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React Redux Unit Tests: Full App

Unit Tests Guide

Unit tests for react-redux using Jest, Enzyme.

In-depth explanations for synchronus action creators, reducers and asynchronus action creators

Note : I think .md file doesnt support JSX syntaxs and rendering rest of js code wierdly, so i used open and close tags for the JSX elements. In real code we used single tag syntax.


Action Creator

A redux action creator generally tested for 2 cases:

  • type
  • payload
// Action.js

Action for setting H1 element
export const setH1 = text => {
  return { type: "SET_H1", payload: text };

Simple way (unit tests for one action file)

// Action.spec.js

import { setH1 } from "./Action.js";

test suite for setH1 action creator
describe("setH1", () => {
  * checking for its type
  it('should have type of "SET_H1"', () => {
  * checking for parameter passing as payload
  it("should pass on to payload as we pass in params", () => {
    let text = { text: "text" };

Generic way (can add all action's tests in 1 file)

// Action.spec.js

import * as acts from "./Action";
 * @param actionCreator: action creator that needs to be tested
 * @param type: type of action from action creator
 * @param payload: payload of action from action creator
 * @param ...prarams: any params that need to be passed to action creator
const testActionCreator = (actionCreator, type, payload, ...params) => {
  describe(, () => {
    const a = actionCreator(...params);
    it("type", () => {
    it("payload", () => {
      if (typeof a.payload !== "undefined") {

 * test suite for all the action creators (synchronus)
describe("Action Creators", () => {
  const sampleText = { text: "text" };
   * test suite for setH1 action creators
  testActionCreator(acts.setH1, "SET_H1", sampleText, sampleText);
   * rest of the action creators test cases follw the same

Asynchronus Action Creator

An asynchronus action creator tested for 2 cases

  • On promise success
  • On promise failure
// Async-action-creator.js

* generic function that creates async action creators

import "whatwg-fetch";

export default (url, body, request, receive, error, cont) => {
  const receiveCallback = receive;
  const errorCallback = error;

  return (dispatch, getState) => {
   * If we have a pre-condition to fetching, 
   * check if we should continue.
    if (cont) {
      if (!cont(getState())) {
        return Promise.resolve();

   * Action: Requesting data..
    if (request) {

   * Fetch
    let f = fetch(url, Object.assign({}, body)).then(response =>

   * Action: Receiving data.
    if (receiveCallback !== null) {
      f = f.then(data => {
        dispatch(receiveCallback(data ? data : {}));

   * Action: Error receiving data.
    if (errorCallback) {
      f = f.catch(e => {
    return f;
// Action.js

import asyncActionCreator from "./Async-action-creator";

* action creator for request type
export const requestSurveyList = () => {
  return { type: "REQUEST_SURVEY_LIST" };

* action creator for success receive type
export const receiveSurveyList = payload => {
  return { type: "RECEIVE_SURVEY_LIST", payload: payload };

* action creator for receive error type
export const surveyListError = error => {
  return { type: "SURVEY_LIST_ERROR", payload: error };

export const fetchSurveyList = () => {
  return asyncActionCreator(
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
    state => {
      return (
        !!state.surveys &&
        typeof state.surveys === "object" &&
        !!state.surveys.list &&
        typeof state.surveys.list === "object" &&
        !state.surveys.list.length &&

import configureMockStore from "redux-mock-store";
import thunk from "redux-thunk";

 * Mocks a valid HTTP response to an Ajax request.
 * @param {any} status 
 * @param {any} statusText 
 * @param {any} response 
 * @returns 
export const mockResponse = (status, statusText, response) => {
  return new window.Response(response, {
    status: status,
    statusText: statusText,
    headers: {
      "Content-type": "application/json"

 * Produces a fake fetch request, then performs tests on the Asynchronous Action.
 * @param {Function} asyncAction
 * @param {Object} store 
 * @param {Array<string>} actionTypes
 * @param {any} fetch 
 * @returns 
export const testFetch = (asyncAction, store, actionTypes, mockFetch) => {
  const globalFetch = global.fetch;
  global.fetch = mockFetch;

  * Dispatch the asyncAction, then...
  store = configureMockStore([thunk])(store);
  return store.dispatch(asyncAction).then(() => {
    * Count the generated Actions.
    const actions = store.getActions();

    * Compare each Action type with the expected results.
    for (let x = 0; x < actions.length; x++) {
    global.fetch = globalFetch;

 * Test a dispatched asynchronous action creator against an error response.
 * @param {Function} asyncAction 
 * @param {Object} store 
 * @param {Array<string>} actionTypes 
 * @param {string} [response='{ one: "two" }'] 
 * @returns 
export const testError = (
  actionTypes = [],
  response = '{"one":"two"}'
) => {
  return testFetch(asyncAction, store, actionTypes, () =>
    Promise.reject(mockResponse(500, null, response))

