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Forked from canadaduane/download-files.js
Created February 18, 2009 20:24
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Ubiquity Command: download-files [regexp pattern] to [folder]
Author: Duane Johnson
Description: Downloads files matching the regular expression pattern to a folder.
var use_file_extension = false;
var poorly_formed_regexp = false;
// Suggests file extensions from the current page, e.g. "png$" if there is a png image,
// or "js$" if there are javascript files.
var noun_type_file_extension_from_page = {
_name: "file pattern",
suggest: function( text, html ) {
var suggestions = [CmdUtils.makeSugg(text)];
if (!use_file_extension) {
var exts = DownloadFiles.uniqueExtensions();
for (i in exts) {
if (exts[i].indexOf(text) >= 0) {
suggestions.push(CmdUtils.makeSugg(exts[i] + "$"));
return suggestions;
// Suggests autocompletion for directories on the local filesystem. For example, if
// you type ~/Li<tab> on a Mac, then it will find the "Library" subdirectory in your
// home directory and (supposing your username is 'duane'), it will complete the noun
// as "/Users/duane/Library".
var noun_type_local_directory = {
_name: "directory on local system",
suggest: function( text, html ) {
var suggestions = [];
// The tilde is an illegal directory name by itself, but it is legal with a
// trailing slash
if (text == "~") text = "~/";
// Always accept whatever the user types, even if it's an invalid directory
// Break the directory up into everything before and including the slash, and
// everything after the last slash
var parts = text.match(/^(.*\/)([^\/]*)$/);
if (parts) {
// The first part is the path
var path = parts[1];
// Everything after the last slash becomes a "possible" completion, depending on
// subdirectory names
var possible = parts[2];
try {
var folder = Components.
if (folder.isDirectory()) {
var enum = folder.directoryEntries;
while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
var dirEntry = enum.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
// Need exists() here so we can ignore symlinks to files that no longer exist
if (dirEntry.exists() && dirEntry.isDirectory()) {
// Does this sub-directory match the 'possible' substring?
// To test, get the part of the path after the last '/' and compare with 'possible'
var match = dirEntry.path.match(/\/([^\/]*)$/);
if (match && match[1].indexOf(possible) == 0) {
if (dirEntry.path != text) // Don't suggest twice the same thing they've explicitly typed
} catch(e) {
// CmdUtils.log(e);
return suggestions;
var DownloadFiles = {
// Given a javascript object with keys and values, return just the keys. In other words, use the
// keys as a "set" so we don't have to do it ourselves.
listFromSet: function(obj) {
var newList = [];
for (k in obj) newList.push(k);
return newList;
// Returns true if a folder exists on the local file system, false otherwise
folderExists: function(path) {
try {
var folder = Components.
if (!folder.isDirectory()) {
return false;
return true;
} catch(e) {
return false;
// Pass in a "preferred" folder. If null or undefined, getFolder will let the user pick a folder.
// Returns false on failure (e.g. the user cancelled), or the nsIFile object on success.
getFolder: function(preferred) {
var path = preferred;
var folder;
if (!path) {
var nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
var picker = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(nsIFilePicker);
picker.init(window, "", nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder);
if ( == nsIFilePicker.returnOK) {
path = picker.file.path;
} else {
return false;
try {
var err = function(msg) { displayMessage(msg + "('" + path + "')"); };
var folder = Components.
if (!folder.isDirectory()) {
err("The destination is not a folder");
return false;
return folder;
} catch(e) {
err("The destination folder does not exist");
return false;
// Looks for 'pattern' within the current page's HTML and any frames or iframes.
// - Searches 'a' tags and 'link' tags for 'href' attributes;
// - Searches 'img' and 'script' tags for 'src' attributes.
// Returns: A list of URLs matching the pattern.
matchFiles: function(pattern) {
if (!pattern) pattern = "";
var files = [];
var i, j;
var addFiles = function(doc) {
files = files.concat(jQuery("a,link", doc.childNodes).map(function() { return this.getAttribute("href"); }).get());
files = files.concat(jQuery("img,script", doc.childNodes).map(function() { return this.getAttribute("src"); }).get());
// Search contents within frames, if any
jQuery("frame,iframe", doc.body).each(function() {
var IOService =
// Search style sheets
for (i = 0; i < doc.styleSheets.length; i++) {
var sheet = doc.styleSheets[i];
if (sheet.href) { // Apparently stylesheets can be null sometimes
var cssURI = IOService.newURI(sheet.href, null, null);
// Loop through each rule in each stylesheet
for (j = 0; j < sheet.cssRules.length; j++) {
var style = sheet.cssRules[j].cssText;
// Capture the url() portion of the rule
var match = style.match(/url\(([^\)]+)\)/);
if (match) {
var relativePath = match[1];
// Make sure the URI is relative to the CSS from which it was extracted
var imageURI = IOService.newURI(relativePath, null, cssURI);
// Recursively add files from the main document
// Only add files that match our 'pattern' criterion, adding matches to a Set so
// we get just one of each result (no duplicates).
var matchedSet = {};
for (i in files) {
var file = files[i];
if (file.match(pattern)) {
matchedSet[file] = true;
return DownloadFiles.listFromSet(matchedSet);
// Finds unique file extensions from the list of all URLs produced from matchFiles().
