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Created November 12, 2010 07:55
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### Example usage: $0 {symbolic-host1} {s-h2} ... {s-host12}
from be_setup import *
from wrap_systest_cluster_membership import *
import sys, time
symbolic_hosts = sys.argv[1:]
print 'Symbolic hosts are %s' % symbolic_hosts
if len(symbolic_hosts) < 12:
print 'Sorry, argv list contains less than 12 hosts.'
elif len(symbolic_hosts) > 12:
print ''
print 'NOTE: Host list is length %d' % len(symbolic_hosts)
print ' Only the first 12 hosts in that list will be used.'
print ''
verbose = 1,
timeout = 180
## It would be cool/"fast" to be able to do this in parallel, but I would
## rather not do threading stuff in Python....
duts = []
duts_host_info = []
duts_os = []
for symb in symbolic_hosts:
(dut, dut_host_info, dut_os) = login_to_symbolic_host(symb)
print 'Logged in to %s' % symb
if timeout == -1:
timeout = dut.timeout
dut.timeout = timeout
from basho_expect import *
from repos_map import *
from systest_python_unit_tests import * ## for app.config mangling helpers
from install_riak_package import *
from uninstall_riak_package import *
def repeat_read_of_all_keys_all_nodes(some_duts, num_test_keys,
bucket, body_prefix, rep_limit = 14):
for dut in some_duts:
go_again = True
i = 0
while (go_again and i < rep_limit):
i = i + 1
n = get_some_keys(dut, num_test_keys, bucket = bucket,
body_prefix = body_prefix, must_succeed = False)
dut.status_msg('get_some_keys', 'iter %d: got %d of %d keys' % (i, n, num_test_keys))
go_again = (n != num_test_keys)
if go_again:
dut.cmd('/tmp/riak-repl status')
dut.ok_cmd('sleep 10')
if i >= rep_limit and (n != num_test_keys):
dut.admin_transfers(must_succeed = False)
raise IOError ('repeat read limit reached')
do_install_from_scratch = True,
do_assemble_from_scratch = True,
current_version = True
for i in range(0, len(duts)):
duts[i].step('Uninstall riak package harshly on %s' % duts[i].symbolic_host)
uninstall_riak_package(duts[i], duts_host_info[i], duts_os[i],
delete_riak_dirs = True)
duts[i].step('Install riak package on %s' % duts[i].symbolic_host)
install_riak_package(duts[i], duts_host_info[i], duts_os[i])
n_tries = 8
settle_timeout = 601
dut0 = duts[0]
(duts_pkg_details, duts_hostname, duts_nodename) = \
get_duts_pkg_details(duts, duts_host_info, duts_os)
dut0.step('Edit app.config, then start Riak on range(0, 6)')
for i in range(0, 6):
duts[i], duts_host_info[i], duts_os[i],
app_config_edits = [("riak_core", "ring_creation_size", "512")])
dut0.step('Join riak nodes range(1, 6) to 0')
for i in range(0, 6):
duts[i].admin_join('%s@%s' % (duts_pkg_details[0]['node_lhs'],
cookie = get_erlang_vm_cookie(dut0)
## Hrm, this one seems flakey? Perhaps I should remove this func?
## wait_for_ring_to_settle(cookie, duts_nodename[0:6], timeout = settle_timeout)
dut0.step('Write some known data to the cluster')
num_test_keys = 600
bucket = default_systest_bucket()
magic_number = time.time()
body_prefix = 'body: magic-number=%s, i=' % magic_number
put_some_keys(duts[0], num_test_keys, bucket = bucket, body_prefix = body_prefix)
dut0.step('Read the known data from all members of the cluster')
repeat_read_of_all_keys_all_nodes(duts[0:6], num_test_keys, bucket, body_prefix)
dut0.step('Leave the nodes in range(3, 6)')
#for i in range(3, 6):
# duts[i].admin_leave()
# wait_until_ringready(duts[0])
# wait_until_transfers_done(duts[0])
#dut0.step('Join nodes range(6, 9)')
#for i in range(6, 9):
# systest_python_copy_conf_port_bindings_all(
# duts[i], duts_host_info[i], duts_os[i],
# app_config_edits = [("riak_core", "ring_creation_size", "512")])
# duts[i].control_start()
# duts[i].ok_cmd('sleep 3')
# duts[i].admin_join('%s@%s' % (duts_pkg_details[0]['node_lhs'],
# duts_host_info[0]['host']))
#dut0.step('Wait for the ringready, then read all keys on range(6, 9)')
# NOTE: what I actually did was more like:
for i in range(3, 6):
for i in range(3, 6):
dut0.step('Join nodes range(6, 9)')
for i in range(6, 9):
duts[i], duts_host_info[i], duts_os[i],
app_config_edits = [("riak_core", "ring_creation_size", "512")])
duts[i].ok_cmd('sleep 3')
duts[i].admin_join('%s@%s' % (duts_pkg_details[0]['node_lhs'],
dut0.step('Wait for the ringready, then read all keys on range(6, 9)')
# End change
repeat_read_of_all_keys_all_nodes(duts[6:9], num_test_keys, bucket, body_prefix)
dut0.step('Leave the nodes in range(0, 3)')
#for i in range(0, 3):
# duts[i].admin_leave()
# wait_until_ringready(duts[6])
# wait_until_transfers_done(duts[6])
# NOTE: again, my actually steps were more like:
for i in range(0, 3):
for i in range(0, 3):
dut0.step('Wait for ringready and transfers to finish')
dut0.step('One last check that all keys & values match')
repeat_read_of_all_keys_all_nodes(duts[6:9], num_test_keys, bucket, body_prefix)
dut0.step('Test status: PASS')
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