 * Test a dispatched asynchronous action creator against a success response.
 * @param {Function} asyncAction 
 * @param {Object} store 
 * @param {Array<string>} actionTypes 
 * @param {string} [response='{ one: "two" }'] 
 * @returns 
export const testSuccess = (
  actionTypes = [],
  response = '{"one":"two"}'
) => {
  return testFetch(asyncAction, store, actionTypes, () =>
    Promise.resolve(mockResponse(200, null, response))

import { fetchSurveyList } from "./Action";
import { testError, testSuccess } from "./Async-test";

 * initial state taken from its reducer
  data: {},
  list: [],
  listError: null,
  listLoading: false

describe("Async Action: SURVEY_LIST", () => {
  *Test Success and Error
  it("should dispatch the Receive Action on success", () =>
    testSuccess(fetchSurveyList(), { surveys: INITIAL_SURVEYS_STATE }, [
  it("should dispatch the Error Action on error", () =>
    testError(fetchSurveyList(), { surveys: INITIAL_SURVEYS_STATE }, [

  * Test Pre-Condition
  it("should not dispatch when cached", () =>
    testError(fetchSurveyList(), {
      surveys: { ...INITIAL_SURVEYS_STATE, list: [1] }
  it("should not dispatch when loading", () =>
    testError(fetchSurveyList(), {
      surveys: { ...INITIAL_SURVEYS_STATE, listLoading: true }


We need to test all the cases the reducer returns

// Reducer.js

 * always heve a default state oresle reducers 
 * return undefined, which is a pain to decode
  h1: "",
  title: ""

 * dont  mutate the state. create new state and return it.. 
 * rule of reducer
export default function Dom_Reducer(state = INITIAL_STATE, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case "SET_H1":
       * change H1
      return { ...state, h1: action.payload };
    case "SET_TITLE":
       * change title
      return { ...state, title: action.payload };
      return state;
// Reducer.spec.js

import Dom_Reducer from "./Reducer";

   * test suite fro dom reducer
describe("dom_reduecer", () => {
     * checking for case: default
  it("case: default", () => {
    expect(Dom_Reducer(undefined, {})).toEqual({ h1: "", title: "" });
     * checking for case: SET_H1
  it("case: SET_H1", () => {
    let h1 = "some random header";
    expect(Dom_Reducer(undefined, { type: "SET_H1", payload: h1 })).toEqual({
      h1: h1,
      title: ""
     * checking for case: SET_TITLE
  it("case: SET_TITLE", () => {
    let title = "some random title";
      Dom_Reducer(undefined, { type: "SET_TITLE", payload: title })
    ).toEqual({ h1: "", title: title });


There are lot of ways testing a component. Below tests are few examples on testing a component.


Ways of importing a component

  • As function for statetless components and statefull components.
  • As prop for containers with redux states.
// Component1.js

*stateless component

const component1 = (props) => (
  *some jsx

export default component1;
// Component2.js

import React from 'react';
*stateful component

class component2 extends React.Component {
  render() {
    * some jsx

export default component2;
// Component3.js

import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';

*need to add export before class,
*so that we can import only component part
  export class component3 extends React.Component {
    render() {
      * some jsx
export default connet()(component3);
// Component.spec.js

import component1 from './Component1';
import component2 from './Component2';
import { Component3 } from './Component3';

* test cases goes here



// Component.js

import React from 'react';

const component = (props) => (
  * some jsx

export default component;

Note : Dont forget to pass mock props to the component.

// Component.spec.js

import React from 'react';
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';

import component from './Component.js';

* this example component doesnt have any props passed to it.
* if a component need props, we need to mock them or atleast define them
* and pass as props to the component. if we sont dont pass the props
* jest will throw errors saying 'not defined' or 'undefined'

* example on how to pass props for this component
* let props = {
*     testString: "test",
*     testMethod: ()=> {},
*     testObject: {},
*     testNumber: 1  
* };
* it('renders correctly', () => {
*    let snapshot = renderer.create(<component {...props}/>).toJSON();
*    expect(snapshot).toMatchSnapshot();
*  });
describe('<component />', () => {
  //test spec for comparing with existing snapshot or create one
  it('renders correctly', () => {
    let snapshot = renderer.create(<component></component>).toJSON();



// Component.js

import React from "react";

const SearchComponent = props => {
  return (
        onChange={e => props.onChange(}
        placeholder={props.placeholder || "Search"}

export default SearchComponent;
// Component.spec.js

import React from "react";
 * Shallow rendering is useful to constrain yourself to testing a 
 * component as a unit, and to ensure that your tests aren't 
 * indirectly asserting on behavior of child components.
import { shallow } from "enzyme";

import SearchComponent from "./Component";

describe("<SearchComponent />", () => {
   * we generally create / compare a snapshot here

  it("input value change", () => {
     * creating a mock function
    const myMock = jest.fn();
     * passing this mock function to the component as props
     * here onChange is a prop for the component
    const wrapper = shallow(<SearchComponent onChange={myMock} ></SearchComponent>);

