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Created August 2, 2013 18:48
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An implementation of A* in Erlang
-type cnode() :: {integer(), integer()}.
-define(MINX, 0).
-define(MINY, 0).
-define(MAXX, 10).
-define(MAXY, 10).
%% @doc Performs A* for finding a path from `Start' node to `Goal' node
-spec astar(cnode(), cnode()) -> list(cnode()) | failure.
astar(Start, Goal) ->
ClosedSet = sets:new(),
OpenSet = sets:add_element(Start, sets:new()),
Fscore = dict:store(Start, h_score(Start, Goal), dict:new()),
Gscore = dict:store(Start, 0, dict:new()),
CameFrom = dict:store(Start, none, dict:new()),
astar_step(Goal, ClosedSet, OpenSet, Fscore, Gscore, CameFrom).
%% @doc Performs a step of A*.
%% Takes the best element from `OpenSet', evaluates neighbours, updates scores, etc..
-spec astar_step(cnode(), set(), set(), dict(), dict(), dict()) -> list(cnode()) | failure.
astar_step(Goal, ClosedSet, OpenSet, Fscore, Gscore, CameFrom) ->
case sets:size(OpenSet) of
0 ->
_ ->
BestStep = best_step(sets:to_list(OpenSet), Fscore, none, infinity),
Goal == BestStep ->
lists:reverse(reconstruct_path(CameFrom, BestStep));
true ->
Parent = dict:fetch(BestStep, CameFrom),
NextOpen = sets:del_element(BestStep, OpenSet),
NextClosed = sets:add_element(BestStep, ClosedSet),
Neighbours = neighbour_nodes(BestStep, Parent),
{NewOpen, NewF, NewG, NewFrom} = scan(Goal, BestStep, Neighbours, NextOpen, NextClosed, Fscore, Gscore, CameFrom),
astar_step(Goal, NextClosed, NewOpen, NewF, NewG, NewFrom)
%% @doc Returns the heuristic score from `Current' node to `Goal' node
-spec h_score(Current :: cnode(), Goal :: cnode()) -> Hscore :: number().
h_score(Current, Goal) ->
dist_between(Current, Goal).
%% @doc Returns the distance from `Current' node to `Goal' node
-spec dist_between(cnode(), cnode()) -> Distance :: number().
dist_between(Current, Goal) ->
{X1, Y1} = Current,
{X2, Y2} = Goal,
abs((X2-X1)) + abs((Y2-Y1)).
%% @doc Returns the best next step from `OpenSetAsList'
%% TODO: May be optimized by making OpenSet an ordered set.
-spec best_step(OpenSetAsList :: list(cnode()), Fscore :: dict(), BestNodeTillNow :: cnode() | none, BestCostTillNow :: number() | infinity) -> cnode().
best_step([H|Open], Score, none, infinity) ->
V = dict:fetch(H, Score),
best_step(Open, Score, H, V);
best_step([], _Score, Best, _BestValue) ->
best_step([H|Open], Score, Best, BestValue) ->
Value = dict:fetch(H, Score),
case Value < BestValue of
true ->
best_step(Open, Score, H, Value);
false ->
best_step(Open, Score, Best, BestValue)
%% @doc Returns the neighbour nodes of `Node', and excluding its `Parent'.
-spec neighbour_nodes(cnode(), cnode() | none) -> list(cnode()).
neighbour_nodes(Node, Parent) ->
{X, Y} = Node,
{XX, YY} ||
{XX, YY} <- [{X-1, Y}, {X, Y-1}, {X+1, Y}, {X, Y+1}],
{XX, YY} =/= Parent,
XX >= ?MINX,
YY >= ?MINY,
XX =< ?MAXX,
%% @doc Scans the `Neighbours' of `BestStep', and adds/updates the Scores and CameFrom dicts accordingly.
-spec scan(
Goal :: cnode(),
BestStep :: cnode(),
Neighbours :: list(cnode()),
NextOpen :: set(),
NextClosed :: set(),
Fscore :: dict(),
Gscore :: dict(),
CameFrom :: dict()
) ->
{NewOpen :: set(), NewF :: dict(), NewG :: dict(), NewFrom :: dict()}.
scan(_Goal, _X, [], Open, _Closed, F, G, From) ->
{Open, F, G, From};
scan(Goal, X, [Y|N], Open, Closed, F, G, From) ->
case sets:is_element(Y, Closed) of
true ->
scan(Goal, X, N, Open, Closed, F, G, From);
false ->
G0 = dict:fetch(X, G),
TrialG = G0 + dist_between(X, Y),
case sets:is_element(Y, Open) of
true ->
OldG = dict:fetch(Y, G),
case TrialG < OldG of
true ->
NewFrom = dict:store(Y, X, From),
NewG = dict:store(Y, TrialG, G),
NewF = dict:store(Y, TrialG + h_score(Y, Goal), F), % Estimated total distance from start to goal through y.
scan(Goal, X, N, Open, Closed, NewF, NewG, NewFrom);
false ->
scan(Goal, X, N, Open, Closed, F, G, From)
false ->
NewOpen = sets:add_element(Y, Open),
NewFrom = dict:store(Y, X, From),
NewG = dict:store(Y, TrialG, G),
NewF = dict:store(Y, TrialG + h_score(Y, Goal), F), % Estimated total distance from start to goal through y.
scan(Goal, X, N, NewOpen, Closed, NewF, NewG, NewFrom)
%% @doc Reconstructs the calculated path using the `CameFrom' dict
-spec reconstruct_path(dict(), cnode()) -> list(cnode()).
reconstruct_path(CameFrom, Node) ->
case dict:fetch(Node, CameFrom) of
none ->
Value ->
[Node | reconstruct_path(CameFrom, Value)]
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