed>"
egress.~3113558012.self: "" => "0"
egress.~3113558012.to_port: "" => "65535"
ingress.#: "" => "2"
ingress.2214680975.cidr_blocks.#: "" => "1"
ingress.2214680975.cidr_blocks.0: "" => ""
ingress.2214680975.from_port: "" => "80"
ingress.2214680975.protocol: "" => "tcp"
ingress.2214680975.security_groups.#: "" => "0"
ingress.2214680975.self: "" => "0"
ingress.2214680975.to_port: "" => "80"
ingress.2617001939.cidr_blocks.#: "" => "1"
ingress.2617001939.cidr_blocks.0: "" => ""
ingress.2617001939.from_port: "" => "443"
ingress.2617001939.protocol: "" => "tcp"
ingress.2617001939.security_groups.#: "" => "0"
ingress.2617001939.self: "" => "0"
ingress.2617001939.to_port: "" => "443"
name: "" => "rig-dataprod-public"
owner_id: "" => "<computed>"
tags.#: "" => "2"
tags.rig:cluster: "" => "dataprod"
tags.rig:protocol: "" => "http-public"
vpc_id: "" => "${}"
description: "" => "ssh"
egress.#: "" => "1"
egress.482069346.cidr_blocks.#: "" => "1"
egress.482069346.cidr_blocks.0: "" => ""
egress.482069346.from_port: "" => "0"
egress.482069346.protocol: "" => "-1"
egress.482069346.security_groups.#: "" => "0"
egress.482069346.self: "" => "0"
egress.482069346.to_port: "" => "0"
ingress.#: "" => "1"
ingress.~3457728489.cidr_blocks.#: "" => "0"
ingress.~3457728489.from_port: "" => "22"
ingress.~3457728489.protocol: "" => "tcp"
ingress.~3457728489.security_groups.#: "" => "<computed>"
ingress.~3457728489.self: "" => "0"
ingress.~3457728489.to_port: "" => "22"
name: "" => "rig-dataprod-ssh"
owner_id: "" => "<computed>"
tags.#: "" => "1"
tags.rig:cluster: "" => "dataprod"
vpc_id: "" => "${}"
from_port: "" => "8"
protocol: "" => "icmp"
security_group_id: "" => "${}"
self: "" => "0"
source_security_group_id: "" => "${}"
to_port: "" => "0"
type: "" => "ingress"
from_port: "" => "5666"
protocol: "" => "tcp"
security_group_id: "" => "${}"
self: "" => "0"
source_security_group_id: "" => "${}"
to_port: "" => "5666"
type: "" => "ingress"
cidr_blocks.#: "" => "1"
cidr_blocks.0: "" => ""
from_port: "" => "22"
protocol: "" => "tcp"
security_group_id: "" => "${}"
self: "" => "0"
source_security_group_id: "" => "<computed>"
to_port: "" => "22"
type: "" => "ingress"
from_port: "" => "0"
protocol: "" => "tcp"
security_group_id: "" => "${}"
self: "" => "0"
source_security_group_id: "" => "${}"
to_port: "" => "65535"
type: "" => "ingress"
from_port: "" => "0"
protocol: "" => "tcp"
security_group_id: "" => "${}"
self: "" => "0"
source_security_group_id: "" => "${}"
to_port: "" => "65535"
type: "" => "ingress"
cidr_blocks.#: "" => "1"
cidr_blocks.0: "" => ""
from_port: "" => "0"
protocol: "" => "-1"
security_group_id: "" => "${}"
self: "" => "0"
source_security_group_id: "" => "<computed>"
to_port: "" => "0"
type: "" => "egress"
from_port: "" => "443"
protocol: "" => "tcp"
security_group_id: "" => "${}"
self: "" => "0"
source_security_group_id: "" => "${}"
to_port: "" => "443"
type: "" => "ingress"
from_port: "" => "80"
protocol: "" => "tcp"
security_group_id: "" => "${}"
self: "" => "0"
source_security_group_id: "" => "${}"
to_port: "" => "80"
type: "" => "ingress"
availability_zone: "" => "us-east-1a"
cidr_block: "" => ""
map_public_ip_on_launch: "" => "0"
tags.#: "" => "3"
tags.Name: "" => "dataprod-us-east-1a-private"
tags.rig:cluster: "" => "dataprod"
tags.rig:protocol: "" => "http-internal"
vpc_id: "" => "${}"
availability_zone: "" => "us-east-1a"
cidr_block: "" => ""
map_public_ip_on_launch: "" => "0"
tags.#: "" => "3"
tags.Name: "" => "dataprod-us-east-1a-public"
tags.rig:cluster: "" => "dataprod"
tags.rig:protocol: "" => "http-public"
vpc_id: "" => "${}"
cidr_block: "" => ""
default_network_acl_id: "" => "<computed>"
default_security_group_id: "" => "<computed>"
dhcp_options_id: "" => "<computed>"
enable_classiclink: "" => "<computed>"
enable_dns_hostnames: "" => "1"
enable_dns_support: "" => "1"
instance_tenancy: "" => "default"
main_route_table_id: "" => "<computed>"
tags.#: "" => "2"
tags.Name: "" => "buzzfeed rig dataprod"
tags.rig:cluster: "" => "dataprod"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_group.deploy_group
arn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_rig-deploy-group"
path: "" => "/"
unique_id: "" => "<computed>"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_group.ecr_full_access_group
arn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_rig-ecr-full-access-group"
path: "" => "/"
unique_id: "" => "<computed>"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_group.ecr_read_only_group
arn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_rig-ecr-read-only-group"
path: "" => "/"
unique_id: "" => "<computed>"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_group.ecs_read_only_group
