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Last active August 2, 2016 08:02
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Save srikat/95d10dace2361c6f62bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Entry Header, First Paragraph, Featured Image Above Content (from second para) and Sidebar on single Posts in Genesis.
// Register a custom image size for featured images on single Posts
add_image_size( 'post-single', 1200, 300, true );
// Create a shortcode that outputs the URL of author page for the entry author outside the loop
add_shortcode( 'post_author_posts_link_outside_loop', 'sk_post_author_posts_link_shortcode' );
* Produces the author of the post (link to author archive).
* Supported shortcode attributes are:
* after (output after link, default is empty string),
* before (output before link, default is empty string).
* Output passes through 'genesis_post_author_posts_link_shortcode' filter before returning.
* @since 1.1.0
* @param array|string $atts Shortcode attributes. Empty string if no attributes.
* @return string Shortcode output
function sk_post_author_posts_link_shortcode( $atts ) {
if ( ! is_singular() ) {
$defaults = array(
'after' => '',
'before' => '',
$atts = shortcode_atts( $defaults, $atts, 'post_author_posts_link_outside_loop' );
global $post;
$author_id = $post->post_author;
$author = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $author_id );
$url = get_author_posts_url( $author_id );
if ( genesis_html5() ) {
$output = sprintf( '<span %s>', genesis_attr( 'entry-author' ) );
$output .= $atts['before'];
$output .= sprintf( '<a href="%s" %s>', $url, genesis_attr( 'entry-author-link' ) );
$output .= sprintf( '<span %s>', genesis_attr( 'entry-author-name' ) );
$output .= esc_html( $author );
$output .= '</span></a>' . $atts['after'] . '</span>';
} else {
$link = sprintf( '<a href="%s" rel="author">%s</a>', esc_url( $url ), esc_html( $author ) );
$output = sprintf( '<span class="author vcard">%2$s<span class="fn">%1$s</span>%3$s</span>', $link, $atts['before'], $atts['after'] );
return apply_filters( 'genesis_post_author_posts_link_shortcode', $output, $atts );
// Add opening div.single-post-top for entry header + first para
add_action( 'genesis_before_content', 'sk_single_post_top_opening' );
function sk_single_post_top_opening() {
echo '<div class="single-post-top">';
// Add entry header before content
add_action( 'genesis_before_content', 'genesis_entry_header_markup_open' );
add_action( 'genesis_before_content', 'genesis_do_post_title' );
add_action( 'genesis_before_content', 'genesis_post_info' );
add_action( 'genesis_before_content', 'genesis_entry_header_markup_close' );
// Show first para before content
add_action( 'genesis_before_content', 'get_first_paragraph' );
* Echo first paragraph from the current post.
function get_first_paragraph() {
global $post;
$content = wpautop( $post->post_content );
$str = substr( $content, 0, strpos( $content, '</p>' ) + 4 );
// To remove images from the first paragraph
// $str = preg_replace( '/<img[^>]+\>/i', '', $str );
echo '<div class="first-para">' . $str . '</div></div>';
// If featured image is present, show it before content
add_action( 'genesis_before_content', 'sk_featured_image' );
function sk_featured_image() {
if ( $image = genesis_get_image( 'format=url&size=post-single' ) ) {
printf( '<div class="featured-image-single"><img src="%s" alt="%s" /></div>', $image, the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) );
// Remove first para from the content
add_filter( 'the_content', sk_remove_first_para, 20 );
function sk_remove_first_para( $content ) {
$content = preg_replace( '/<p.*?<\/p>/s', '', $content, 1 );
return $content;
// Remove entry header from its default location
remove_action( 'genesis_entry_header', 'genesis_entry_header_markup_open', 5 );
remove_action( 'genesis_entry_header', 'genesis_entry_header_markup_close', 15 );
remove_action( 'genesis_entry_header', 'genesis_do_post_title' );
remove_action( 'genesis_entry_header', 'genesis_post_info', 12 );
// Customize entry meta in the entry header
add_filter( 'genesis_post_info', 'sp_post_info_filter' );
function sp_post_info_filter( $post_info ) {
$post_info = '[post_date] by [post_author_posts_link_outside_loop] [post_comments] [post_edit]';
return $post_info;
.single-post-top {
padding: 50px 50px 22px 50px;
overflow: hidden;
.single-post .content-sidebar-wrap {
background-color: #fff;
overflow: hidden;
margin-bottom: 40px;
.featured-image-single img {
vertical-align: top;
@media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {
.single-post-top {
padding: 0;
.featured-image-single {
margin-bottom: 28px;
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