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Last active December 10, 2015 05:22
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Node.js rundown

When we read about Nodejs on the web, everybody start to say "In Node, everything runs in parallel except your code". We have hard time understanding this. What runs in parallel and what not? How does node gets additional thread to run something in parallel ? Who manages these threads? Once we get into a situation, where we have more than one thread, how does node achieve synchronization over the shared objects?

So this is a slightly tricky part of understanding Node's architecture. For all purposes, Node.js is single threaded and runs in a single process. That is the code you type is executed in a single thread. So if you do a while(block for 1 second), the entire process will be blocked. But this obviously isn't performant - if you have a couple of I/O requests to process for each HTTP request, it will block all further execution until that is complete.

Here is where node's async bit comes into play. For everything that is I/O intensive, Node.js automagically executes it in the background using threads. That is handled by libuv ( which allocates and manages thread pools, uses the appropriate event loop (epoll, kqueue, etc). So an async function like fs.readFile is queued in the background until there a thread can execute it. Once done, the callback function is invoked with the result.

Unlike Java where you have to manage threads and synchronization, all that is handled by libuv.

When does a user request joins the event loop? As soon as it reaches the server socket? or only when the current request encounters an expensive IO bound operation?

Certain operations are queued into the event loop. For example, the callback of any async function is added to the event loop, to be executed at the next loop. Since you seem to be asking about a HTTP request, and since sockets are I/O bound, the incoming request will be added to the event loop as well.

In Node, When does events are emitted? Only when there is an expensive IO bound operation Or there are lot of custom events that many libraries will generate ? What is the ideal scenario for a library to generate a custom event?

So since all I/O operations are async, there is a need to report progress when the event loop executes that particular function. Node.js has the EventEmitter abstraction that helps you handle that. Usually, most libraries tend to stick to the convention of supporting events that the standard library supports - data, finish, error, etc. However, using the EventEmitter, you are free to support custom events. And many libraries do emit custom events.

AFAIK, there is no ideal scenario as such. Usually, async code which cannot just return a value can either return an EventEmitter or a Promise.

In Java, we use Threadlocal to bind some information to the running thread and make use of that info throughout the thread flow. For example, basic user details attached to Threadlocal are available in any where in that request processing flow. How do we achieve this kind of behaviour in Nodejs?

For example, if you take the case of express.js, each incoming request is captured in the req object, which is passed onto each middleware handler. That becomes the context of execution.

What is the preferred ORM library - that support Transactions and all of jpa functionality in java? we started looking into Sequalize.

Although I've not worked with Sequalize, it does seem to be one of the better ORM libraries.

How can we write promise based api?

The default node convention for callbacks is function(err, result). So any async function takes the callback function as the last argument. As long as you stick to this convention, you can use any library like Q, or Bluebird to avoid callback hell (which is a very real thing and quite frustrating!)

In this context, I would recommend cspjs ( written by Sri. It gives you the abstraction of working with channels, which is then compiled down to vanilla JS using Sweet.js. I find it indispensable when working with Node.

Any flyway kind of library for node (db migration)?

I use a thin wrapper around, although it cannot be compared to flyway. AFAIK, Sequalize has Django style migrations support.

Some more reading:

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san81 commented Dec 10, 2015

Please help us in facing/solving below issues that we encounter once we start using Nodejs.

  • Javascript dynamic typing - will be a big issues in code maintenance ( )
  • Because of the single threaded nature, one single bad line of code can mess up the whole server. ( Not really, as the request processing gets multiplexed )
  • Security issues with eval() ( Yes, but typically we avoid using this )
  • Issues with Javascript language
  •   confusion about equality ( ex:   NaN === NaN  is false.  there are few more such cases )
  •   scope issues :  block scope varaibles avaible even after the block ends
  •   "this"  points to different things based on different executioin flows/situations 

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Regarding CPU bound tasks, yes, they will block the thread and the entire process due to Node being single threaded. Usually, this is made up by spawning 'n' number of process across the available threads/cores using a tool like pm2 (in essence, scale horizontally)

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