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Creating the dependency between Custom Picklist and Global Picklist using the MetadataService in Apex Salesforce
public static void createPicklistDependencyWithGlobalPicklist() {
// Creating each controlling value and the dependent value - STARTS
MetadataService.valueSettings controllingAndDependentValueSetting = new MetadataService.valueSettings();
controllingAndDependentValueSetting.controllingFieldValue = new List<String>{
controllingAndDependentValueSetting.valueName = 'test1';
List<MetadataService.valueSettings> controllingAndDependentValueSettings = new List<MetadataService.valueSettings>{
// Creating each controlling value and the dependent value - ENDS
// Valuset definition - STARTS
// pick list value
metadataservice.CustomValue firstPicklistValue = new metadataservice.CustomValue();
firstPicklistValue.fullName = 'None';
firstPicklistValue.label = 'None';
firstPicklistValue.default_x = false;
MetadataService.ValueSetValuesDefinition valueSetDefinition = new MetadataService.ValueSetValuesDefinition();
valueSetDefinition.sorted = false;
valueSetDefinition.value = new List<metadataservice.CustomValue>{
// Valuset definition - ENDS
// Picklist ValueSet - STARTS
MetadataService.ValueSet picklistValueSet = new MetadataService.ValueSet();
picklistValueSet.valueSetName = 'Remove'; // This is the global value set name
picklistValueSet.valueSettings = controllingAndDependentValueSettings;
picklistValueSet.controllingField = 'Remove_Picklist__c'; // Controlling Field including the object api name (for the global picklist this should not be there)
picklistValueSet.restricted = true;
// picklistValueSet.valueSetDefinition = valueSetDefinition; // This should not be added for the global picklst
// Picklist ValueSet - ENDS
// Custom Field - STARTS
MetadataService.CustomField customField = new MetadataService.CustomField();
customField.fullName = 'Account.Global_Remove_Picklist__c'; // Dependent Field including the object name
customField.type_x = 'Picklist';
customField.label = 'Global Remove Picklist';
customField.valueSet = picklistValueSet;
// Custom Field - ENDS
// Deploying Custom Field - STARTS
MetadataService.MetadataPort service = createService();
List<MetadataService.SaveResult> saveResult = new List<MetadataService.SaveResult> {
new MetadataService.Metadata[] { customField }
// Update Custom Field
// Deploying Custom Field - ENDS
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