arn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_rig-ecs-read-only-group"
path: "" => "/"
unique_id: "" => "<computed>"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_group_membership.deploy_group_membership
group: "" => "dataprod_rig-deploy-group"
name: "" => "dataprod_deploy-group-membership"
users.#: "" => "1"
users.4250850938: "" => "dataprod_rig-deploy-ui"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_group_membership.ecr_full_access_group_membership
group: "" => "dataprod_rig-ecr-full-access-group"
name: "" => "dataprod_ecr-full-access-group-membership"
users.#: "" => "1"
users.1426586805: "" => "dataprod_rig-builder"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_group_membership.ecr_read_only_group_membership
group: "" => "dataprod_rig-ecr-read-only-group"
name: "" => "dataprod_ecr-read-only-group-membership"
users.#: "" => "2"
users.3020211875: "" => "dataprod_rig-dev-vm"
users.4250850938: "" => "dataprod_rig-deploy-ui"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_group_membership.ecs_read_only_group_membership
group: "" => "dataprod_rig-ecs-read-only-group"
name: "" => "dataprod_ecs-read-only-group-membership"
users.#: "" => "2"
users.1426586805: "" => "dataprod_rig-builder"
users.1647692409: "" => "dataprod_rig-monitor"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_instance_profile.ecsInstanceRole
arn: "" => "<computed>"
create_date: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_ecsInstanceRole"
path: "" => "/"
roles.#: "" => "1"
roles.112219831: "" => "dataprod_ecsInstanceRole"
unique_id: "" => "<computed>"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy.assume-autoscalingRole
arn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_rig-assume-autoscalingRole"
path: "" => "/"
policy: "" => "{\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [\n {\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\n \"iam:GetRole\"\n ],\n \"Resource\": \"arn:aws:iam::320686436476:role/*_autoscalingRole\"\n }\n ]\n}\n"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy.autoscaling-policy
arn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_rig-autoscaling-policy"
path: "" => "/"
policy: "" => "{\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [\n {\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\n \"application-autoscaling:*\",\n \"cloudwatch:*\",\n \"ecs:UpdateService\",\n \"ecs:DescribeServices\"\n ],\n \"Resource\": [\n \"*\"\n ]\n }\n ]\n}\n"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy.createtags-policy
arn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_rig-createtags-policy"
path: "" => "/"
policy: "" => "{\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [\n {\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\n \"ec2:CreateTags\"\n ],\n \"Resource\": [\n \"*\"\n ]\n }\n ]\n}\n"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy.deploy_acm_policy
arn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_rig-deploy-acm-policy"
path: "" => "/"
policy: "" => "{\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": {\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\n \"acm:DescribeCertificate\",\n \"acm:ListCertificates\",\n \"acm:GetCertificate\"\n ],\n \"Resource\": \"*\"\n }\n}\n"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy.deploy_ecs_policy
arn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_rig-deploy-ecs-policy"
path: "" => "/"
policy: "" => "{\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [\n {\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\n \"autoscaling:Describe*\",\n \"autoscaling:UpdateAutoScalingGroup\",\n \"cloudformation:CreateStack\",\n \"cloudformation:DeleteStack\",\n \"cloudformation:DescribeStack*\",\n \"cloudformation:UpdateStack\",\n \"cloudwatch:GetMetricStatistics\",\n \"ec2:Describe*\",\n \"elasticloadbalancing:*\",\n \"ecs:*\",\n \"iam:ListInstanceProfiles\",\n \"iam:ListRoles\",\n \"iam:PassRole\"\n ],\n \"Resource\": \"*\"\n }\n ]\n}\n"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy.deploy_route53_policy
arn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_rig-deploy-route53-policy"
path: "" => "/"
policy: "" => "{\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [{\n \"Sid\": \"Stmt1455984615000\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\n \"route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets\",\n \"route53:ListResourceRecordSets\",\n \"route53:ListHostedZones\"\n ],\n \"Resource\": [\"*\"]\n }]\n}\n"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy.ecr_full_access_policy
arn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_rig-ecr-full-access-policy"
path: "" => "/"
