Built with blockbuilder.org
forked from srinivashavanur's block: Visual Implementation 10
forked from anonymous's block: Visual Implementation 10
Built with blockbuilder.org
forked from srinivashavanur's block: Visual Implementation 10
forked from anonymous's block: Visual Implementation 10
Name: Srinivas Havanur
Assignment: CS 725 - VI10 submission
Course: Information Visualization
Semester: Spring 2016
Built with blockbuilder.org
Name: Srinivas Havanur
Assignment: CS 725 - VI7 submission
Course: Information Visualization
Semester: Spring 2016
Built with blockbuilder.org
Built with blockbuilder.org
Problem Statement
Use D3, Tableau, R, or Excel to demonstrate one of the following rules of thumb:
no unjustified 3D: perspective distortion
no unjustified 3D: occlusion hides information
no unjustified 2D
Problem Statement:
Part 1 - d3
Use d3 to create charts that demonstrate the following channel types and channels:
magnitude as position on a common scale magnitude as area identity as color hue identity as spatial region
Problem Statement:
Generate a scatter plot and animated transition of an object using D3. Make sure to separate these graphs using the div tag to show complete visualization in blockbuilder.org
Name: Srinivas Havanur
Assignment: CS 725 - VI3 submission
Course: Information Visualization
Problem Statement:
Work with the 2014 college football dataset from http://www.cs.odu.edu/~mweigle/courses/cs725-s16/passing-stats-2014.csv (original location is http://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/years/2014-passing.html). This is the same data used to create the scatterplot in the d3 example at http://bl.ocks.org/weiglemc/bdc0474429e6567bc320
Part 1 - Tableau
Use Tableau to create the following graphs:
Bar chart of passing yards per player (best displayed as a horizontal bar chart), with conference mapped to color scatterplot of 2 interesting variables, with conference mapped to color
Problem statement:
D3 - Work through Scott Murray's D3 tutorial from the beginning through "The power of data()". The goal is to produce a visualization similar to http://alignedleft.com/content/03-tutorials/01-d3/90-the-power-of-data/5.html. Use BlockBuilder to produce a block for this.
R - Use R to generate a bar chart similar to the D3 one above. You do not have to randomize your data, just graph a set of values that are generated in by your D3 example.
Name: Srinivas Havanur