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Created July 2, 2023 16:59
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  1. Warm-up (5 minutes):

    • Begin with a light jog in place or jumping jacks to get your heart rate up.
    • Perform some dynamic stretches to warm up your muscles, focusing on your legs, arms, and shoulders.
  2. Circuit 1 (10 minutes):

    • Jump rope for 1 minute at a moderate pace.
    • Immediately perform 10 push-ups.
    • Repeat this sequence for a total of 5 rounds.
  3. Active Break (5 minutes):

    • Take a short break from the jump rope and perform some mobility exercises or stretches for your wrists, neck, and back to counteract prolonged sitting.
  4. Circuit 2 (10 minutes):

    • Jump rope for 1 minute at a faster pace, trying to increase your speed.
    • Immediately perform 10 bodyweight squats.
    • Repeat this sequence for a total of 5 rounds.
  5. Active Break (5 minutes):

    • Take another short break and walk around your workspace, perform some standing stretches, or do some quick bodyweight exercises like lunges or planks.
  6. Circuit 3 (10 minutes):

    • Jump rope for 1 minute, alternating between regular jumps and high knees (bring your knees up towards your chest with each jump).
    • Immediately perform 10 tricep dips using a chair or bench.
    • Repeat this sequence for a total of 5 rounds.
  7. Cool Down (5 minutes):

    • Finish the workout with a slower pace of jump rope or a light jog for 2 minutes.
    • Perform static stretches for your calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, and upper body muscles.


Month 1:

  • Week 1:

    • Monday: Rest day
    • Tuesday: 30-minute easy run
    • Wednesday: 45-minute cycling (moderate intensity)
    • Thursday: 20-minute interval run (alternate between 1 minute of fast running and 1 minute of walking)
    • Friday: Rest day
    • Saturday: 60-minute cycling (moderate intensity)
    • Sunday: 45-minute long run at a comfortable pace
  • Week 2-4:

    • Follow a similar pattern as Week 1, gradually increasing the duration and intensity of your runs and cycles. Aim to increase your long run distance by approximately 10% each week. For example, in Week 2, aim for a 50-minute long run, Week 3, aim for a 55-minute long run, and so on. Similarly, gradually increase the duration of your cycling sessions.

Month 2:

  • Week 5-8:

    • Continue with your running and cycling routine from Month 1, but start incorporating some speed work and hill training. Add one session of interval training each week, where you alternate between fast running and recovery periods. Additionally, include one hill training session per week to build strength and endurance.
  • Week 9:

    • Reduce the intensity and volume of your training to allow for recovery. Focus on shorter, easier runs and cycles to give your body a chance to rest and adapt.

Month 3:

  • Week 10-11:

    • Gradually increase the duration of your long runs and cycles. Aim to cover approximately 70-80% of the race distance during your longest training session. For example, in Week 10, aim for a 16 km long run and a 35 km cycle ride, and increase the distance by approximately 10% each week.
  • Week 12:

    • Taper your training to allow for recovery and freshen up for the race. Reduce the volume and intensity of your workouts. Focus on shorter, easier runs and cycles, and include some mobility and stretching exercises.
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