policy: "" => "{\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [\n {\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\n \"ecr:*\"\n ],\n \"Resource\": \"*\"\n }\n ]\n}\n"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy.ecr_read_only_policy
arn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_rig-ecr-read-only-policy"
path: "" => "/"
policy: "" => "{\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [{\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\n \"ecr:GetAuthorizationToken\",\n \"ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability\",\n \"ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer\",\n \"ecr:GetRepositoryPolicy\",\n \"ecr:DescribeRepositories\",\n \"ecr:ListImages\",\n \"ecr:BatchGetImage\"\n ],\n \"Resource\": \"*\"\n }]\n}\n"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy.ecs_for_ec2_role_policy
arn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_rig-ecs-for-ec2-role-policy"
path: "" => "/"
policy: "" => "{\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [\n {\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\n \"ecs:CreateCluster\",\n \"ecs:DeregisterContainerInstance\",\n \"ecs:DiscoverPollEndpoint\",\n \"ecs:Poll\",\n \"ecs:RegisterContainerInstance\",\n \"ecs:StartTelemetrySession\",\n \"ecs:Submit*\",\n \"ecr:GetAuthorizationToken\",\n \"ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability\",\n \"ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer\",\n \"ecr:BatchGetImage\"\n ],\n \"Resource\": \"*\"\n }\n ]\n}\n"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy.ecs_read_only_policy
arn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_rig-ecs-read-only-policy"
path: "" => "/"
policy: "" => "{\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [{\n \"Sid\": \"\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\n \"ecs:ListClusters\",\n \"ecs:ListServices\",\n \"ecs:DescribeServices\",\n \"ecs:DescribeTasks\",\n \"ecs:DescribeTaskDefinition\",\n \"ecs:ListContainerInstances\",\n \"ecs:DescribeContainerInstances\",\n \"ec2:DescribeInstances\",\n \"elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancers\",\n \"elasticloadbalancing:DescribeInstanceHealth\",\n \"elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTags\",\n \"cloudwatch:GetMetricStatistics\"\n ],\n \"Resource\": [\"*\"]\n }]\n}\n"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy.ecs_role_policy
arn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_rig-ecs-role-policy"
path: "" => "/"
policy: "" => "{\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [\n {\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\n \"ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress\",\n \"ec2:Describe*\",\n \"elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer\",\n \"elasticloadbalancing:Describe*\",\n \"elasticloadbalancing:RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer\"\n ],\n \"Resource\": \"*\"\n }\n ]\n}\n"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy_attachment.autoscaling_policy_attachment
groups.#: "" => "1"
groups.560484077: "" => "dataprod_rig-deploy-group"
name: "" => "dataprod_autoscaling-policy-attachment"
policy_arn: "" => "${aws_iam_policy.autoscaling-policy.arn}"
roles.#: "" => "1"
roles.2762234037: "" => "dataprod_autoscalingRole"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy_attachment.createtags_policy_attachment
name: "" => "dataprod_createtags-policy-attachment"
policy_arn: "" => "${aws_iam_policy.createtags-policy.arn}"
roles.#: "" => "1"
roles.112219831: "" => "dataprod_ecsInstanceRole"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy_attachment.deploy_acm_policy_attachment
groups.#: "" => "1"
groups.560484077: "" => "dataprod_rig-deploy-group"
name: "" => "dataprod_deploy-acm-policy-attachment"
policy_arn: "" => "${aws_iam_policy.deploy_acm_policy.arn}"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy_attachment.deploy_autoscaling_policy_attachment
groups.#: "" => "1"
groups.560484077: "" => "dataprod_rig-deploy-group"
name: "" => "dataprod_deploy-autoscaling-policy-attachment"
policy_arn: "" => "${aws_iam_policy.assume-autoscalingRole.arn}"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy_attachment.deploy_ecs_policy_attachment
groups.#: "" => "1"
groups.560484077: "" => "dataprod_rig-deploy-group"
name: "" => "dataprod_deploy-ecs-policy-attachment"
policy_arn: "" => "${aws_iam_policy.deploy_ecs_policy.arn}"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy_attachment.deploy_route53_policy_attachment
groups.#: "" => "1"
groups.560484077: "" => "dataprod_rig-deploy-group"
name: "" => "dataprod_deploy-route53-policy-attachment"
