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Created December 20, 2010 23:03
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The Race - 232 Euler Project
@game = {}
@p1_success_probability = 1.to_f / 2
@p1_failure_probability = 1 - @p1_success_probability
def game(p1_points_to_win,p2_points_to_win)
return @game[[p1_points_to_win,p2_points_to_win]] if @game[[p1_points_to_win,p2_points_to_win]]
return 1 if p2_points_to_win <= 0
return 0 if p2_points_to_win > 0 and p1_points_to_win <= 0
strategies = [2]
while strategies.last < 2*p2_points_to_win
strategies << strategies.last * 2
probabilities = strategies.collect do |t|
p2_success_probability = 1.to_f / t
p2_failure_probability = 1 - p2_success_probability
p2_win_value = t / 2
p1_upperhand = @p1_success_probability * (p2_success_probability * game( p1_points_to_win-1, p2_points_to_win - p2_win_value ) + p2_failure_probability * game( p1_points_to_win-1, p2_points_to_win ))
p2_upplerhand = @p1_failure_probability * p2_success_probability * game( p1_points_to_win, p2_points_to_win - p2_win_value )
failure_factor = ( 1 - @p1_failure_probability * p2_failure_probability )
(p1_upperhand + p2_upplerhand) / failure_factor
@game[[p1_points_to_win,p2_points_to_win]] = probabilities.max
printf("%.8f", 0.5 * game(100,100) + 0.5 * game(99,100)) # => 0.83648556
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