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Created March 7, 2022 19:24
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This is a used for updating a rails app from a git repo and restarting the app.
# This is an old script which was used to deploy rails applications to production
# It mimics what `capistrano` would do.
# Leaving it here for archival.
# this dir needs to have something like :
# /srv/rails/myapp
# |-- current -> releases/20110915_144041/
# |--
# |-- releases
# `-- shared
cd $prod_dir
timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)
mkdir -p releases/$timestamp
git clone /srv/git/myapp.git "releases/$timestamp"
rm -rf releases/$timestamp/.git
rm -f current
ln -s releases/$timestamp/ current
cp shared/config/database.yml current/config/database.yml
mkdir current/tmp
mkdir current/log/
chmod a+w current/log/*
chmod a+w current/Gemfile.lock
ln -s "$prod_dir/shared/uploads" "$prod_dir/current/uploads"
cd current
/opt/ree/bin/bundle install
/opt/ree/bin/bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
touch current/tmp/restart.txt
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