policy_arn: "" => "${aws_iam_policy.deploy_route53_policy.arn}"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy_attachment.ecr_full_access_policy_attachment
groups.#: "" => "1"
groups.295328941: "" => "dataprod_rig-ecr-full-access-group"
name: "" => "dataprod_ecr-full-access-policy"
policy_arn: "" => "${aws_iam_policy.ecr_full_access_policy.arn}"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy_attachment.ecr_read_only_policy_attachment
groups.#: "" => "1"
groups.3579058003: "" => "dataprod_rig-ecr-read-only-group"
name: "" => "dataprod_ecr-read-only-policy"
policy_arn: "" => "${aws_iam_policy.ecr_read_only_policy.arn}"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy_attachment.ecs_for_ec2_role_policy_attachment
name: "" => "dataprod_ecs-for-ec2-role-policy-attachment"
policy_arn: "" => "${aws_iam_policy.ecs_for_ec2_role_policy.arn}"
roles.#: "" => "1"
roles.112219831: "" => "dataprod_ecsInstanceRole"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy_attachment.ecs_read_only_policy
groups.#: "" => "1"
groups.1391647760: "" => "dataprod_rig-ecs-read-only-group"
name: "" => "dataprod_ecs-read-only-policy"
policy_arn: "" => "${aws_iam_policy.ecs_read_only_policy.arn}"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_policy_attachment.ecs_role_policy_attachment
name: "" => "dataprod_ecs-role-policy_attachment"
policy_arn: "" => "${aws_iam_policy.ecs_role_policy.arn}"
roles.#: "" => "2"
roles.112219831: "" => "dataprod_ecsInstanceRole"
roles.4225849637: "" => "dataprod_ecsServiceRole"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_role.autoscalingRole
arn: "" => "<computed>"
assume_role_policy: "" => "{\n \"Version\": \"2008-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [{\n \"Sid\": \"\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Principal\": {\n \"Service\": \"\"\n },\n \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\"\n }]\n}\n"
name: "" => "dataprod_autoscalingRole"
path: "" => "/"
unique_id: "" => "<computed>"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_role.ecsInstanceRole
arn: "" => "<computed>"
assume_role_policy: "" => "{\n \"Version\": \"2008-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [{\n \"Sid\": \"\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Principal\": {\n \"Service\": \"\"\n },\n \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\"\n }]\n}\n"
name: "" => "dataprod_ecsInstanceRole"
path: "" => "/"
unique_id: "" => "<computed>"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_role.ecsServiceRole
arn: "" => "<computed>"
assume_role_policy: "" => "{\n \"Version\": \"2008-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [{\n \"Sid\": \"\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Principal\": {\n \"Service\": \"\"\n },\n \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\"\n }]\n}\n"
name: "" => "dataprod_ecsServiceRole"
path: "" => "/"
unique_id: "" => "<computed>"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_user.builder
arn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_rig-builder"
path: "" => "/"
unique_id: "" => "<computed>"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_user.deploy_ui
arn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_rig-deploy-ui"
path: "" => "/"
unique_id: "" => "<computed>"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_user.dev_vm
arn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_rig-dev-vm"
path: "" => "/"
unique_id: "" => "<computed>"
+ module.rig.base.aws_iam_user.monitor
arn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => "dataprod_rig-monitor"
path: "" => "/"
unique_id: "" => "<computed>"
+ module.security_groups.aws_security_group.fastly_inbound_sg
description: "" => "Allow inbound traffic from fastly"
egress.#: "" => "1"
egress.~3113558012.cidr_blocks.#: "" => "0"
egress.~3113558012.from_port: "" => "0"
egress.~3113558012.protocol: "" => "tcp"
egress.~3113558012.security_groups.#: "" => "<computed>"
egress.~3113558012.self: "" => "0"
egress.~3113558012.to_port: "" => "65535"
ingress.#: "" => "1"
ingress.3362303875.cidr_blocks.#: "" => "14"
ingress.3362303875.cidr_blocks.0: "" => ""
ingress.3362303875.cidr_blocks.1: "" => ""
ingress.3362303875.cidr_blocks.10: "" => ""
ingress.3362303875.cidr_blocks.11: "" => ""
ingress.3362303875.cidr_blocks.12: "" => ""
ingress.3362303875.cidr_blocks.13: "" => ""
ingress.3362303875.cidr_blocks.2: "" => ""
ingress.3362303875.cidr_blocks.3: "" => ""
ingress.3362303875.cidr_blocks.4: "" => ""
ingress.3362303875.cidr_blocks.5: "" => ""
ingress.3362303875.cidr_blocks.6: "" => ""
ingress.3362303875.cidr_blocks.7: "" => ""
ingress.3362303875.cidr_blocks.8: "" => ""
ingress.3362303875.cidr_blocks.9: "" => ""
