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Created November 26, 2010 08:27
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P4P examples using muSE's "tab-syntax" mode
define m 10
define this-better-be-6 (add 1 2 3)
define this-better-be-0 add()
define five() 5
define (trpl x) (add x x x)
define (g a b c) (add a b c)
define (d/dx f)
define delta 0.001
lambda [x]
((f (x + delta)) - (f x)) / delta
define (fib n)
(numeq n 0) :: 1
(numeq n 1) :: 1
#t :: (fib (n - 1)) + (fib (n - 2))
defstruct memo [key, ans]
define (memoize f)
define memo-table (box empty)
lambda args
define lookup
filter (lambda [v]
equal? args (memo-key v))
unbox memo-table
if (empty? lookup)
set-box! memo-table
cons (make-memo args (apply f args))
unbox memo-table
apply f args
memo-ans (first lookup)
define this-better-be-9
(fn [n] (mult n n)) 3
let [ x :: 3,
y :: 2 ]
x + y
let* [ x :: 3,
y :: x ]
x + y
letrec [ even? :: lambda [n]
if (zero? n)
odd? (n - 1),
odd? :: lambda [n]
if (zero? n)
even? (n - 1)
list (odd? 10) (even? 10)
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