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Last active November 2, 2017 16:49
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React Redux Unit Testing with Jest part 1: Action Creators
// @flow
// Actions for setting DOM properties
import { SET_H1, SET_TITLE } from './types';
type DomActionType = {
type: string,
payload: string
//Action for setting H1 element
export const setH1 = (text: string): DomActionType => {
return { type: SET_H1, payload: text };
//Action for setting title
export const setTitle = (text: string): DomActionType => {
return { type: SET_TITLE, payload: text };
import { setH1, setTitle } from './dom_actions';
//test suite for dom actions
describe('dom_actions', () => {
//test suite for setH1 action creator
describe('setH1', () => {
//checking for its type
it('should have type of "SET_H1"', () => {
//checking for parameter passing as payload
it('should pass on to payload as we pass in params', () => {
let text = 'some random string';
//test suite for setTitle action creator
describe('setTitle', () => {
//checking fro its type
it('should have type "SET_TITLE"', () => {
//checking for parameter passing as payload
it('should pass on to payload as we pass in params', () => {
let text = 'some random string';
// @flow
import type {
} from '../flow-types/actions';
import 'whatwg-fetch';
export default (
url: string,
body: Object | null = null,
request: (() => ActionType) | null = null,
receive: ((Payload: any) => ActionType) | null = null,
error: ((Payload: string) => ActionType) | null = null,
pre: ((State: Object) => boolean) | null = null
): ActionAsyncType => {
// TODO: Does this return Promise<ActionType>?
return (
dispatch: DispatchType,
getState: () => Object
): Promise<ActionType | void> => {
// If we have a pre-condition to fetching, check it.
// kind of cache,
if (pre) {
if (!pre(getState())) {
return Promise.resolve();
// Action: Requesting data.
if (request) {
// Fetch
let f = fetch(
Object.assign({}, body)
).then((response: Object): Object => response.json());
// Action: Receiving data.
if (receive) {
// Fix: Flow erroneously believes `receive` to potentially be null at this point.
const r = receive;
f = f.then((data: Object): ActionType => dispatch(r(data)));
// Action: Error receiving data.
if (error) {
// Fix: Flow erroneously believes `error` to potentially be null at this point.
const r = error;
f = f.catch((e: string): ActionType => dispatch(r(e.toString())));
return f;
// @flow
import type {
} from "../../flow-types/actions";
import type { StateSurveysType } from "../../flow-types/redux";
//we created seperate function to make the fetch fetch calls depending on the requests
import asyncActionCreator from "../async-action-creator";
export const requestSurveyList = (): ActionNoPayloadType => {
return { type: "REQUEST_SURVEY_LIST" };
export const receiveSurveyList = (payload: Object): ActionPayloadObjectType => {
return { type: "RECEIVE_SURVEY_LIST", payload: payload };
export const surveyListError = (payload: string): ActionPayloadStringType => {
return { type: "SURVEY_LIST_ERROR", payload: payload };
export const fetchSurveyList = (): ActionAsyncType => {
return asyncActionCreator(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
(state: StateSurveysType): boolean => {
return !state.surveys.surveyList.length;
import configureMockStore from "redux-mock-store";
import thunk from "redux-thunk";
import { fetchSurveyList } from "../surveys/list";
//test suite for surveys/list actions
describe("survey-list", () => {
let middlewares, mockStore, mockResponse, store;
beforeEach(() => {
//since we are using thunk as middleware, so load it
middlewares = [thunk];
//mockStore mocks the store behaviour
mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares);
//instead calling api we will be calling mocks to get the response
//generic mock response function will be as below
mockResponse = (status, statusText, response) => {
return new window.Response(response, {
status: status,
statusText: statusText,
headers: {
"Content-type": "application/json"
//when the action creator call the api and gets a success response with no cache
it("calls request with no cache and fetch response was successful", () => {
//creating fake fetch with success response
global.fetch = jest
.mockImplementation(() =>
mockResponse(200, null, '{"ids":{"provider":' + "123" + "}}")
//setting the cache condition to false by making empty
store = mockStore({
surveys: {
surveyList: []
//trigger the action
return store.dispatch(fetchSurveyList()).then(() => {
//all the consequent actions will be available at .getActions()
const expectedActions = store.getActions();
//sice it has request action and request sucess, so length will be 2
// last action should be success action, since we not calling other actions
expect(expectedActions[length + 1].type).toBe("RECEIVE_SURVEY_LIST");
//call the action and response is failure with nocache
it("calls request with no cache and fetch response was error", () => {
//creating fake fetch with error response
global.fetch = jest
.mockImplementation(() =>
mockResponse(500, null, '{"ids":{"provider":' + "123" + "}}")
//setting the cache condition to false by making empty
store = mockStore({
surveys: {
surveyList: []
//trigger the action
return store.dispatch(fetchSurveyList()).then(() => {
//all the consequent actions will be available at .getActions()
const expectedActions = store.getActions();
//sice it has request action and request error, so length will be 2
// last action should be error action, since we not calling other actions
expect(expectedActions[length + 1].type).toBe("SURVEY_LIST_ERROR");
//when trying to call the api with a cache
it("calls request with cache and fetch response was success", () => {
//creating fake fetch with success response
global.fetch = jest
.mockImplementation(() =>
mockResponse(500, null, '{"ids":{"provider":' + "123" + "}}")
// setting some random cache for making cache condition to be true
store = mockStore({
surveys: {
surveyList: ["some", "random", "values"]
//trigger the action
return store.dispatch(fetchSurveyList()).then(() => {
//all the consequent actions will be available at .getActions()
const expectedActions = store.getActions();
//because of cache, no actions will be called, it will be 0

React Redux Unit Testing: Part 1

Example for Action Creators using jest

Thanks to Max Stoiber for his blog on regular actions

Thanks to Ferran Negre for his blog on async actions

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