// Returns the list, e.g. ["gif", "js"]
uniqueExtensions: function() {
var files = DownloadFiles.matchFiles();
// Use an object's keys to maintain a unique list
var extSet = {};
for (i in files) {
if (files[i]) {
var ext = DownloadFiles.extFromURL(files[i]);
if (ext) extSet[ext] = true;
return DownloadFiles.listFromSet(extSet);
// Given a url string, returns a file extension if possible (e.g. "gif" or "jpg")
extFromURL: function(url) {
url = url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, "");
url = url.replace(/\?.*$/, "");
var m = url.match(/\/.*\.([^\.]*)$/);
if (m) return m[1];
else return false;
// Given a url string, returns the "leaf" part of the path,
// e.g. "" becomes "blah.jpg"
fileFromURL: function(url) {
var m = url.match(/\/([^\/]*)$/);
if (m) return m[1];
else return url;
// Given a url string and an nsIFile 'folder' object that points to a local
// directory, download the thing to the folder.
downloadFile: function(file_url, folder) {
try {
var doc = Application.activeWindow.activeTab.document;
var current = Utils.url(doc.documentURI);
var uri = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService).newURI(file_url, null, current);
// New file object & new file if necessary
var target_file = folder.clone();
if(!target_file.exists()) { target_file.create(0x00, 0644); }
//new persitence object
var persist = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIWebBrowserPersist);
//save file to target
persist.saveURI(uri, null, null, null, null, target_file);
return true;
} catch (e) {
// alert(e);
return false;
name: "download-files",
icon: "",
homepage: "",
author: { name: "Duane Johnson", email: ""},
license: "MIT",
description: "Downloads all files of the given pattern to your computer.",
help: "e.g. download-files png$ ~/Desktop/Images",
takes: {"pattern": noun_type_file_extension_from_page},
modifiers: {"to": noun_type_local_directory},
preview: function( pblock, pattern, mods ) {
if (!pattern.text) {
pblock.innerHTML = "<p>Downloads all files matching the given pattern.</p>";
var template = "<p>Download files matching /${pattern}/${dest}</p><ul>${list}</ul>";
var path = mods["to"].text;
var folderHtml = "";
var matchList = "";
if (path) {
// Take care of the folder icon. It should be "x"ed out if the destination does not exist
folderHtml =
"<p><img src='" +
(DownloadFiles.folderExists(path) ? "" : "-x") + ".png'" +
" align='absmiddle' /> " + mods["to"].html + "</p>";
// Hackish way of telling our noun_type_file_extension_from_page to
// stop suggesting things once a folder is specified
use_file_extension = true;
} else {
use_file_extension = false;
try {
fileUrls = DownloadFiles.matchFiles(pattern.text);
} catch(e) {
fileUrls = false;
if (fileUrls === false) {
template = "<p>Download files matching [Incorrectly Formatted Regular Expression]</p>";
} else if (fileUrls.length == 0) {
template = "<p>No files match the regular expression /${pattern}/</p>";
} else if (fileUrls.length > 0) {
for (i in fileUrls) {
var url = fileUrls[i];
var filename = DownloadFiles.fileFromURL(url);
var span = "&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style='color:#888'>" + unescape( url ) + "</span>";
// Show the filename first, then the URL in grey if it is different than the filename
matchList +=
"<li style='width:1000em'>" +
(filename == "" ? url : unescape( filename )) +
(filename == url ? "" : span) +
// Finally, display the template with our substitutions
pblock.innerHTML = CmdUtils.renderTemplate(template, {
"pattern": pattern.html,
"dest": folderHtml,
"list": matchList
execute: function(pattern, mods) {
var folder = DownloadFiles.getFolder(mods["to"].text);
if (folder) {
fileUrls = DownloadFiles.matchFiles(pattern.text);
displayMessage("Downloading " + fileUrls.length + " files to " + folder.path);
var succeeded = 0;
for (i in fileUrls) {
if (DownloadFiles.downloadFile(fileUrls[i], folder)) succeeded += 1;
if (succeeded > 0) {
if (succeeded == fileUrls.length)
displayMessage("All " + succeeded + " files were saved to " + folder.path);
displayMessage("Only " + succeeded + " (of " + fileUrls.length + ") files were saved to " + folder.path);
} else {
displayMessage("No files were saved.");
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