ingress.3362303875.from_port: "" => "443"
ingress.3362303875.protocol: "" => "tcp"
ingress.3362303875.security_groups.#: "" => "0"
ingress.3362303875.self: "" => "0"
ingress.3362303875.to_port: "" => "443"
name: "" => "rig-dataprod-publicfastly"
owner_id: "" => "<computed>"
tags.#: "" => "1"
tags.rig:cluster: "" => "dataprod"
vpc_id: "" => "${var.vpc_id}"
+ module.security_groups.aws_security_group.officeips_inbound_sg
description: "" => "Allow inbound traffic from office_cidrs"
egress.#: "" => "1"
egress.~3113558012.cidr_blocks.#: "" => "0"
egress.~3113558012.from_port: "" => "0"
egress.~3113558012.protocol: "" => "tcp"
egress.~3113558012.security_groups.#: "" => "<computed>"
egress.~3113558012.self: "" => "0"
egress.~3113558012.to_port: "" => "65535"
ingress.#: "" => "1"
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.#: "" => "26"
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.0: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.1: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.10: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.11: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.12: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.13: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.14: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.15: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.16: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.17: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.18: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.19: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.2: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.20: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.21: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.22: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.23: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.24: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.25: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.3: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.4: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.5: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.6: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.7: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.8: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.cidr_blocks.9: "" => ""
ingress.2486019310.from_port: "" => "443"
ingress.2486019310.protocol: "" => "tcp"
ingress.2486019310.security_groups.#: "" => "0"
ingress.2486019310.self: "" => "0"
ingress.2486019310.to_port: "" => "443"
name: "" => "rig-dataprod-publicofficeips"
owner_id: "" => "<computed>"
tags.#: "" => "1"
tags.rig:cluster: "" => "dataprod"
vpc_id: "" => "${var.vpc_id}"
+ module.security_groups.aws_security_group.sage
description: "" => "Managed by Terraform"
egress.#: "" => "1"
egress.1898637919.cidr_blocks.#: "" => "1"
egress.1898637919.cidr_blocks.0: "" => ""
egress.1898637919.from_port: "" => "0"
egress.1898637919.protocol: "" => "-1"
egress.1898637919.security_groups.#: "" => "0"
egress.1898637919.self: "" => "0"
egress.1898637919.to_port: "" => "0"
ingress.#: "" => "1"
ingress.3516508275.cidr_blocks.#: "" => "1"
ingress.3516508275.cidr_blocks.0: "" => ""
ingress.3516508275.from_port: "" => "3306"
ingress.3516508275.protocol: "" => "tcp"
ingress.3516508275.security_groups.#: "" => "0"
ingress.3516508275.self: "" => "0"
ingress.3516508275.to_port: "" => "3306"
name: "" => "rig-dataprod-sage"
owner_id: "" => "<computed>"
tags.#: "" => "1"
tags.rig:cluster: "" => "dataprod"
vpc_id: "" => "${var.vpc_id}"
+ module.security_groups.aws_security_group_rule.elb_instance_allow_fastly
from_port: "" => "0"
protocol: "" => "tcp"
security_group_id: "" => "${var.vpc_elb_instance_id}"
self: "" => "0"
source_security_group_id: "" => "${}"
to_port: "" => "65535"
type: "" => "ingress"
+ module.security_groups.aws_security_group_rule.elb_instance_allow_officeips
from_port: "" => "0"
protocol: "" => "tcp"
security_group_id: "" => "${var.vpc_elb_instance_id}"
self: "" => "0"
source_security_group_id: "" => "${}"
to_port: "" => "65535"
type: "" => "ingress"
+ module.rig.route53.aws_route53_record.NS
fqdn: "" => "<computed>"
name: "" => ""
records.#: "" => "<computed>"
ttl: "" => "86400"
type: "" => "NS"
weight: "" => "-1"
zone_id: "" => "${aws_route53_zone.public_dns.zone_id}"
+ module.rig.route53.aws_route53_zone.public_dns
comment: "" => " zone"
name: "" => ""
name_servers.#: "" => "<computed>"
tags.#: "" => "1"
tags.Environment: "" => "dataprod"
vpc_region: "" => "<computed>"
zone_id: "" => "<computed>"
Plan: 87 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
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