     * simulate a change event so that onChange on input triggers
     * and myMock will be called.
     * will see about 'simulate' later

    * after simulate, onchange triggers and 
    * myMock will be called once

     * we can also test on what params it was called.
     * will do it later



// Component.js

import React from "react";

const SearchComponent = props => {
  return (
        onChange={e => props.onChange(}
        placeholder={props.placeholder || "Search"}

export default SearchComponent;
// Component.spec.js

import React from "react";
 * Shallow rendering is useful to constrain yourself to testing a 
 * component as a unit, and to ensure that your tests aren't 
 * indirectly asserting on behavior of child components.
import { shallow } from "enzyme";

import SearchComponent from "./Component";

describe("<SearchComponent />", () => {
   * we generally create / compare a snapshot here

  it("input value change", () => {
     * creating a mock function
    const myMock = jest.fn();
     * passing this mock function to the component as props
     * here onChange is a prop for the component
    const wrapper = shallow(<SearchComponent onChange={myMock}></SearchComponent>);

     * initially myMock is not called

     * simulate the change event on input and pass the value 
     * to it
    wrapper.find("input").simulate("change", {
      target: { value: "test" }

    * after simulate, onchange triggers and 
    * myMock will be called once

     * we simulated the change event with value = 'test'
     * so the mock function will be called with 'test' param


// Component.js

import React from "react";

class LoginComponent extends React.Component {
  onFormSubmit(event) {
    console.log("onFormSubmit is called");
  render() {
    return (
        <form onSubmit={this.onFormSubmit.bind(this)}>
export default LoginComponent;
// Component.spec.js

import React from "react";
 * Shallow rendering is useful to constrain yourself to testing a 
 * component as a unit, and to ensure that your tests aren't 
 * indirectly asserting on behavior of child components.
import { shallow } from "enzyme";

import LoginComponent from "./Component";

describe("<LoginComponent />", () => {
   * we generally create / compare a snapshot here

  it("form submit", () => {
     * create a spy on onFormSubmit method
    const onFormSubmitSpy = jest.spyOn(

    let wrapper = shallow(<LoginComponent></LoginComponent>);

     * simulate form submit, so that onFormSubmit will invoke

     * check whether onFormSubmit invokde or not with spy.



// Component.js

import React from "react";

class LoginComponent extends React.Component {
  onUserKeyPress(event) {
     * If the first character is numeric or 
     * the character is non-alphanumeric, prevent it.
    if (
      ( === 0 && event.key.match(/\d/)) ||
    ) {
      return false;
    return true;
  render() {
    return (
export default LoginComponent;
// Component.spec.js

import React from "react";
 * Shallow rendering is useful to constrain yourself to testing a 
 * component as a unit, and to ensure that your tests aren't 
 * indirectly asserting on behavior of child components.
import { shallow } from "enzyme";

import LoginComponent from "./Component";

describe("<LoginComponent />", () => {
   * we generally create / compare a snapshot here
  it("doesnt accept numbers as first char", () => {
    const wrapper = shallow(<LoginComponent></LoginComponent>);
        target: { value: "" },
        key: "1",
        preventDefault: () => {}

Child Parent Callbacks

In depth explanation

// partent.js

class Parent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <Child childCallbackProp ={ x => {this.props.parentCallbackProp(x)}}>

export default Parent
// parent.spec.js

import { shallow } from "enzyme";
import Parent from "./parent.js";

describe("Parent Component", ()=> {
  it("testing child-parent callback", ()=> {
    const parentCallbackProp_mock = jest.fn();
    const prop = {/*All the props the parent depends on*/};
    const wrapper = shallow(<Parent {...prop} parentCallbackProp= {parentCallbackProp_mock}/>);
    wrapper.find('Child').prop('childCallbackProp')({x: 1, y:2});
    expect(parentCallbackProp_mock.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual({x: 1, y:2});

Mocking Functions

import that function
		import { uuid } from '../uuid';
	mock the file
	mock the return values. in this example it has to responsd with 2 unique ids
		(uuid as any).mockReturnValueOnce(10)


  • All the props used in the component should be either mocked or defined.
  • Mock or Spy the functions before shallow or full Dom Rendering (mount) .
  • We used mocks for tracking redux actions, Spies for component methods tracking.
  • Be careful when .instance() and .simulate() in same test spec.
  • To test component lifecycle hooks use mount instead shallow. shallow allows few lifecycles in latest version.
  • Some times we get errors beacuse 3rd party library components. In this case mock that library in that test file
    • like jest.mock("library-name")
  • when using renderer for snapshot testing,
    • component has <Link> which requires <Router> as dependency so i wrapped the component in <Router>
    • <Router> needs "history" prop. Imported createHistory from "history/createBrowserHistory" and used for history
  • if spying on class methods reset and restore them before each test case,
    • if not reset, calls get satcked.
    • if not restored, it messed with instance method invokings.
  • If you want to test refs you have to mount.
  • Spying on instance methods needs forceUpdate(). More info
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