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Created June 16, 2022 03:34
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Datadog Route Middleware in Python for FastAPI
from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Optional, Union
from ddtrace import tracer
from fastapi import Request, Response
from starlette.routing import Match, Scope
from constants.datadog import DatadogOperation, DatadogSpanType
class RouteTraceMiddleware:
async def handle(
self, request: Request, call_next: Callable[[Request], Awaitable[Response]]
) -> Response:
method = request.scope.get("method")
resource = self.__get_route_resource(scope=request.scope)
if method:
resource = f"{method} {resource}"
span = tracer.trace(
if method:
span.set_tag("http.method", method)
url = self.__get_url_from_scope(scope=request.scope)
if url is not None:
span.set_tag("http.url", url)
query_string = self.__get_query_string_from_scope(scope=request.scope)
if query_string is not None:
span.set_tag("http.query.string", query_string)
version_tags = self.__extract_versions_from_scope(request.scope)
headers = self.__extract_headers_from_scope(scope=request.scope)
response = await call_next(request)
span.set_tag("http.status_code", response.status_code)
return response
def __get_route_resource(scope: Scope) -> Optional[str]:
path = None
routes = scope["app"].routes
for route in routes:
match, _ = route.matches(scope)
if match == Match.FULL:
path = route.path
elif match == Match.PARTIAL and path is None:
path = route.path
return path
def __get_url_from_scope(scope: Scope) -> Optional[str]:
url = None
server = scope.get("server")
if server and len(server) == 2:
port = server[1]
server_host = server[0] + (
":" + str(port) if port is not None and port != 80 else ""
full_path = scope.get("root_path", "") + scope.get("path", "")
url = scope.get("scheme", "http") + "://" + server_host + full_path
return url
def __get_query_string_from_scope(scope: Scope) -> Optional[str]:
qs = scope.get("query_string")
if qs and len(qs) > 0:
query_string = qs.decode() if isinstance(qs, bytes) else qs
query_string = None
return query_string
def __extract_versions_from_scope(scope: Scope) -> Dict[Union[str, bytes], str]:
tags: Dict[Union[str, bytes], str] = {}
http_version = scope.get("http_version")
if http_version:
tags["http.version"] = http_version
scope_asgi = scope.get("asgi")
if scope_asgi and "version" in scope_asgi:
tags["asgi.version"] = scope_asgi["version"]
if scope_asgi and "spec_version" in scope_asgi:
tags["asgi.spec_version"] = scope_asgi["spec_version"]
return tags
def __extract_headers_from_scope(scope: Scope) -> Dict[Union[str, bytes], str]:
headers = scope.get("headers")
if headers:
# headers: (Iterable[[byte string, byte string]])
return dict(
f"http.headers.{k.decode() if isinstance(k, bytes) else k}",
v.decode() if isinstance(v, bytes) else v,
for (k, v) in headers
return {}
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